Massive Grants Causes Global Warming

Cruz is the modern reincarnation of Tailgunner Joe McCarthy, and eventually will suffer the same fate. A really stupid demagogue with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. That is what endears him to our "Conservatives".l

And the idiot speaks again....history, and the release of documents by the failed soviet union have proven beyond any doubt that McCarthy was absolutely correct....and history will eventually prove that the skeptics are right. McCarthy has been vindicated whether you and your socialist cronies ever accept the truth or not....truth...after all...isn't your best thing.
Cruz is the modern reincarnation of Tailgunner Joe McCarthy, and eventually will suffer the same fate. A really stupid demagogue with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. That is what endears him to our "Conservatives".l

And the idiot speaks again....history, and the release of documents by the failed soviet union have proven beyond any doubt that McCarthy was absolutely correct....and history will eventually prove that the skeptics are right. McCarthy has been vindicated whether you and your socialist cronies ever accept the truth or not....truth...after all...isn't your best thing.

The AGWCult is truly a Cult, they are impervious to facts.


"Global Warming, warming global. Global, global"
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And the idiot speaks again....history, and the release of documents by the failed soviet union have proven beyond any doubt that McCarthy was absolutely correct....and history will eventually prove that the skeptics are right. McCarthy has been vindicated whether you and your socialist cronies ever accept the truth or not....truth...after all...isn't your best thing.
To SSDD: Thank you for your patience. I tired of Old Rocks in the first thread of mine he responded to. He represents the epitome of message board liberals who combine lies, stupidity, and blind moral certainty in every reply. This Youtube will not make a dent in his genetic ignorance, but a few others might get something from it:

And the idiot speaks again....history, and the release of documents by the failed soviet union have proven beyond any doubt that McCarthy was absolutely correct....and history will eventually prove that the skeptics are right. McCarthy has been vindicated whether you and your socialist cronies ever accept the truth or not....truth...after all...isn't your best thing.
To SSDD: Thank you for your patience. I tired of Old Rocks in the first thread of mine he responded to. He represents the epitome of message board liberals who combine lies, stupidity, and blind moral certainty in every reply. This Youtube will not make a dent in his genetic ignorance, but a few others might get something from it:

The truth is out need only not be a mind numbed cult member in order to find it.
Follow the money.
The big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount.

You should check on that a bit....governemnt and activist money outstrips money from energy companies by just about 1000 to 1....and do you think government money is as pure as the wind driven snow?

Here is a graph showing US government expenditures alone on climate science in 2009 approaching 2 billion per year...and the number has climbed since then.

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Follow the money.
The big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount.

You should check on that a bit....governemnt and activist money outstrips money from energy companies by just about 1000 to 1....and do you think government money is as pure as the wind driven snow?

I ask the same of you. Can you prove it?
Follow the money.
The big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount.
Ok. Prove it. It should be easy. Right?
Prove what, that energy companies throw around more money than all climate grants combined? No problem.

ALEC Conference Funding Dominated by Big Polluters

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine

"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they're doing it wrong

Meet The Climate Denial Machine

This is just PAGE 1 of a Google search!
Follow the money.
The big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount.

You should check on that a bit....governemnt and activist money outstrips money from energy companies by just about 1000 to 1....and do you think government money is as pure as the wind driven snow?

I ask the same of you. Can you prove it?

You don't expect anything like proof from a warmer do you? They just hurl crap and figure that if even one person believes it then that's a plus....
You should check on that a bit....government and activist money outstrips money from energy companies by just about 1000 to 1....and do you think government money is as pure as the wind driven snow? Here is a graph showing US government expenditures alone on climate science in 2009 approaching 2 billion per year...and the number has climbed since then.


I don't see anything on that graph indicating how much energy companies are spending on fighting AGW.
Follow the money.
The big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount.
Ok. Prove it. It should be easy. Right?
Prove what, that energy companies throw around more money than all climate grants combined? No problem.

ALEC Conference Funding Dominated by Big Polluters

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine

"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they're doing it wrong

Meet The Climate Denial Machine

This is just PAGE 1 of a Google search!

Looks like climate science is getting plenty of money from those evil companies as well....more, in fact, than the skeptics....does this mean that climate science is demonstrably more corrupt than the skeptical side?

Climate Institute – Found 1 October 2013
[Washington, DC]
American Gas Foundation, BP, PG&E Corporation [gas & electricity], Shell
Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation
Source:About the Climate Institute


Center for Climate and Energy Solutions – Found 1 October 2013
[Arlington, VA]
Strategic Partners: Entergy, Shell
Major Contributors: Duke Energy, Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Source:Strategic Partners & Major Contributors | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions


Green Energy Futures – Found 1 October 2013
“Green Energy Futures is a project and a journey that seeks to share the stories of green energy pioneers who are doing incredible things just below the radar of the conventional media.” Gold Sponsors: TD, Shell
Source:52. Sun Country Highway


World Resouces Institutue – Found 1 October 2013
2012 DONOR LISTINGS (Sept.1, 2012–May 1, 2013)

