Massive outsourcing bill signed


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ

This bill will kill college kids with good degrees
. Just shows you that both parties are slaves and puppets to big tech and Wall Street

Millions of white collar jobs will be outsourced to hire cheaper foreigners
A total disgrace

This bill will kill college kids with good degrees
. Just shows you that both parties are slaves and puppets to big tech and Wall Street

Millions of white collar jobs will be outsourced to hire cheaper foreigners
A total disgrace
Donnie and his republican enablers have routinely allowed more H1Bs than ever in the history of presidential administrations, just like more people crossing the southern boarder when they should be looking out for American workers instead of corporate profits. Just another thing for Joe to work on. I like slightly divided government, but hoping more and more, Georgia gives Senate to the Democrats, even if it is just for a couple of years to clean up some of this crap.

This bill will kill college kids with good degrees
. Just shows you that both parties are slaves and puppets to big tech and Wall Street

Millions of white collar jobs will be outsourced to hire cheaper foreigners
A total disgrace
Then why in the hell do you support them?

This bill will kill college kids with good degrees
. Just shows you that both parties are slaves and puppets to big tech and Wall Street

Millions of white collar jobs will be outsourced to hire cheaper foreigners
A total disgrace
Then why in the hell do you support them?
I am a registered independent
Donnie and his republican enablers have routinely allowed more H1Bs than ever in the history of presidential administrations, just like more people crossing the southern boarder when they should be looking out for American workers instead of corporate profits. Just another thing for Joe to work on. I like slightly divided government, but hoping more and more, Georgia gives Senate to the Democrats, even if it is just for a couple of years to clean up some of this crap.
Then you want it to go back to the corrupt Cons?

This bill will kill college kids with good degrees
. Just shows you that both parties are slaves and puppets to big tech and Wall Street

Millions of white collar jobs will be outsourced to hire cheaper foreigners
A total disgrace
Then why in the hell do you support them?
I am a registered independent
What makes you think supporting Trump is being independent?
I would need a better source than breitbart before passing judgement.

However - I doubt this is as being portrayed coming from Mike Lee.

Although, it is no secret that the US Government schools here are turning out students totally unprepared to do any job that requires critical thinking skills.

This bill will kill college kids with good degrees
. Just shows you that both parties are slaves and puppets to big tech and Wall Street

Millions of white collar jobs will be outsourced to hire cheaper foreigners
A total disgrace

Yeah, well
are there really enough US kids with good RELEVANT degrees that have critical thinking skills and can take criticism without bringing mommy to see their boss.
Not really.
Donnie and his republican enablers have routinely allowed more H1Bs than ever in the history of presidential administrations
Have you got a link for that?
A rose by any other name, eh?
Disdainful of H-1Bs, Trump expands a different foreign worker visa
Hire American? Businesses can use H-2B visas if they claim "irreparable harm."
Surveys Find Outsourcing Continues to Grow under Trump Administration

or we can just favor companies that send the jobs overseas.
During Trump Presidency, 200,000 Jobs Offshored and Corporations Involved Awarded $425 Billion in Federal Contracts

In 2016, Trump promised voters in key industrial swing states that he would end job offshoring. He said he would deny firms that offshored from U.S. government contracts so that they would bring jobs back to America in order to keep billions in lucrative government business. Yet eight out of the top 10 firms receiving government contracts during the Trump presidency have been government-certified as having offshored jobs, the report reveals.
Public Citizen’s report, which analyzes U.S. Labor Department (DoL) trade-related job loss and USASpending procurement data includes tables of firms, contract amounts and jobs offshored.

Under trump, what big business wants, big business gets. American workers are actually a secondary concern, if there is concern at all, except for PR use.

Illegal Border Crossings Have Doubled Under Donald Trump

Trumps "tough on the boarder" policy is just for political donations and PR. Deportations have dropped compared to Obama and Bush, also. Just sayin...

This bill will kill college kids with good degrees
. Just shows you that both parties are slaves and puppets to big tech and Wall Street

Millions of white collar jobs will be outsourced to hire cheaper foreigners
A total disgrace
Then why in the hell do you support them?
Not supporting democrats doesn’t automatically translate to supporting republicans.
It’s a matter of bad vs worse.
Republicans sometimes allow politics to prevail over what’s constitutionally principled.
Democrats, OTOH, are anti-American as a matter of policy.
Donnie and his republican enablers have routinely allowed more H1Bs than ever in the history of presidential administrations
Have you got a link for that?
A rose by any other name, eh?
Disdainful of H-1Bs, Trump expands a different foreign worker visa
Hire American? Businesses can use H-2B visas if they claim "irreparable harm."
Surveys Find Outsourcing Continues to Grow under Trump Administration

or we can just favor companies that send the jobs overseas.
During Trump Presidency, 200,000 Jobs Offshored and Corporations Involved Awarded $425 Billion in Federal Contracts

In 2016, Trump promised voters in key industrial swing states that he would end job offshoring. He said he would deny firms that offshored from U.S. government contracts so that they would bring jobs back to America in order to keep billions in lucrative government business. Yet eight out of the top 10 firms receiving government contracts during the Trump presidency have been government-certified as having offshored jobs, the report reveals.
Public Citizen’s report, which analyzes U.S. Labor Department (DoL) trade-related job loss and USASpending procurement data includes tables of firms, contract amounts and jobs offshored.

