Mathew Whitaker a Fraud and Crackpot Like Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Matthew Whitaker is a mirror image of Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases but with Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot
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Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot and fraud just like Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases, but with Marbury v. Madison, a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker just like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise. Whitaker's company was fined 26 million dollars, ironically, about the same amount that Trump paid out for the Trump U fraud.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run rough shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Following up on the patent experience of US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. Although not a patent attorney, Whitaker has been a board member of the now defunct invention promotion scam World Patent Marketing. In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed suit against the company, won a preliminary injunction against its ongoing business, and then a consent decree for $27 million in judgments and injunction against ongoing business. (Apparently at least $24 million is gone and not being repaid.)

Whitaker on Patent Marketing
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Whitaker is evil - like Trump. Ari Melber just played a clip from when Whitaker agreed why Sessions recused himself from the Mueller Russia probe, agreeing that Sessions had no choice in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Whitaker is in deep shit - and may end up in an orange jumpsuit. Whitaker is facing a major ethics dilemma.

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Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot and fraud just like Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases, but with the Marbury v. Madison, a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker just like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise. Whitakers company was times 26 million dollars, ironically, about the same amount that Trump paid for the Trump U fraud.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Problem for your side is--------> Now Heir Mewler is going to have a boss-) He is going to be reigned in, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it but bitch, lol.

And just like Donaldus Magnamus has said-------------> You want to play the investigation game, do ya? Well we can too, and we have 3 BRANCHES of government behind us, executive, Senate, and the Supreme Court! Wanna screw around do ya! We got a present for ya, and Donaldus will do it-)
Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot and fraud just like Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases, but with Marbury v. Madison, a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker just like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise. Whitaker's company was fined 26 million dollars, ironically, about the same amount that Trump paid out for the Trump U fraud.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run rough shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Following up on the patent experience of US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. Although not a patent attorney, Whitaker has been a board member of the now defunct invention promotion scam World Patent Marketing. In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed suit against the company, won a preliminary injunction against its ongoing business, and then a consent decree for $27 million in judgments and injunction against ongoing business. (Apparently at least $24 million is gone and not being repaid.)

Whitaker on Patent Marketing

The fact that the Washington comPost wrote a hit piece on him causes me to breath easier.
Why would you want him to come for Mueller? Why wouldn't you rather Mueller be allowed to complete his investigation - unimpeded?
2 reasons >>

1. The "investigation" isn't investigating anything. In order for there to be an investigation there needs to be a crime. Thus, an investigation into who is behind that crime, and how. This hoax is an investigation IN SEARCH OF A CRIME.

2. Mueller is as corrupt, evil and un-American as it gets. He spent years cuddling up to the seditious Muslim Brotherhood, for which he ought to be arrested for treason.
Why would you want him to come for Mueller? Why wouldn't you rather Mueller be allowed to complete his investigation - unimpeded?
2 reasons >>

1. The "investigation" isn't investigating anything. In order for there to be an investigation there needs to be a crime. Thus, an investigation into who is behind that crime, and how. This hoax is an investigation IN SEARCH OF A CRIME.

2. Mueller is as corrupt, evil and un-American as it gets. He spent years cuddling up to the seditious Muslim Brotherhood, for which he ought to be arrested for treason.

Credible proof? Do you know what Mueller knows? If so - please share it with us. Are you a Russian bot?

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