Massive Militia rally in Virginia, this month! WOW

A little late. They should have rallied before Va. elected a democrat majority in both houses not to mention a nut case democrat governor. Something ain't right about the Va. republican leadership in Va.. It wouldn't surprise me if dirty tricks democrats bused in thugs to disrupt the rally like they did in Charlottesville.

Remember, the scumbag who organized the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville was a Soros/OWS thug deliberately staging a violent confrontation, with the full knowledge and cooperation of CNN.

Reports: Man Behind 'Unite The Right' Was Occupy Wall Street Member, Obama Supporter

The SINGLE Nazi Flag was brought and carried by OWS thugs.

Remember, Lenin had his Bolsheviks dress up like Republicans and ride down his own people protesting in 1917 to create the illusion that the Republicans were just like the Czar.

Subterfuge is a well honed weapon of the left.
CRC trumpanzee alternative facts. :71:

Occupy Wall Street was supported by those with sense.

Occupy Wall Street was 100% supported by the Soros foundation.

Wall street is a disgrace, any Globalist, or Capitalist can seek to destroy our nation, by supporting measures to disarm us & fill us with immigrants, divide & conquer us from within.
I live in Virginia. It is frightening to see that a massive rally of gangs of thugs in cammies is going to come to this beautiful state to start trouble. This scum should, and must be treated in the same manner as if they were members of the Crips or Bloods or MS 13. Just because they stupidly call themselves "militia" and yap about being "patriots," although they are the exact opposite, does not hide the fact that they are gangsters. They are not welcome.

I also live in Virginia, in one of the bluest zones. I think it's refreshing to see 95% of the Commonwealth tell Northam and his incoming band of morons to pound sand.

Under such circumstances, they are rendered powerless.

So you don't want the governor to act to protect us? Would you like to see these thugs in your neighborhood in NOVA? I'm so glad that we have Northam and not that bitch gillespie.
lol it's your state government that is threatening you.
Have you seen the overreach of the tyrants created in those bills? Have you forgotten your own state motto?
A few of the guys from the Carolina's will be heading up that way to protest I'll be one of them.
Wow...look at those people.

Hey..Someone should set up a diabetes exhibition during those marches. They can show case their new diabetes blood monitors, new medications, diet programs for people that definitely have need for this information because they appear to be diabetic or are pre-diabetic.
Just like the kind of ads we see on FOX. :71:
Your democrat propaganda media owns 90% of the information you listen to
And you worried about fox? lol
Keeping Virginia safe

View attachment 297817

The flag of our most diverse army ever, free blacks, Latino, Asians, Brazilians, Indians..
You left out KKK
Created by democrats, kkk today has evolved to people of color , Obama, John Lewis, sharpton, AOC.. they get paid to implement polices that hurt the black community. They call them selves antifia .
Alternative facts....brought to you by CRC trumpanzees.
Your media controls 90% of the information you listen to
A little late. They should have rallied before Va. elected a democrat majority in both houses not to mention a nut case democrat governor. Something ain't right about the Va. republican leadership in Va.. It wouldn't surprise me if dirty tricks democrats bused in thugs to disrupt the rally like they did in Charlottesville.
a black face democrat gov. don't forget his racist past.
Everyone has a right to protest if they disagree with policies...…..everyone....
View attachment 297828
Except REPUBLICAN Governor Reagan with the help of the NRA pushed the Mulford Act which eliminated Open Carry in California because of this: View attachment 297847
Anti Americans get no rights

If someone disagrees with you, they are not necessarily an "Anti-American".

And if they are an American citizen, they get all the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
A little late. They should have rallied before Va. elected a democrat majority in both houses not to mention a nut case democrat governor. Something ain't right about the Va. republican leadership in Va.. It wouldn't surprise me if dirty tricks democrats bused in thugs to disrupt the rally like they did in Charlottesville.

Remember, the scumbag who organized the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville was a Soros/OWS thug deliberately staging a violent confrontation, with the full knowledge and cooperation of CNN.

Reports: Man Behind 'Unite The Right' Was Occupy Wall Street Member, Obama Supporter

The SINGLE Nazi Flag was brought and carried by OWS thugs.

Remember, Lenin had his Bolsheviks dress up like Republicans and ride down his own people protesting in 1917 to create the illusion that the Republicans were just like the Czar.

Subterfuge is a well honed weapon of the left.
CRC trumpanzee alternative facts. :71:

Occupy Wall Street was supported by those with sense.

Occupy Wall Street was 100% supported by the Soros foundation.

Wall street is a disgrace, any Globalist, or Capitalist can seek to destroy our nation, by supporting measures to disarm us & fill us with immigrants, divide & conquer us from within.
Broke, motivationless, angry, moms cellar dweller.
I am not the compulsive liar in this dialogue.

As for Crepitus, all I saw him say was that the FBI will be out taking pictures. Which they likely will be.

They maintain files on thousands of people. There is no expectation of privacy at an open rally.
So we have no privacy? Interesting,, I normally don’t debate people with mental illness

You don't debate anyway. You make shit up and you lie.

Did I say you have no privacy? No, I did not.

