Massive privacy invasion by soetoro gang


Jun 1, 2013
The progs fear of the Patriot Act during the Bush43 years fizzled when nobody was randomly investigated....not a single library card secretly copied from black helicopters. And so they shut up about it never imagining it would become what they feared most from Dear Leader's stalinist goons:

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is secretly carrying out a domestic surveillance program under which it is collecting business communications records involving Americans under a hotly debated section of the Patriot Act, according to a highly classified court order disclosed on Wednesday night.

.The order, signed by Judge Roger Vinson of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in April, directs a Verizon Communications subsidiary, Verizon Business Network Services, to turn over “on an ongoing daily basis” to the National Security Agency all call logs “between the United States and abroad” or “wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls.”


Since his election, President Barack Obama has taken an expansive view of legal authorities in the name of national security, asserting that he can order the deaths of U.S. citizens abroad who are suspected of terrorism without involvement by courts, investigate reporters as criminals and — in this case — read and copy the contents of computers carried by U.S. travelers without a good reason to suspect wrongdoing.

Dept. of Homeland Security: Laptops, Phones Can Be Searched Based on Hunches « CBS DC

The FBI is unhappy that there are communications technologies that it cannot intercept, and wants a new requirement that software makers and communications companies create a back door so they can listen in when they want.

But a team of technology experts warns that would be nothing more than handing over to the nation’s enemies abilities they are not capable of developing for themselves.

sAccording to a recent report in the Washington Post, the issue is being raised by the FBI because “there is currently no way to wiretap some of these communications methods easily, and companies effectively…”

The solution, according to the FBI, is a plan to fine companies when they fail to comply with wiretap orders, essentially requiring all companies to build a back door for wiretap capabilities into all their communications links.

Read more at Now FBI wants back door to all software

Who needs privacy when we have the glorious Patriot Act?

Real, patriotic Americans know that all vestigages of privacy can be forfeited in the name of Patriotism

Gotta keep them terrorists on the run at all costs
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Who needs privacy when we have the glorious Patriot Act?

Real, patriotic Americans know that all vestigages of privacy can be forfeited in the name of Patriotism

Gotta keep them terrorists on the run at all costs

It's your side using it for domestic data comment on that eh?
obama's latest grab is so bad, that it make the local news. So did all the parties.

Who needs privacy when we have the glorious Patriot Act?

Real, patriotic Americans know that all vestigages of privacy can be forfeited in the name of Patriotism

Gotta keep them terrorists on the run at all costs
Amazing how that steaming heap of privacy-invading shit flew through the Senate 98-1 on original passage and not a one of your socialist fellow travelers has made a single move to repeal it.

You've met the enemy, Bubba, and he is ye.
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Amazing how that steaming heap of privacy-invading shit flew through the Senate 98-1 on original passage and not a one of your socialist fellow travelers has made a single move to repeal it.

You've met the enemy, Bubba, and he is ye.

The RATS knew if they bided their time they'd be able to use the Patriot Act for data mining....and that time has will all be passed along to the DNC for fashioning IRS hit-lists and weapons seizures. The real bonanza is the info they'll gather on us from enrolling in ObamaCare.....anything we do that they don't like will be grounds for a psych-evaluation and/or loss of insurance coverage to enforce their will.

Who needs privacy when we have the glorious Patriot Act?

Real, patriotic Americans know that all vestigages of privacy can be forfeited in the name of Patriotism

Gotta keep them terrorists on the run at all costs

It's your side using it for domestic data comment on that eh?

I never supported that turkey legislation being passed off as patriotism

It was supposed to be short term legislation to get us through a crisis. It has been 11 years of crisis now with no end in sight

I would willingly support a Republican initiative to kill the Patriot Act.....Why don't they do it?

Who needs privacy when we have the glorious Patriot Act?

Real, patriotic Americans know that all vestigages of privacy can be forfeited in the name of Patriotism

Gotta keep them terrorists on the run at all costs
Amazing how that steaming heap of privacy-invading shit flew through the Senate 98-1 on original passage and not a one of your socialist fellow travelers has made a single move to repeal it.

You've met the enemy, Bubba, and he is ye.

In the post 9-11 hysteria anything Bush wanted to fight terrorism was rubber stamped. After all.....who in their right mind would want to campaign with his opponent shouting....HE VOTED AGAINST THE PATRIOT ACT
How un-American
What's Patriotism? The Patriot Act was intended to identify enemies who would do the nation harm. obama uses it to identify his own personal enemies who are critical of him.
The Government is gathering data to oppress the people with whenever they want and what do the American People do? They just fight amongst themselves!

I love it!

Thank a Vet for that!

Who needs privacy when we have the glorious Patriot Act?

Real, patriotic Americans know that all vestigages of privacy can be forfeited in the name of Patriotism

Gotta keep them terrorists on the run at all costs

It's your side using it for domestic data comment on that eh?

I never supported that turkey legislation being passed off as patriotism

It was supposed to be short term legislation to get us through a crisis. It has been 11 years of crisis now with no end in sight

I would willingly support a Republican initiative to kill the Patriot Act.....Why don't they do it?

