Massive Police Response to Reports of Mass Shooting at 16-Year-Old’s Birthday Party in Dadeville, Alabama

Or throw out a mass shooting in a European country that happens once in a decade.
God help us if there’s ever a story about a trans person going on a stabbing spree somewhere in Europe.

A few posters here would cream their jeans
2nd amendment in action.

Did you know -

Excluding the Dadeville incident, there have been at least 162 mass shootings in the US in 2023. The group defines such incidents as shootings where four people have been killed, not including the shooter.
Among the dead are at least 75 children under 11 and 434 teenagers aged between 12 and 17, with over 12,000 deaths attributed to gun violence in the US since January 1 this year.

The town I live in in Southern Scotland has a population of 33,000 , America has blasted away 12,000 of those since January 1st !!!

There have not been 162 mass public shootings in 2023...

There have been 5

the shooters have been

2 asian senior citizens
1 black male
1 left wing, democrat party transgender killer
1 left wing, Trump hating democrat

And you also lie about the "kids." When 16-19 year old gang bangers defending drug turf or killing rival gang member over social media posts are "children," you really need to adjust your meds....

The National Gang Center (NGC), a function of the federal government, tells us that in recent years, between 35 and 41% of street gang members are under age 18. They also note that street gang recruitment begins at age 14, when the social effects of puberty take control (as well as early onset testosterone poisoning).

Ponder that: criminology separates teens from traditional children due to changing behaviors and capacities for risk. For guns, those demarcations should be enforced as well.

The CDC table above showed that for ages 0–14, guns were not a major risk. Hence, the inaccurate claim that “guns are the leading cause of death for children” includes teens, which means it has to include teenage street gang members.

Given what the NGC says about entry into street gangs (age 14), the percentages of gang members that are teens (minimum 35%), and that American street gangs are stupendously violent, you would expect to see gun homicides rise steeply in the teen years.

And it does. Factor in that street gangs are largely metropolitan and that gun play between black street gangs is the worst of gang violence, and the rest of this chart makes even more sense.

Guns Not Leading Cause of Child Deaths | Gun Facts


First of all, the number of firearm deaths for school-age children drops quite a bit when you do not include 18-year-olds.
Removing 18-year-olds would drop the gun death number to 28,559 — just slightly fewer than the total for the military and police.

In fact, 17- and 18-year-olds make up almost 56 percent of the gun deaths of school-age children. The numbers also drop significantly — 60 percent — if suicides are removed.
We are also wary when a single change in the data set — from age 18 to 17 — reduces the number enough that the statistic is no longer correct.

Biden’s startling statistic on school-age gun deaths

They have constitutional carry at the NRA con-vention, right?

That depends on the laws of the state you dumb ass.......and the rules of the convention center ....but any event under total control of the NRA allows carrying a gun on site....
2nd amendment in action.

Did you know -

Excluding the Dadeville incident, there have been at least 162 mass shootings in the US in 2023. The group defines such incidents as shootings where four people have been killed, not including the shooter.
Among the dead are at least 75 children under 11 and 434 teenagers aged between 12 and 17, with over 12,000 deaths attributed to gun violence in the US since January 1 this year.

The town I live in in Southern Scotland has a population of 33,000 , America has blasted away 12,000 of those since January 1st !!! and hispanic gang members in democrat party controlled cities have murdered each other in large numbers as the left wing, democrat party destroys the ability of the police to stop criminals, and the democrat party continues to release the most violent gun criminals over and over again no matter how many gun crimes they commit....often without having to post any bail......

I have seen your other posts in different threads.....why are you such a dumb ass on the gun issue when you understand about the left on the other issues?
I'm starting to believe these shootings are state sponsored to force gun control

Yep......looking more and more like a gang shooting.......not an actual mass public shooting.....

if the democrats would stop releasing gang bangers who have multiple gun felonies, these things wouldn't happen so often...
2nd amendment in action.