I simply said there is no expectation of privacy at an open rally. And there is no expectation of privacy at an open rally, especially one held on public streets.
We aren’t allowed to protest with out government tracking us? Dude Soviet Union is over never coming back

The Soviet Union didn't have a tenth of the surveillance ability that many US states have now. There are cameras all over. If you thought you had privacy on city streets, I hate to tell you, but that ship has sailed. And protesting on city streets puts you in the public realm. Free to be photographed and video taped. But then, it puts you in the realm where you can photograph and video tape them too.
So dishonest,, sad

What, exactly, is dishonest about what I said? My post is 100% accurate. But please feel free to point out exactly what is dishonest about it.
Remember, the scumbag who organized the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville was a Soros/OWS thug deliberately staging a violent confrontation, with the full knowledge and cooperation of CNN.

Reports: Man Behind 'Unite The Right' Was Occupy Wall Street Member, Obama Supporter

The SINGLE Nazi Flag was brought and carried by OWS thugs.

Remember, Lenin had his Bolsheviks dress up like Republicans and ride down his own people protesting in 1917 to create the illusion that the Republicans were just like the Czar.

Subterfuge is a well honed weapon of the left.
CRC trumpanzee alternative facts. :71:

Occupy Wall Street was supported by those with sense.

Occupy Wall Street was 100% supported by the Soros foundation.

Wall street is a disgrace, any Globalist, or Capitalist can seek to destroy our nation, by supporting measures to disarm us & fill us with immigrants, divide & conquer us from within.
Broke, motivationless, angry, moms cellar dweller.

Dumb, degenerate, greedy, Capitalist vermin.
CRC trumpanzee alternative facts. :71:

Occupy Wall Street was supported by those with sense.

Occupy Wall Street was 100% supported by the Soros foundation.

Wall street is a disgrace, any Globalist, or Capitalist can seek to destroy our nation, by supporting measures to disarm us & fill us with immigrants, divide & conquer us from within.
Broke, motivationless, angry, moms cellar dweller.

Dumb, degenerate, greedy, Capitalist vermin.
Try doing something for society and you might find you don’t hate it so much.
Occupy Wall Street was supported by those with sense.

Occupy Wall Street was 100% supported by the Soros foundation.

Wall street is a disgrace, any Globalist, or Capitalist can seek to destroy our nation, by supporting measures to disarm us & fill us with immigrants, divide & conquer us from within.
Broke, motivationless, angry, moms cellar dweller.

Dumb, degenerate, greedy, Capitalist vermin.
Try doing something for society and you might find you don’t hate it so much.

Anyone who's pro-Capitalist must be painfully dumb.

Capitalism is the cause of all of our issues in the USA.

- Illegals hired by Capitalists.
- H2B Visas hired by Capitalists.
- Outsourced jobs by Capitalists.
- Automation kicking jobs to the curb by Capitalists.
- Amazon knocking out as much as 1 million retail jobs by Capitalists.
- Processed & Sugary foods causing obesity, and diabetes & heart disease by Capitalists.
- Hollywood smut films
- Gangster rap music by the music industry.
- Porn industry.
- Abortions
-Sex change operations by Hospital Capitalists
-Strip clubs
- Environmental destruction by Capitalists.
- Monopolies which without enough competition act like Communists, cutting corners, creating junky products, and jacking up costs of living.
- Stagnant wages from a lack of Union membership + Outsourced + Mass Immigration.
- The #1 healthcare costs in the World by the United States is Capitalism too.

  • clear.png
Everyone has a right to protest if they disagree with policies...…..everyone....
View attachment 297828
Except REPUBLICAN Governor Reagan with the help of the NRA pushed the Mulford Act which eliminated Open Carry in California because of this: View attachment 297847
Anti Americans get no rights

If someone disagrees with you, they are not necessarily an "Anti-American".

And if they are an American citizen, they get all the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
unless the government says you no longer have that right.
Ain't that correct?
Anyone who's pro-Capitalist must be painfully dumb.
Capitalism is the cause of all of our issues in the USA.
Everything you have is because of Capitalism, and socialism cannot exist w/o capitalism to pay the bills.

Everything bad we have, is because of Capitalism.
if Capitalism was so bad why does everybody want to come here?
how many people try to live in Cuba?
any of the shitholes in South America?
Everyone has a right to protest if they disagree with policies...…..everyone....
View attachment 297828
Except REPUBLICAN Governor Reagan with the help of the NRA pushed the Mulford Act which eliminated Open Carry in California because of this: View attachment 297847
Anti Americans get no rights

If someone disagrees with you, they are not necessarily an "Anti-American".

And if they are an American citizen, they get all the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
unless the government says you no longer have that right.
Ain't that correct?

Any constitutionally guaranteed rights will take an amendment to remove. Not to say the gov't cannot stop you from exercising even those rights.

But my point was to address the "anti-Americans get no rights" comment as bullshit.
Everyone has a right to protest if they disagree with policies...…..everyone....
View attachment 297828
Except REPUBLICAN Governor Reagan with the help of the NRA pushed the Mulford Act which eliminated Open Carry in California because of this: View attachment 297847
Anti Americans get no rights

If someone disagrees with you, they are not necessarily an "Anti-American".

And if they are an American citizen, they get all the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
unless the government says you no longer have that right.
Ain't that correct?

Any constitutionally guaranteed rights will take an amendment to remove. Not to say the gov't cannot stop you from exercising even those rights.

But my point was to address the "anti-Americans get no rights" comment as bullshit.
not when the state government creates bullshit laws
All you have are words written in an empty right that has no meaning
And if the government can stop a right it really isn't a right even with a constitutionally protected right

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