MASSIVE explosion in Beirut levels entire city blocks

That was NOT fireworks ! Or at least no fireworks I've ever seen. The explosion was too unified.
Looked more like a suitcase nuke.
That had to be at least 1 - 3 KT

But the red is odd. Only thing that makes me think otherwise.

it's REALLY hard to get enough common explosives in one place to cause THAT kind of explosion.
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gonna wait for the details but seems we had something already blown up and then WHAM - the person filming it got a lot more than they bargained for.
According to the BBC there may have been two explosions and could be linked to the trial of members of Hezbollah charged in the assassination of the prime minister:

"A UN tribunal is due to issue its verdict in the trial of four suspects in the murder by car bomb of Hariri."
"The possible second explosion was reported to be at the Hariri residence in the city."

I've seen the damage live on youtube, I am not expert so I ask, can foreworks melt and bend steel beams? That's what I'm seeing with this live video of what is left of what used to be some buildings (not high rises necessarily) that were standing just an hour ago.

I'm also wondering, wouldn't there be multiple explosions at different intensities rather than one massive explosion all at once?
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According to the BBC there may have been two explosions and could be linked to the trial of members of Hezbollah charged in the assassination of the prime minister:

"A UN tribunal is due to issue its verdict in the trial of four suspects in the murder by car bomb of Hariri."
"The possible second explosion was reported to be at the Hariri residence in the city."

Accordeing to CNN, a fire in a fireworks warehouse. But CNN never gets anything right since they stopped doing news.
I've seen the damage live on youtube, I am not expert so I ask, can foreworks melt and bend steel beams? That's what I'm seeing with this live video of what is left of what used to be some buildings (not high rises necessarily) that were standing just an hour ago.

Every video I've ever seen of fireworks explosions is staggered.
Multiple explosions.

Did you see that bubble shockwave? That looks more like one unified large explosion.
An explosion of that size would take a massive amount of common explosives.
Who the hell has THAT much fireworks in one place.
Ok..."MAYBE".....if they had a massive explosive powder storage facility? you think that part of the world would have such a massive fireworks facility? They have trouble growing food.

Obviously if there is no radiation, it was not nuclear in origin. We'll know that very soon.
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So far the blame appears to be fireworks, fire crackers... I'll tell ya, it had to be one HELLOVA A LOT of fireworks to cause a blast like that.

I think it looks like two explosions. One smaller one followed by a massive intense one.

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