Climate | World Resources Institute


America’s WETLAND Foundation – Found 1 October 2013
“The America’s WETLAND Foundation is supported by a variety of organizations, foundations and corporations that want to elevate issues facing the Gulf Coast…We would like to especially thank our lead “World Sponsor,” Shell, for their early and generous support of the Foundation….”
Sustainability Sponsors: Chevron – ConocoPhillips Company [crude oil & natural gas]
National Sponsors: American Petroleum Institutue
Source:Sponsors | America's Wetland


Purdue Solar – April 15, 2013
Navitas Takes 1st at SEMA 2013

“Last week, Purdue Solar Racing took home first place in the Battery Electric division at the 2013 Shell Eco-marathon. The winning run reached an efficiency of 78.1 m/kWh (a miles per gallon equivalency of approximate 2,630MPGe)….”

Science Museum – Atmosphere – Found 1 October 2013
“We believe that working together with such a wide range of sectors is something that we’ll all need to be able to do in our climate-changing world.

The following organisations and individuals have helped to fund the atmosphere …exploring climate science gallery and the Climate Changing… programme: Principal Sponsors” Shell….
Source:- Science Museum


EcoLiving – Found 1 October 2013
“Your sustainable lifestyle begins here!”
2012 Sponsors:….Shell FuellingChange….


Climate Research Unit (CRU)
“From the late 1970s through to the collapse of oil prices in the late 1980s, CRU received a series of contracts from BP to provide data and advice….we would like to acknowledge the support of the following funders….British Petroleum,…Shell,…Sultanate of Oman…”


Exxon-Led Group Is Giving A Climate Grant to Stanford
Four big international companies, including the oil giant Exxon Mobil, said yesterday that they would give Stanford University $225 million over 10 years….In 2000, Ford and Exxon Mobil’s global rival, BP, gave $20 million to Princeton to start a similar climate and energy research program…”
Source: New York Times – 21 November 2002


Sierra Club
“TIME has learned that between 2007 and 2010 the Sierra Club accepted over $25 million in donations from the gas industry, mostly from Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Chesapeake Energy—one of the biggest gas drilling companies in the U.S. and a firm heavily involved in fracking…”
Source: Time – 2 February 2012


Nature Conservancy
“…The Conservancy also has given BP a seat on its International Leadership Council and has accepted nearly $10 million in cash and land contributions from BP and affiliated corporations over the years. “Oh, wow,” De Leon said when told of the depth of the relationship between the nonprofit group she loves and the company she hates. “That’s kind of disturbing.”……Conservation International has accepted $2 million in donations from BP over the years…”
Source: Washington Post – 25 May 2010


Delhi Sustainable Development Summit
In 2003 and 2004 Rajendra Pachauri’s annual Delhi Sustainable Development Summit was sponsored, among others, by the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. and the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. In 2005 Shell gave money and in 2006 and 2007 BP gave money. The Rockefeller Foundation gave donations in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.
Source: [See their About Us – Archives]


UC Berkeley’s Climate Action Partnership
“The Cal Climate Action Partnership (CalCAP) is a collaboration of faculty, administration, staff, and students working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at UC Berkeley….”

UC Berkeley – 1 February 2007
BP selects UC Berkeley to lead $500 million energy research consortium with partners Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of Illinois…”
Source: UK Berkely News

Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project
Financial Support – Berkeley Earth is now an independent non profit. Berkeley Earth received a total of $623,087 in financial support for the first phase of work,…..First Phase
…….Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (created by Bill Gates) ($100,000) Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation ($150,000)……”

Al Gore – 30 January 2013
“Al Gore brushes off critics of his sale of Current TV to oil-backed Al Jazeera by saying he ‘understands the criticism but disagrees with it'”
Source:Al Gore brushes off critics of his sale of Current TV to oil-backed Al Jazeera by saying he 'understands the criticism but disagrees with it'
You should check on that a bit....government and activist money outstrips money from energy companies by just about 1000 to 1....and do you think government money is as pure as the wind driven snow? Here is a graph showing US government expenditures alone on climate science in 2009 approaching 2 billion per year...and the number has climbed since then.


I don't see anything on that graph indicating how much energy companies are spending on fighting AGW.

There is no AGW....and the point is that warmers are funded to the tune of about `1000 to 1 better than skeptics....and yet, they can't make the argument against AGW go away because the truth simply won't disappear no matter how much money you throw at it.

By the way...look at the post just above this one to see how many of your beloved causes are being funded by evil oil....guess that makes them evil themselves as they are accepting "tainted" can point to a few million dollars being directed towards skeptics while tens and hundreds of billions are lining the pockets of warmist want to find corruption...simply follow the money and whoever has the most is, without fail, going to be the most corrupt.
Follow the money.
The big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount.
Ok. Prove it. It should be easy. Right?
Prove what, that energy companies throw around more money than all climate grants combined? No problem.

ALEC Conference Funding Dominated by Big Polluters

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine

"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they're doing it wrong

Meet The Climate Denial Machine

This is just PAGE 1 of a Google search!

