Massive State Sponsored Election Fraud In California


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
democrat enjoy one party rule in California. It is of little surprise then that the party and the state government are one and the same.

Even given the one party rule, it is shocking to learn that the state is engaging in deliberate election fraud.

As part of the Obamacare roll-out, the California version known as "covered California" has included voter registration forms, pre-filled for the democratic party, in the package. These forms are going out to potentially several million illegal aliens, which the state openly is attempting to add to the voting rolls of the democratic party.

{ Inside was a letter discussing voter registration and a registration card pre-marked with an "x" in the box next to Democratic Party. The couple – who did not want their identity revealed – received the letter and voter registration card from their health insurance provider Covered California, the state-run agency that implements President Obama's Affordable Care Act. They have lived in La Mesa for years and they have always been registered to vote Republican. }

California: Obamacare Materials Arrived With Pre-Marked Democratic Voter Registration Form - Guy Benson

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