Massive riots coming if cop wins

If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

Race riots are not attempts to overthrow a govt. I'll be surprised if the fuck is convicted but imo 3rd degree is the "right" verdict.

Why are Democrat controlled cities such cesspools of racism?

And why are they addicted to being social justice warriors buying into a phony institutionalized racism narrative?
It just cost Atlanta $100 million +.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

Race riots are not attempts to overthrow a govt. I'll be surprised if the fuck is convicted but imo 3rd degree is the "right" verdict.

Why are Democrat controlled cities such cesspools of racism?

That's the way they want it.
The Dilbert guy is a legal expert?
It is really sad what happened to Scott Adams. I used to love his cartoons. Still do but the guy seems to have gone full trumptard.
Says the TDS sufferer who even uses a Trump avatar because Trump lives inside his head 7/24/365
Yup, I am a tump sufferer. So were million others. Hence the reason why your fuhrer now sulks in a basement while Biden is in the WH. Let me know if you are still confused.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

LOL. A "few dozen unarmed people"? Were you watching the same news that the rest of us were?

As for the rest of your dribble...So for you, it is ok to protest on the false claim that your fuhrer was robbed of his election to the office but not ok to protest if a poor Black man is robbed of his life by the excessive actions of the cops?

Some priority you have.

It wasnt the cop, it was self induced suicide by over dose...

Looks like someone forgot their meds again. Keep dreaming, fella. Hope you feel better.
I want Derek to be acquitted. It's the only chance that I have of seeing the USA burned down in my lifetime.
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

LOL. A "few dozen unarmed people"? Were you watching the same news that the rest of us were?

As for the rest of your dribble...So for you, it is ok to protest on the false claim that your fuhrer was robbed of his election to the office but not ok to protest if a poor Black man is robbed of his life by the excessive actions of the cops?

Some priority you have.

Watching the "news" is your absent minded see what is directed and produced FOR you to see. If you don't do actual research of several sites and locations for the truth you will continue to be a mind numbed looneytunes like now.

So you think all of us should get our news from the "Q" dingbat news? No wonder your side is so mixed up and still believe Rump was robbed. And you guys wonder why the world laughs at you.

You seem to have Q on the brain. We don't. It is obvious that you are a Chinese stooge though.

Obvious? I do not think it means what you think it means. Next time look up words before using them in a sentence. Will help you look less of a fool. Good luck.
Is this like how Biden was never going to take office?
Look at him, :auiqs.jpg: do you think he really has?

LOL. Yeah, it is funny that you still think your fuhrer is going to come back to office. ::auiqs.jpg:back at ya.
Magnus and Trump, sittin in a tree......time to take down your manlove centerfold posters Dimmer.
If you are referring to my avatar, nah. I keep it there so that trumptards like you get triggered. Looks like I succeeded.
You would have to think that if you were on the jury you would want to find the cop guilty of something to try and prevent the riots, even it were for jay walking.

I say they will find something wrong, and hope it is enough.

In the US legal system, justice is the furthest thing from concern

View attachment 477302
Finding Chauvin guilty won't stop the riots. They will want him to get the death penalty or riot.
Is this like how Biden was never going to take office?
Look at him, :auiqs.jpg: do you think he really has?

LOL. Yeah, it is funny that you still think your fuhrer is going to come back to office. ::auiqs.jpg:back at ya.
Funnier that you think fascists are not the same leftists that invented the movement.
So fascists are leftists, now? LOL. So what are Communists? It is always fun to see trumptards trying to own others. Frequently, they end up owning themselves. It never fails!
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

LOL. A "few dozen unarmed people"? Were you watching the same news that the rest of us were?

As for the rest of your dribble...So for you, it is ok to protest on the false claim that your fuhrer was robbed of his election to the office but not ok to protest if a poor Black man is robbed of his life by the excessive actions of the cops?

Some priority you have.

Watching the "news" is your absent minded see what is directed and produced FOR you to see. If you don't do actual research of several sites and locations for the truth you will continue to be a mind numbed looneytunes like now.

So you think all of us should get our news from the "Q" dingbat news? No wonder your side is so mixed up and still believe Rump was robbed. And you guys wonder why the world laughs at you.

You said you watched the "news" I said get your information from multiple sources dingbat. You propaganda parrots have to be bothered by the noise of the wind whistling through your ears. Back to your basement facediaper boy!

LOL. What do you think "watching the news" means? Do I have to spell it out that you need to get info from multiple sources? You trumptards really are brain-dead, aren't you? Did you figure out why the world laughs at you, yet?
If a few dozen unarmed people trespassing on government property is insurrection, just wait when armed people start murdering government officials and destroying government buildings when NOT GUILTY is stated.

The Left will again refer to it as mostly peaceful protests.

LOL. A "few dozen unarmed people"? Were you watching the same news that the rest of us were?

As for the rest of your dribble...So for you, it is ok to protest on the false claim that your fuhrer was robbed of his election to the office but not ok to protest if a poor Black man is robbed of his life by the excessive actions of the cops?

Some priority you have.

Watching the "news" is your absent minded see what is directed and produced FOR you to see. If you don't do actual research of several sites and locations for the truth you will continue to be a mind numbed looneytunes like now.

So you think all of us should get our news from the "Q" dingbat news? No wonder your side is so mixed up and still believe Rump was robbed. And you guys wonder why the world laughs at you.

You said you watched the "news" I said get your information from multiple sources dingbat. You propaganda parrots have to be bothered by the noise of the wind whistling through your ears. Back to your basement facediaper boy!

LOL. What do you think "watching the news" means? Do I have to spell it out that you need to get info from multiple sources? You trumptards really are brain-dead, aren't you? Did you figure out why the world laughs at you, yet?

Have you figured out why the Chinese are laughing at you?
Is this like how Biden was never going to take office?
Look at him, :auiqs.jpg: do you think he really has?

LOL. Yeah, it is funny that you still think your fuhrer is going to come back to office. ::auiqs.jpg:back at ya.
Funnier that you think fascists are not the same leftists that invented the movement.
So fascists are leftists, now? LOL. So what are Communists? It is always fun to see trumptards trying to own others. Frequently, they end up owning themselves. It never fails!
Yes, Democrats are fascists. Fascism being delegated as a right wing philosophy is a myth.
Ask any follower of National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Nice troll thread. Too bad most people aren't too concerned about all the tiny little nothing burger political issues you find so horrifying. Feels good to live in a nation where less and less people really care all that much.
Nice troll thread. Too bad most people aren't too concerned about all the tiny little nothing burger political issues you find so horrifying. Feels good to live in a nation where less and less people really care all that much.
Good idea. Let's celebrate apathy. A result of the toxic left.
You want people to work full time and not be apathetic? Isn't going to happen and yes it's not a bad thing.
As you know the cop that put his knee on that guys neck is going very poorly for the prosecution.
It was so bad today that the prosecutions big witness helped the defense - then the defense used him as a key witness

It’s looking like a hung jury

Those of you in the 20 or so cities need to be prepared as BLM is threatening to burn cities down
The ironic thing is that most of the things that will be on fire is black businesses. They are in turn burning their own people up over one drug addict criminal. Just ridiculous. :D Maybe they should use their burning buildings for good and burn Biden and Pelosi out the Whitehouse.:auiqs.jpg:
Seattle , Portland , LA, Chicago. Philly , Atlanta, DC , NYC and Minneapolis are going to be destroyed

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