Massive Grants Causes Global Warming

Senator Cruz debunked global warming in six words “. . . scientists who are receiving massive grants . . .”.

“The problem with that particular statistic, which gets cited a lot,” Cruz said, “is it’s based on one bogus study, and indeed your response…is quite striking. I asked about the science and the evidence, the actual data—we have satellites, they’re measuring temperature, that should be relevant—and your answer was ‘pay no attention to your lying eyes and the numbers that the satellites show; instead listen to the scientists who are receiving massive grants who tell us do not debate the science,” Cruz added.

Ted Cruz Destroys Sierra Club President’s Global Warming Claims in Senate Hearing
by Michael Patrick Leahy7 Oct 2015

Ted Cruz Destroys Sierra Club President’s Global Warming Claims in Senate Hearing - Breitbart

Parasites never debate anything except their self-defined Right to receive tax dollars. The most famous parasite clown of them all, Al Gore, refuses to debate his idiotic claims. I believe Gore is the guy who invented the phrase “settled science.” I have it on good authority that while Gore was standing in front of Front Knox he got the idea from Ali Baba’s password: Open Sesame:


Instead of wasting time debating every freeloader who testifies before Congress on their terms, the parasites should have to prove their constitutional Right to tax dollars. In the case of environmental leeches, witnesses would also have to prove why the scientists they represent should be “granted” permission to feed at the public trough. (Have you noticed that designer-scientists never testify?)

And can you imagine every parasite group trying to justify their tax dollar incomes based on the First Amendment. Since the frauds are saving the planet based on their personal moral code they should at least explain why these sixteen words excludes them:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .​

Just to be clear, environmental freakazoids are certainly free to practice their religion —— but not with tax dollars.

I almost felt sorry for the clown he was eviscerating.
“There’s an old lawyerly adage that ‘if you don’t have the law on your side, argue the facts. If you don’t have the facts on your side, pound the table,’” Sierra Club President Aaron Mair said in a video response to Cruz. “You did a very good job pounding the table this week.”​

The Sierra Club Responded To Getting Schooled By Ted Cruz On Global Warming, And They’re Still Wrong
Michael Bastasch
12:02 PM 10/09/2015

The Sierra Club Responded To Getting Schooled By Ted Cruz On Global Warming, And They’re Still Wrong
I almost felt sorry for the clown he was eviscerating.
To Toddsterpatriot: Here’s a lawyerly adage every criminal knows by heart. Keep your mouth shut —— especially when you are guilty. It’s called the Fifth Amendment. Mair just could not button his lip.
Follow the money.
The big money is on the side of the denialists. It's laughable to consider federal grants a corrupting influence, when the money thrown around by the energy companies is easily ten times that amount.
Ok. Prove it. It should be easy. Right?
Prove what, that energy companies throw around more money than all climate grants combined? No problem.

ALEC Conference Funding Dominated by Big Polluters

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine

"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they're doing it wrong

Meet The Climate Denial Machine

This is just PAGE 1 of a Google search!

konradv- I clicked a few of your links and they are laughable. let's take the Greenpeace info as true.

TOTAL 2001-2012 $1,322,980

100,000 bucks a year? when Harvard or the Smithsonian take close to half for themselves?

Ive seen Soon talk, english is his second or third language and it shows. he only gets an office to work out of if he brings in his own funding. he is in an astrophysics lab, is it any wonder that he thinks solar is the dominant factor in climate?

how about the Koch Bros? again from Greenpeace-

The Koch Brothers have sent at least $79,048,951 to groups denying climate change science since 1997.

4 or 5 million bucks a year? they gave money to Heartland, but it was specified to be spent on healthcare issues. wanna bet the Heartland money was lumped into 'Climate Denial'?

Shukla and his family draw a million bucks a year from public funding. for very, very little actual publication or research.

there are a handful of boogiemen supporting the skeptical side. on the warmers' side there are thousands upon thousands of scientists et al lapping up public funds at the trough. you guys complain that Willie Soon gets slave wages yet ignore the NAS for giving out over a half a million dollars to develop a video game to teach (biased?) facts about climate.

if I was a climate scientist, I would take the funding. and probably put the concensus view in the best possible light if it meant that I would get more funding in the future. they have wives and families to support too

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