Did you know -

Excluding the Dadeville incident, there have been at least 162 mass shootings in the US in 2023. The group defines such incidents as shootings where four people have been killed, not including the shooter.
Among the dead are at least 75 children under 11 and 434 teenagers aged between 12 and 17, with over 12,000 deaths attributed to gun violence in the US since January 1 this year.

The town I live in in Southern Scotland has a population of 33,000 , America has blasted away 12,000 of those since January 1st !!!

Wrong...that is what happens in democrat party controlled areas of the country....

Meanwhile, Americans use their legal guns 1.2 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings and beatings......according to the Centers for Disease Control....or 1.5 million times a year if you use the Department of Justice research on this topic....


In 6 years, the governments of Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children....between 1939-1945......not war dead.....regular citizens marched into forests and camps and murdered...

15 million.

Total gun murder deaths for the entire 246 year history of the U.S.?

About 2,460,000.....and the vast majority of those murdered are not innocent citizens....they are criminals, and the family and friends of criminals caught in the cross fire of criminal violence....

Just like this shooting in this thread.......
In Britain, if you are attacked, by a criminal determined to rob, rape, beat, stab, or murder simply have to take it......and hope you survive...
In the U.S.?

4 against one.....and the one guy Britain, they would have stabbed him to death, or shot him...since they get illegal guns in Britain too...

Police responded to the store shortly before 9 p.m., where witnesses told them that a car with five individuals inside had pulled in to the station. Four of the men got out of the vehicle and entered the store, with the fifth man remaining behind the wheel. Once inside, the four pulled out guns and demanded customers and employees hand over their cash. That’s when one customer drew their own gun and fired. Three of the would-be robbers were hit by the armed citizen’s shots, though police say a customer was also injured in the exchange of gunfire between the armed citizen and armed robbers. It’s not known at this point who fired the shot that injured the bystander, but thankfully they’re expected to be okay.

See, that didn't take long.

A mass shooting is like the fucking Batsignal to 2tinyguy

You posted sat there praying to your god, government....that this was a school shooting with a lot of dead kids....cause you need dead kids to emotionally stampede uninformed Americans into letting you ban guns that weren't used in any crimes or murders.....
Chuck E Cheese be like, hold my tokens!

The bottom line is if you are a white person looking to move into a new area the things you need to look at are the crime stats and the demographics.

If the number of blacks in a area exceeds 11-12% or even adjoins such a area you might want to consider moving elsewhere.

It's your money so why spend it moving to a "vibrant" area. Look out for you and yours and move to the most lily white area you can afford.
This "mass shooting" last night was nothing more than Blacks shooting up one another. We see it quite frequently. Most of the time in the Democrat big city shitholes but sometimes even in small Alabama towns with a large Black population.
This "mass shooting" last night was nothing more than Blacks shooting up one another. We see it quite frequently. Most of the time in the Democrat big city shitholes but sometimes even in small Alabama towns with a large Black population.

More proof blacks should not be allowed to possess guns unless directly supervised by an armed white at all times.
More proof blacks should not be allowed to possess guns unless directly supervised by an armed white at all times.
Prohibiting Blacks from owning firearms is prohibited under the Second Amendment for them just like it is for all Americans. It further violated the 1964 Civil Rights Acts against racial discrimination by the government.

However, the real solution is for the police to get tough on the Black criminals and put an end to their lawlessness. Something elected Democrats never do. In fact the sonofabitches defund the police and let the Black criminals get away with the crimes in the legal system.
what masters would that be, and please back it up
Well, who do you get your talking points from? That’s your answer.

IDK your sources, but I know your talking points.
Your talking point is: must say something about the left wanting to take away all the guns.
4 dead and 28 wounded.

At least four dead in mass shooting at teen's birthday party in Alabama

'Not a bad record for you Gunnutters and MAGAts. But you should look that it's almost in all the Red States.
Not a bad record for you morons that refuse to acknowledge that the gun didn't fire itself and there are millions of legal, law-abiding gun owners who have never used their weapons improperly or illegally. The problem is the society that you moronic liberals are creating that promote this crap as the answer to problems. Address the problem. "You have met the enemy and it is YOU!"

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