Not one of those links supports your claim that

"the big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount"

Try again?

(of course you could just admit you pulled those numbers out of your ass...that would probably save us all a lot of time)
Not one of those links supports your claim that "the big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount"
Bullshit! Per usual, all your side has is denial. Your turn to prove your contention with cites.
Not one of those links supports your claim that "the big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount"
Bullshit! Per usual, all your side has is denial. Your turn to prove your contention with cites.

Never get tired of being wrong do you? The very idea that energy companies are throwing around anything like the sort of money governments do is absurd.
Not one of those links supports your claim that "the big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount"
Bullshit! Per usual, all your side has is denial. Your turn to prove your contention with cites.

Let's recap the story so far.

You made an assertion. I asked for proof. You posted 8 random links from a google search. I took the time to read all of the linked articles. None of the linked articles backed your assertion. Did your read them? Any of them?

Of course you didn't. That would require effort. Why bother with learning or researching anything when you can just be told what to think and what to believe? Just like you were told which avatar to use....... You're a good little lamb!!

Anyway, Why not be a good C-Fag and admit you made up the numbers and save us all a lot of time and soap?

It's not hard. You just admit you were wrong and we all move on. OK?

Follow the money.
The big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount.

You'd lose quickly on that one. First of all, I've seen funding from the Oil companies for COMPLETELY SANE and reasonable environmental studies for DECADES... In Fact -- I love it when a warmer tosses some GW science at me and it's sponsored by Shell or Exxon. THEY can't tell the difference. So how could you?

Let me remind you.. The PATRONS of science don't want lies. They only want science with blinders on. On BOTH sides. The government doesn't give a shit about mini ocean mollusks. UNLESS -- you can make a case that they ARE or WILL be suffering from man-made Global Warming. Likewise, they don't CARE about the fundamentals of Climate science (learning how the thermo systems of the Earth actually work) -- They only fund studies that will catastrophes that COULD, MIGHT, POSSIBLY be caused by man..

So the Oil Companies fund BOATLOADS of straight up species studies and valuable eco-systems work. But on GW -- they ARE LIKELY to fund the folks that the GOVT is not funding. Those studying NATURAL cycles of climate change, the Sun, Ocean thermal transfers and all the other "uninteresting" basic Climate science.

I've yet to see a funded paper from EITHER patron that are Lies or misrepresentations. (NOTE1) But they do what I used to do -- Make the patron happy with a nod to their cause in my Abstract or Conclusion.... EVEN IF ---- the solid work in my paper doesn't support those observations or conclusions.

Because MOST folks on the Scientific American level -- are not gonna read beyond the Abstract. And Political whackjobs are just gonna consume 4th hand "interpretations" of the work...

Edit -- NOTE1 --- The exceptions being 3 or 4 ACTIVIST GW scientists who HAVE falsely publicized and misrepresented their work. Because the CAUSE is more important.
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Just because some energy company or the Koch bros fund Cato (for example) doesn't mean that Cato is producing pure science. It's political doctrine and analysis.. And it really doesn't count to determining the scientific truths of the matter.. Doesn't matter anyway. Because organizations don't outright LIE -- they spin.

And since the 90s -- MOST public perception has been "spun" one way or t'other..
Senator Cruz debunked global warming in six words “. . . scientists who are receiving massive grants . . .”.

“The problem with that particular statistic, which gets cited a lot,” Cruz said, “is it’s based on one bogus study, and indeed your response…is quite striking. I asked about the science and the evidence, the actual data—we have satellites, they’re measuring temperature, that should be relevant—and your answer was ‘pay no attention to your lying eyes and the numbers that the satellites show; instead listen to the scientists who are receiving massive grants who tell us do not debate the science,” Cruz added.

Ted Cruz Destroys Sierra Club President’s Global Warming Claims in Senate Hearing
by Michael Patrick Leahy7 Oct 2015

Ted Cruz Destroys Sierra Club President’s Global Warming Claims in Senate Hearing - Breitbart

Parasites never debate anything except their self-defined Right to receive tax dollars. The most famous parasite clown of them all, Al Gore, refuses to debate his idiotic claims. I believe Gore is the guy who invented the phrase “settled science.” I have it on good authority that while Gore was standing in front of Front Knox he got the idea from Ali Baba’s password: Open Sesame:


Instead of wasting time debating every freeloader who testifies before Congress on their terms, the parasites should have to prove their constitutional Right to tax dollars. In the case of environmental leeches, witnesses would also have to prove why the scientists they represent should be “granted” permission to feed at the public trough. (Have you noticed that designer-scientists never testify?)

And can you imagine every parasite group trying to justify their tax dollar incomes based on the First Amendment. Since the frauds are saving the planet based on their personal moral code they should at least explain why these sixteen words excludes them:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .​

Just to be clear, environmental freakazoids are certainly free to practice their religion —— but not with tax dollars.

He's a dumbass. He should have said that they were receiving money over and over and over again. An extended extortion scam. They have been perpetrating this crime for many years.

To deny that is total ignorance.

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