Barry duped y'all. He's walking the same path Bush did. :lol:
It's your side using it for domestic data comment on that eh?

I never supported that turkey legislation being passed off as patriotism

It was supposed to be short term legislation to get us through a crisis. It has been 11 years of crisis now with no end in sight

I would willingly support a Republican initiative to kill the Patriot Act.....Why don't they do it?

Barry duped y'all. He's walking the same path Bush did. :lol:

Where is the Republican push to repeal?
I never supported that turkey legislation being passed off as patriotism

It was supposed to be short term legislation to get us through a crisis. It has been 11 years of crisis now with no end in sight

I would willingly support a Republican initiative to kill the Patriot Act.....Why don't they do it?

Barry duped y'all. He's walking the same path Bush did. :lol:

Where is the Republican push to repeal?

I love this deflection. Priceless.
The progs fear of the Patriot Act during the Bush43 years fizzled when nobody was randomly investigated....not a single library card secretly copied from black helicopters. And so they shut up about it never imagining it would become what they feared most from Dear Leader's stalinist goons:

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is secretly carrying out a domestic surveillance program under which it is collecting business communications records involving Americans under a hotly debated section of the Patriot Act, according to a highly classified court order disclosed on Wednesday night.

.The order, signed by Judge Roger Vinson of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in April, directs a Verizon Communications subsidiary, Verizon Business Network Services, to turn over “on an ongoing daily basis” to the National Security Agency all call logs “between the United States and abroad” or “wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls.”


Since his election, President Barack Obama has taken an expansive view of legal authorities in the name of national security, asserting that he can order the deaths of U.S. citizens abroad who are suspected of terrorism without involvement by courts, investigate reporters as criminals and — in this case — read and copy the contents of computers carried by U.S. travelers without a good reason to suspect wrongdoing.

Dept. of Homeland Security: Laptops, Phones Can Be Searched Based on Hunches « CBS DC

The FBI is unhappy that there are communications technologies that it cannot intercept, and wants a new requirement that software makers and communications companies create a back door so they can listen in when they want.

But a team of technology experts warns that would be nothing more than handing over to the nation’s enemies abilities they are not capable of developing for themselves.

sAccording to a recent report in the Washington Post, the issue is being raised by the FBI because “there is currently no way to wiretap some of these communications methods easily, and companies effectively…”

The solution, according to the FBI, is a plan to fine companies when they fail to comply with wiretap orders, essentially requiring all companies to build a back door for wiretap capabilities into all their communications links.

Read more at Now FBI wants back door to all software
Drunk with power.
Barry duped y'all. He's walking the same path Bush did. :lol:

Where is the Republican push to repeal?

I love this deflection. Priceless.
For all their gutlessness, at least the republicans have the nerve to bring up the repeal of Obolshevikcare up for a vote, to see where everyone stands.

Rubes like wungnutter wouldn't like it so much, to see how his own party strongly supports something he claims to be so dead set against. :lol:
Where is the Republican push to repeal?

RATS control the really believe Hairy Reid would let the minority stop his side from doing what they're doing? I'm glad to see you don't like what they're doing either.....the next occupant of the Oval Office will no doubt be a GOPer....I want this stopped now and the files deleted before it goes any further.
They gotta have all that massive data for the future.
World wide Data being collected on everyone.
This is the spin as to why it will be so good for everyone in the world. YEAH RIGHT!

Revelation 13: 16-17
16 - And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave , to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads
17 so that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
18 and his number is 666
Where is the Republican push to repeal?

RATS control the really believe Hairy Reid would let the minority stop his side from doing what they're doing? I'm glad to see you don't like what they're doing either.....the next occupant of the Oval Office will no doubt be a GOPer....I want this stopped now and the files deleted before it goes any further.

Who cares?

Why are Republicans voting 37 times to repeal Obama care and they haven't cast a single vote to repeal the Patriot Act?
Where is the Republican push to repeal?

RATS control the really believe Hairy Reid would let the minority stop his side from doing what they're doing? I'm glad to see you don't like what they're doing either.....the next occupant of the Oval Office will no doubt be a GOPer....I want this stopped now and the files deleted before it goes any further.

Who cares?

Why are Republicans voting 37 times to repeal Obama care and they haven't cast a single vote to repeal the Patriot Act?

I think you can answer you own question. :cuckoo:
Where is the Republican push to repeal?

RATS control the really believe Hairy Reid would let the minority stop his side from doing what they're doing? I'm glad to see you don't like what they're doing either.....the next occupant of the Oval Office will no doubt be a GOPer....I want this stopped now and the files deleted before it goes any further.

Who cares?

Why are Republicans voting 37 times to repeal Obama care and they haven't cast a single vote to repeal the Patriot Act?

WTF? Can you R E A D? It was intended to intercept signal intel from the US to foreign entities and back.....that's IT. It's still essential that that be continued and enhanced. Barry is using it to snoop on American's communications with each other......HELLO, anybody home?
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