Under trump, what big business wants, big business gets. American workers are actually a secondary concern, if there is concern at all, except for PR use.

Illegal Border Crossings Have Doubled Under Donald Trump

Trumps "tough on the boarder" policy is just for political donations and PR. Deportations have dropped compared to Obama and Bush, also. Just sayin...

Donnie and his republican enablers have routinely allowed more H1Bs than ever in the history of presidential administrations
Have you got a link for that?
A rose by any other name, eh?
Disdainful of H-1Bs, Trump expands a different foreign worker visa
Hire American? Businesses can use H-2B visas if they claim "irreparable harm."
Surveys Find Outsourcing Continues to Grow under Trump Administration

or we can just favor companies that send the jobs overseas.
During Trump Presidency, 200,000 Jobs Offshored and Corporations Involved Awarded $425 Billion in Federal Contracts

In 2016, Trump promised voters in key industrial swing states that he would end job offshoring. He said he would deny firms that offshored from U.S. government contracts so that they would bring jobs back to America in order to keep billions in lucrative government business. Yet eight out of the top 10 firms receiving government contracts during the Trump presidency have been government-certified as having offshored jobs, the report reveals.
Public Citizen’s report, which analyzes U.S. Labor Department (DoL) trade-related job loss and USASpending procurement data includes tables of firms, contract amounts and jobs offshored.

Under trump, what big business wants, big business gets. American workers are actually a secondary concern, if there is concern at all, except for PR use.

Illegal Border Crossings Have Doubled Under Donald Trump

Trumps "tough on the boarder" policy is just for political donations and PR. Deportations have dropped compared to Obama and Bush, also. Just sayin...

Donnie and his republican enablers have routinely allowed more H1Bs than ever in the history of presidential administrations
Have you got a link for that?
A rose by any other name, eh?
Disdainful of H-1Bs, Trump expands a different foreign worker visa
Hire American? Businesses can use H-2B visas if they claim "irreparable harm."
Surveys Find Outsourcing Continues to Grow under Trump Administration

or we can just favor companies that send the jobs overseas.
During Trump Presidency, 200,000 Jobs Offshored and Corporations Involved Awarded $425 Billion in Federal Contracts

In 2016, Trump promised voters in key industrial swing states that he would end job offshoring. He said he would deny firms that offshored from U.S. government contracts so that they would bring jobs back to America in order to keep billions in lucrative government business. Yet eight out of the top 10 firms receiving government contracts during the Trump presidency have been government-certified as having offshored jobs, the report reveals.
Public Citizen’s report, which analyzes U.S. Labor Department (DoL) trade-related job loss and USASpending procurement data includes tables of firms, contract amounts and jobs offshored.

Under trump, what big business wants, big business gets. American workers are actually a secondary concern, if there is concern at all, except for PR use.

Illegal Border Crossings Have Doubled Under Donald Trump

Trumps "tough on the boarder" policy is just for political donations and PR. Deportations have dropped compared to Obama and Bush, also. Just sayin...
So i assume you cant prove what you claimed?
Cause i cant find anything either. I also cant find where trump raised the quota for H1Bs....
I did find new rules he added. I also found where he wanted congress to raise the minimum wage earned for H1Bs. I found his EO that ordered reform and policy referrals. I found where he wants to, or did, end the H1B lottery. I also found where he suspended H1Bs during the summer.
IAnd then i found out the senile pedo wants to raise the quota. :(
Donnie and his republican enablers have routinely allowed more H1Bs than ever in the history of presidential administrations
Have you got a link for that?
A rose by any other name, eh?
Disdainful of H-1Bs, Trump expands a different foreign worker visa
Hire American? Businesses can use H-2B visas if they claim "irreparable harm."
Surveys Find Outsourcing Continues to Grow under Trump Administration

or we can just favor companies that send the jobs overseas.
During Trump Presidency, 200,000 Jobs Offshored and Corporations Involved Awarded $425 Billion in Federal Contracts

In 2016, Trump promised voters in key industrial swing states that he would end job offshoring. He said he would deny firms that offshored from U.S. government contracts so that they would bring jobs back to America in order to keep billions in lucrative government business. Yet eight out of the top 10 firms receiving government contracts during the Trump presidency have been government-certified as having offshored jobs, the report reveals.
Public Citizen’s report, which analyzes U.S. Labor Department (DoL) trade-related job loss and USASpending procurement data includes tables of firms, contract amounts and jobs offshored.

Under trump, what big business wants, big business gets. American workers are actually a secondary concern, if there is concern at all, except for PR use.

Illegal Border Crossings Have Doubled Under Donald Trump

Trumps "tough on the boarder" policy is just for political donations and PR. Deportations have dropped compared to Obama and Bush, also. Just sayin...
Good to know they are catching more people illegally crossing the border!! Thats awesome news, thanks! :lol: (i bet that wasnt your point though huh? lol)
IDK about deportations, but i do know obama included "border turnarounds" as "deportations" which is ridiculous.
Since the election, illegal apprehensions are up like 25%. Wonder why?

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