Liz Cheney mocks the idea of releasing all the January 6th Congress protest video

We know what we're going to see:

"Wow! Look at that! They're just talking and laughing and nothing is happening! They're just smiling and so happy to be in the Capitol building! They didn't do anything!"

Yes, that is what we saw.

Your only response is a laugh emoticon.
And there ya go.

It happens every day. They line up to illustrate my points for me.

That is what they saw. Incredible.
All their propagandists use the same technique. They absorb that, and that's who they are.
Because of the mass hysteria effect.

Any nutjob can turn on a right wing media channel or log onto the internet and find a million people agreeing with and cheering for any idiotic and false thing they say. So they get both affirmation and a sense that they are part of a standing army of people who will repeat and defend the myths they want to believe. It's just too tempting for them. It makes them feel like they can not only lie and get away with it, but that they can effectively alter reality and the history books.
And there ya go.

It happens every day. They line up to illustrate my points for me.

That is what they saw. Incredible.
So, what are you saying? We should believe the Dems who hid this footage from us for three years, and not our lying eyes?
So, what are you saying? We should believe the Dems who hid this footage from us for three years, and not our lying eyes?
You're going to believe what you're conditioned to believe. I don't know how you dismiss/ignore all the violent parts, and at this point, I don't really WANT to know.

I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.
So, what are you saying? We should believe the Dems who hid this footage from us for three years, and not our lying eyes?
It doesn't even occur to you to believe your own eyes when viewing the footage of violent insurretionists breaking into the capitol and chanting death threats, does it?

You are programmed not to acknowledge its existence, and it is fascinating to watch.

There is absolutely no legitimate objection to releasing all of the footage. It belongs to the American people and shows what happened in the people's house.

Here is the non legitimate objection: It shows what really happened, not carefully edited versions that Liz Chaney again released. Sorry liz! Your Trump derangement committee is over. Just as your career is over.

The January 6th protests were mostly peaceful. Hundreds of people who did not even go inside the capital have been investigated and incarcerated. Many for long stretches in solitary confinement. All that pretrial.

The hounding and harassment and search of bank records of everybody even close to the capital that day is an observed abuse of the FBI's power, as well as a huge waste of taxpayer dollars.

Given that a police officer stood flat-footed and shot to death an unarmed protester, the restraint the protesters showed is remarkable and deserves commendation.

There is only one person likely to do the work of dismantling the State security apparatus that has targeted the American voter.

What a blessing that that one person is the FrontRunner against a deteriorating president and a deteriorating economy. It's only too bad that we can't have a special election right now so Trump can get stated already.

But, at least by November of 2024 Trump will be far ahead and there will be few swing States with all the current swing States being solidly for trump. Democrats are great at cheating; they certainly succeeded in 2020. But they would have to increase it to levels so massive and so obvious to beat Trump in 2024 that it would almost certainly touch off an actual insurrection - not mostly peaceful protests as were seen on January 6th..
You're going to believe what you're conditioned to believe.
You are the perfect example of conditioning. The Democrat hate machine reprogrammed you.
The truth is stuck some where in the middle. And its a sad thing.
Most of the people were there for the stop the steal protest
Because they believed what they were told. that the election was stolen.
Also THERE WERE a much much smaller number of actual insurrectionists.
Things would have been much much worse if more of those people were violent.
instead of just angry.
The truth is stuck some where in the middle. And its a sad thing.
Most of the people were there for the stop the steal protest
Because they believed what they were told. that the election was stolen.
Also THERE WERE a much much smaller number of actual insurrectionists.
Things would have been much much worse if more of those people were violent.
instead of just angry.
That is true, other than the use of the term "insurrectionists." Not unless you also call BLM, ANTIFA, and all the woke college students who physically disrupt and often attack conservative speakers "insurrectionists."

But we cannot leave out the unknown number of FBI plants among the protesters, and the rioters.
Of course there are two:

  • security of our nation's Capitol
  • The video being cherry picked to misrepresent the events of that day
The J6 committee cherry picked. Again, our political class and media have been caught in another huge lie. Sucks for them. good for the country.
You're going to believe what you're conditioned to believe. I don't know how you dismiss/ignore all the violent parts, and at this point, I don't really WANT to know.

I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.
I know a way that you could convince me that you're not simpley a Hack. who will agree with the Democrats and RINO's not matter what they do. Just answer this question honestly:

Why did the J6 Committee and Nancy Pelosi refuse to release all of the footage in the first place?
Of course there are two:

  • security of our nation's Capitol
  • The video being cherry picked to misrepresent the events of that day
The videos have already been cherry picked; time to see the whole catalog and see just how badly they've been edited with bias.
I know a way that you could convince me that you're not simpley a Hack. who will agree with the Democrats and RINO's not matter what they do. Just answer this question honestly:

Why did the J6 Committee and Nancy Pelosi refuse to release all of the footage in the first place?
Well of course they can't answer that It would be a dead giveaway; But you can be sure that all of the bright and shining prognosticators who post here will come up with some twisted reason why it was the right thing to do.
I know a way that you could convince me that you're not simpley a Hack. who will agree with the Democrats and RINO's not matter what they do. Just answer this question honestly:

Why did the J6 Committee and Nancy Pelosi refuse to release all of the footage in the first place?
I have no idea.
You have an idea, all right. But you're willing to lie to avoid giving he obvious answer: People hide things because they have things to hide.
Well, you folks certainly have all the conspiracies answers. I don't claim to.

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