Massive riots coming if cop wins

If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

The lowlife inner-city hood-rats are going to riot no matter what verdict is rendered, short of the death penalty. For anyone to expect any other response is to expect intelligence and rationality, where their is little.

It is all about free loot not a cause.

I have lots of free loot, i trigger pull at a time. I do want BLM/ANTIFA to show up in my neighborhood.

Me too:

Remember when CNN ran that footage and claimed it was Trump bombing Syria?

If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

The lowlife inner-city hood-rats are going to riot no matter what verdict is rendered, short of the death penalty. For anyone to expect any other response is to expect intelligence and rationality, where their is little.

It is all about free loot not a cause.

I have lots of free loot, i trigger pull at a time. I do want BLM/ANTIFA to show up in my neighborhood.

Me too:

Remember when CNN ran that footage and claimed it was Trump bombing Syria?


Trump did bomb Syria.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

The lowlife inner-city hood-rats are going to riot no matter what verdict is rendered, short of the death penalty. For anyone to expect any other response is to expect intelligence and rationality, where their is little.

It is all about free loot not a cause.

I have lots of free loot, i trigger pull at a time. I do want BLM/ANTIFA to show up in my neighborhood.

Me too:

Remember when CNN ran that footage and claimed it was Trump bombing Syria?


Trump did bomb Syria.

Everybody who is anybody bombs Syria

Look at it this way, it's the one thing we can all unite around.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

The lowlife inner-city hood-rats are going to riot no matter what verdict is rendered, short of the death penalty. For anyone to expect any other response is to expect intelligence and rationality, where their is little.

It is all about free loot not a cause.

I have lots of free loot, i trigger pull at a time. I do want BLM/ANTIFA to show up in my neighborhood.

Me too:

Remember when CNN ran that footage and claimed it was Trump bombing Syria?


Trump did bomb Syria.

Everybody who is anybody bombs Syria

Sadly true.
You would have to think that if you were on the jury you would want to find the cop guilty of something to try and prevent the riots, even it were for jay walking.

I say they will find something wrong, and hope it is enough.

In the US legal system, justice is the furthest thing from concern

View attachment 477302
Anything short of murder won't be enough, and the thugs will likely riot anyway. How else dey be gittin dem widescreens?
Don't forget the liquor stores --- they hit them first.
The next coming riots will not be received as benignly by the public as the last one.
I see a lot of dead looters and run-over protesters this time.
No bail out money from Biden and Harris either.
The useful idiots are no longer needed.
Nope. I don't think you are right. It will be the same roll-over as ever. Why not? What has changed? Nothing.
I dare hood rats to show up in the suburbs.....:muahaha:.
That's the point at which things might get interesting -- I say MIGHT, if they aren't leftwing suburbs. But they won't. They are still at the stage of experimenting with running onto freeways.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

Race riots are not attempts to overthrow a govt. I'll be surprised if the fuck is convicted but imo 3rd degree is the "right" verdict.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

Race riots are not attempts to overthrow a govt. I'll be surprised if the fuck is convicted but imo 3rd degree is the "right" verdict.

And you're usually wrong. Cool.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

Race riots are not attempts to overthrow a govt. I'll be surprised if the fuck is convicted but imo 3rd degree is the "right" verdict.

Nothing we've seen in the past 4 years have been "race riots". The majority of the rioters are privileged white leftists who wanted to steal stuff, destroy other peoples' property (mostly taxpayers and black peoples' property), and overthrow the government. This only bothered you when protesters came after your rich WHITE elites in Congress. Up until then, you were cheering it all on.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

Race riots are not attempts to overthrow a govt. I'll be surprised if the fuck is convicted but imo 3rd degree is the "right" verdict.

Oh, violent riots that are initiated as a response to government action and attempt to overthrow that government action and targeting government employees is NOT a violent action against said government!

You Leftards are certified nutters.
"The odds of a murder conviction for Chauvin just reached zero, based on evidence presented in court."

What specific evidence is he referring to?

So far, it has looked like the prosecution team is presenting a good case.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

Race riots are not attempts to overthrow a govt. I'll be surprised if the fuck is convicted but imo 3rd degree is the "right" verdict.

Why are Democrat controlled cities such cesspools of racism?

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