MASSIVE explosion in Beirut levels entire city blocks

From what I've read I'm guessing Hezbollah. They are even trending on twitter in Canada (not that I can reply, since the dirty pro-creepy Canadians at twitter have suspended my account).

Update: Though, it is possible that it was a massive fire, and it spread to something stored in large quantities isolated from the rest of the fireworks themselves. I guess time will time, the last, serious explosions seemed like the result of one contained explosion that's for certain.
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According to the BBC there may have been two explosions and could be linked to the trial of members of Hezbollah charged in the assassination of the prime minister:

"A UN tribunal is due to issue its verdict in the trial of four suspects in the murder by car bomb of Hariri."
"The possible second explosion was reported to be at the Hariri residence in the city."

Accordeing to CNN, a fire in a fireworks warehouse. But CNN never gets anything right since they stopped doing news.

Local news is confirming explosions in two different locations:

"It remains unclear what caused the explosions. At least one explosion took place near former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's Downtown Beirut residence, LBCI (Lebannon News) reported. Another local TV station, MTV, quoted a security source saying that the explosion took place at a storage facility at the Port of Beirut."

According to the BBC there may have been two explosions and could be linked to the trial of members of Hezbollah charged in the assassination of the prime minister:

"A UN tribunal is due to issue its verdict in the trial of four suspects in the murder by car bomb of Hariri."
"The possible second explosion was reported to be at the Hariri residence in the city."

Accordeing to CNN, a fire in a fireworks warehouse. But CNN never gets anything right since they stopped doing news.

Local news is confirming explosions in two different locations:

"It remains unclear what caused the explosions. At least one explosion took place near former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's Downtown Beirut residence, LBCI (Lebannon News) reported. Another local TV station, MTV, quoted a security source saying that the explosion took place at a storage facility at the Port of Beirut."


Anyone else notice how low key Israel has been lately? In terms of talk?
That's what rocket fuel looks like when it explodes.
We had a similar explosion decades ago just outside of Vegas at a rocket fuel plant in Henderson.
Just read a story on it. Officials are saying it was a boat carrying fireworks. Anyone who has been around fireworks knows it could be just that if they exploded.

Fireworks can be dangerous as hell. Sure hope that's what it was and not a rocket fired by terrorists.

Haven't dreadful people in our country been going around setting off fireworks all night?

And because the authorities do not dare offend anyone nowadays, there has been no attempt to punish those dreadful people.

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