Mathew Whitaker a Fraud and Crackpot Like Trump

Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot and fraud just like Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases, but with Marbury v. Madison, a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker just like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise. Whitaker's company was fined 26 million dollars, ironically, about the same amount that Trump paid out for the Trump U fraud.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run rough shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Following up on the patent experience of US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. Although not a patent attorney, Whitaker has been a board member of the now defunct invention promotion scam World Patent Marketing. In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed suit against the company, won a preliminary injunction against its ongoing business, and then a consent decree for $27 million in judgments and injunction against ongoing business. (Apparently at least $24 million is gone and not being repaid.)

Whitaker on Patent Marketing
Brids of a feather.

A foul-smelling, mite-infested, shit-stained feather.
It's not a hit job when you pay out 26 million in a losing lawsuit.

Just discovered, Trump's New Acting Attorney General is a SCAM ARTIST and a CON!

It's "Justice".
Just because someone settles in court, that doesn't prove that they are guilty of any wrongdoing. Trump had a very small minority of Trump U customers who complained. the overwhelming majority were happy and quiet. Sometimes people settle just to make the whole thing go away. Not justice at all.
But pathological liar Tramp said he NEVER settles!!!
Funny. Do you have a comprehension problem?

Credible proof? Do you know what Mueller knows? If so - please share it with us.
How ridiculous. The witch HUNTERS are the ones who need to show proof, not the witch HUNTED. Whitaker is innocent unless you prove him guilty.

I thought you were talking about Mueller and the Muslim Brotherhood. Only liberals could be ignorant of that.
Funny. Do you have a comprehension problem?

Credible proof? Do you know what Mueller knows? If so - please share it with us.
How ridiculous. The witch HUNTERS are the ones who need to show proof, not the witch HUNTED. Whitaker is innocent unless you prove him guilty.

I thought you were talking about Mueller and the Muslim Brotherhood. Only liberals could be ignorant of that.

I am also asking for "credible proof" about your claim of Mueller and the Muslim Brotherhood. Where is it?
I am also asking for "credible proof" about your claim of Mueller and the Muslim Brotherhood. Where is it?
HA HA. Look here folks. Remember what I've been saying for 5 years in this forum > that the problem with liberals is that they DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. That they are the most information-deprived people in America, because of their attachment to liberal OMISSION media, which routinely omits mountains of information to keep them ignorant.

Here's an example. I'm being asked for proof of something that we conservatives have known and discussed for years, and liberals (in 2018) know noting of it. Wow.

Charges of treason could easily be brought against Mueller, who has repeatedly trashed US national security, to appease Muslim Brotherhood front groups, when he was Director of the FBI. He did this for years.

Where is the "credible proof" ? It's in thousands of articles/sources published for years, in publications that your liberal masters forbid you to read.

Russia Special Counsel Mueller Worked with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Material Offensive to Muslims - Judicial Watch

Robert Mueller | The Counter Jihad Report

Lawmaker Questions FBI Materials Purge

Mueller worked with Hamas-linked groups to purge counterterror training of material offensive to Muslims

Robert Mueller Has A Problem Now That This Dark Secret From His Past Is Public

Is Mueller Fighting the Muslim Brotherhood's War?

BREAKING: Massive New Mueller Scandal Rocks D.C. After What He Was Just Caught Doing With Terrorists ⋆

The FBI and the Muslim Brotherhood

JUDICIAL WATCH: Mueller Partnered with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Manuals

Mueller’s Taqiyya Sunrise: Past History with Muslim Front Groups Points to Bias Against Trump -
Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker Once Expressed Terrifying View Of Executive Power

Trump’s choice to replace Jeff Sessions has been deeply critical of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.


Whitaker is very evil. His career is now extremely questionable.

Oh he's been deeply critical of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe. Well, why would he be ? I would hope so. Otherwise he wouldn't have brain in his head.
I notice that Lakota posted a "Funny" icon for post # 29, with 10 links in it, in the space of about 2 minutes. It would take about 3 hours to read through those 10 links (+ their sub-links) :rolleyes:
I notice that Lakota posted a "Funny" icon for post # 29, with 10 links in it, in the space of about 2 minutes. It would take about 3 hours to read through those 10 links (+ their sub-links) :rolleyes:

Yes, I did. Please tell me which one of those NaziCon links that I'm supposed to consider CREDIBLE? I've heard all those conspiracy theories before. They've all be debunked.
  • Thanks
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Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot and fraud just like Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases, but with Marbury v. Madison, a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker just like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise. Whitaker's company was fined 26 million dollars, ironically, about the same amount that Trump paid out for the Trump U fraud.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run rough shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Following up on the patent experience of US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. Although not a patent attorney, Whitaker has been a board member of the now defunct invention promotion scam World Patent Marketing. In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed suit against the company, won a preliminary injunction against its ongoing business, and then a consent decree for $27 million in judgments and injunction against ongoing business. (Apparently at least $24 million is gone and not being repaid.)

Whitaker on Patent Marketing
Melt, BITCHES!!!!

Those chickens are about to come home to roost!!!

Yes, I did. Please tell me which one of those NaziCon links that I'm supposed to consider CREDIBLE? I've heard all those conspiracy theories before.
INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals. Ho hum. Yawn****:bigbed:

So just taking one part of the information in the links, Are you saying that Mueller didn't order FBI training manuals to be purged of words that Muslim Brotherthood front groups were opposed to ?

And are you saying that Mueller didn't attend a convention of ISNA (nucleus of the US Muslim Brotherhood), and as their keynote speaker no less ?

Because I'm saying that yes, he did do those things, and much more.
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