Massive Police Response to Reports of Mass Shooting at 16-Year-Old’s Birthday Party in Dadeville, Alabama

Well duh, and you got your opinion from the talking points.
There is NO FUCKING way any of what you claim is part of the Deep State.
Explain what you intended to mean, IYO, of State Sponsored shootings.
WTF does that even mean? State Sponsored.
well duh, my opinion isn't in the talking points
and when the judicial sytem refuses to punish criminals, that's state sponsored.
and when democrats on several occasions over the last 15 years have controlled both chambers and the white house and have done nothing about gun legislation and then blames the other party when they're in power, that's state sponsored
You mean they are pandering to these guys?
Waldo is the cuacasian far it isn't a mass public shooting....another gang shooting ......looks like a democrat mayor too.........

You boys need to get your story straight. It's not a mass shooting if black people are involved, or most mass shootings are black people.

Get back to me when you do, M'kay
Or throw out a mass shooting in a European country that happens once in a decade.

Or tell us how more people die in swimming pools than mass shootings, after he defines mass shooters down and counts every drowning as a swimming pool.
Most people today determine it to be 4 or more, but the definition is open for discussion.

What is considered a mass shooting?

There's no single consensus on the definition.

More than one person shot. That's a mass shooting. We have over 600 of those a year.
You posted sat there praying to your god, government....that this was a school shooting with a lot of dead kids....cause you need dead kids to emotionally stampede uninformed Americans into letting you ban guns that weren't used in any crimes or murders.....

Quite the contrary...
I don't want any schools shot up.
I don't want any resturants shot up.
I don't want any theaters shot up.
I don't want any shopping malls shot up.
I don't want any concerts shot up.
I don't want any Churches shot up. (even though I have little use for organized religion)

We are the only country in the world where this happens on a regular basis, because people like you love your guns more than you love your fellow man or even children.
More than one person shot. That's a mass shooting. We have over 600 of those a year.

Top Health Statistics​

  • Medical billing errors cost Americans $210,000,000,000 annually.
  • Roughly 12,000,000 Americans are misdiagnosed each year.
  • Medical errors cause an estimated 250,000 deaths in the United States annually.
  • As many as 80 percent of medical bills contain at least one error.
  • A little more than 4,000 surgical errors occur each year.
  • It’s estimated that 7,000 to 9,000 patients die every year from medication errors.
You boys need to get your story straight. It's not a mass shooting if black people are involved, or most mass shootings are black people.

Get back to me when you do, M'kay is not a mass public shooting if gang bangers are shooting at each other.

You guys lie about those because we don't have enough crazies to do actual mass public shootings...only 12 in you can't use just 12 to fool uninformed Americans into giving you power.
Quite the contrary...
I don't want any schools shot up.
I don't want any resturants shot up.
I don't want any theaters shot up.
I don't want any shopping malls shot up.
I don't want any concerts shot up.
I don't want any Churches shot up. (even though I have little use for organized religion)

We are the only country in the world where this happens on a regular basis, because people like you love your guns more than you love your fellow man or even children.

If you don't want those places shot up, you need to stop voting for democrats......the ones releasing the violent gun offenders over and over again, the ones actually doing all of the shooting.......

The other parts of the world murdered 200 million innocent people.......Europe alone murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years....

gun murder for our entire 246 year history is about 2,460,000........and those victims are primarily criminals murdered by criminals....

Europe just likes to have their governments do their murdering for them....
More than one person shot. That's a mass shooting. We have over 600 of those a year.

Nope....that is a lie....

A mass public shooting is not gang is an individual targeting a public place to commit murder.

Gang violence is a different crime, with different solutions....but since the actual mass public shootings happen so rarely, and gang shootings happen in democrat party controlled cities, with most being done by minorities, you can't exploit the gang you have to lie and call them mass public shootings...
Only 12 huh........that's acceptable?

We are on week 16 of the year.

We had 5 so far this year, 2023....

2 asian senior citizens
1 black guy
1 left wing, democrat party transgender
1 left wing, Trump hater

5 people out of a population of over 350 million

Top Health Statistics​

  • Medical billing errors cost Americans $210,000,000,000 annually.
  • Roughly 12,000,000 Americans are misdiagnosed each year.
  • Medical errors cause an estimated 250,000 deaths in the United States annually.
  • As many as 80 percent of medical bills contain at least one error.
  • A little more than 4,000 surgical errors occur each year.
  • It’s estimated that 7,000 to 9,000 patients die every year from medication errors.

Okay, Dry Drunk, not sure why this is relevant to your point. Point is, we can live without guns, we can't live without health care. (Not very long, anyway.)

Nope....that is a lie....

A mass public shooting is not gang is an individual targeting a public place to commit murder.

Why do you keep throwing "Public" in there. Here let me fix that for you.

"Mass Public Shit, it's only people of color so fuck them Shooting"

Gang violence is a different crime, with different solutions....but since the actual mass public shootings happen so rarely, and gang shootings happen in democrat party controlled cities, with most being done by minorities, you can't exploit the gang you have to lie and call them mass public shootings...

Actually, they both have the same solution. Make it very difficult to get a gun unless you have been heavily vetted. Hold gun sellers responsible when they sell to people who shouldn't have guns.
Okay, Dry Drunk, not sure why this is relevant to your point. Point is, we can live without guns, we can't live without health care. (Not very long, anyway.)

Why do you keep throwing "Public" in there. Here let me fix that for you.

"Mass Public Shit, it's only people of color so fuck them Shooting"

Actually, they both have the same solution. Make it very difficult to get a gun unless you have been heavily vetted. Hold gun sellers responsible when they sell to people who shouldn't have guns.

The only one who supports violence is you...when you support the slave rapist, democrat party........slave rapist a term you created.........

The democrat party controls the cities where the majority of gun murder happens.....they destroy the police, and they release the most violent criminals over and over again...which results in the actual deaths of young black men in the 10s of thousands........and you support that party...

The racist here is you and your party...
.......slave rapist a term you created.........
Yeah, but I use the term accurately.. that's the thing.

The democrat party controls the cities where the majority of gun murder happens.....they destroy the police, and they release the most violent criminals over and over again...which results in the actual deaths of young black men in the 10s of thousands........and you support that party...

Uh, guy, there's just as much murder happening in the rural trailer parks as the urban cities. You combine guns and poverty, you have crime. It's not complicated.

So the simple solution. Make guns so ridiculously expensive that only the rich can afford them.
Yeah, but I use the term accurately.. that's the thing.

Uh, guy, there's just as much murder happening in the rural trailer parks as the urban cities. You combine guns and poverty, you have crime. It's not complicated.

So the simple solution. Make guns so ridiculously expensive that only the rich can afford them.

You vote for the party of actual slave rapists..........the democrat party........

No, there is gun murder happening in all the areas under democrat party control.......including in red states.

Yes....only the rich, the people you are an idiot.
You vote for the party of actual slave rapists..........the democrat party........

So where the Whigs and the Federalists and Jefferson's Republicans so I'm not sure what your point is, exactly.

No, there is gun murder happening in all the areas under democrat party control.......including in red states.
And they are happening in the rural counties and small towns as well.
So where the Whigs and the Federalists and Jefferson's Republicans so I'm not sure what your point is, exactly.

And they are happening in the rural counties and small towns as well.

The democrat party of today was created
by two slave owners......the slave rapist party is your party and thu are also reponsible for the gun murder in this country....and you vite for them

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