Mathew Whitaker a Fraud and Crackpot Like Trump

Matthew Whitaker is a mirror image of Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases but with Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot
George T. Conway III, husband of White House Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, has become an outspoken critic of President Trump.
Washington (CNN)The husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway is arguing that the President's decision to instate Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general is "unconstitutional" and "illegal."

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump requested Attorney General Jeff Sessions' resignation and announced Whitaker, who was Sessions' chief of staff, would take charge of the Department of Justice until a permanent replacement is nominated at a later date.
George Conway, Kellyanne Conway's husband, slammed the move in an op-ed published Thursday in the New York Times.
"A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant consequence today. It means that Mr. Trump's installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It's illegal," Conway argued in the op-ed, co-written with Neal Katyal, former acting solicitor general under former President Barack Obama.
Matthew Whitaker is a mirror image of Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases but with Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

The Democrats have already begun the 'Politics of Personal Destruction' of Whitaker because they believe Whitaker is a threat to their Witch Hunt / political coup....

Unless they are already co-conspirators / Hillary Supporters the Left will attempt to destroy them....

Thanks for the 'great' thread... :p
OK, we have a new definition of "crackpot"

One who questions Marbury vs Madison

The "intellectual left" has once again demonstrated its total contempt for free speech and the right to disagree with the left...
Matthew Whitaker is a mirror image of Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases but with Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Gives a libtard heartburn = awesome guy in my book.
Trump lovers are pathetic...

"Whitaker was waiting off-set at CNN in June 2017 when he and another guest struck up a conversation. The two men, both former Justice Department officials, talked about work and family. John Q. Barrett, recalls asking Whitaker what had prompted him to go on television to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian election meddling.
Barrett, in an interview and in
remarks on Twitter, recalled Whitaker saying that he hoped his appearances would generate attention so that the President Donald Trump would appoint him a federal judge in his home state of Iowa."

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Whitaker shows the entire world how inept Republicans are. The reason Donald Trump says I don’t know the guy is because he doesn’t know the guy.

The guy he just made acting Attorney General of the justice system for the entire United States.

It seems the White House was shocked and surprised that Whittaker made all these past comments. G how could they have found out what he said when he worked at CNN?

They could’ve gone to a website called Google.

They could’ve just read quotes and watched a video of Whittaker. That might’ve given them a clue.
Whitaker shows the entire world how inept Republicans are. The reason Donald Trump says I don’t know the guy is because he doesn’t know the guy.

The guy he just made acting Attorney General of the justice system for the entire United States.

It seems the White House was shocked and surprised that Whittaker made all these past comments. G how could they have found out what he said when he worked at CNN?

They could’ve gone to a website called Google.

They could’ve just read quotes and watched a video of Whittaker. That might’ve given them a clue.
Trump the Fraud

Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Trump, Jr., promote a Panama real-estate project at an event in New York in 2006.

Photograph by Orjan F. Ellingvag / Dagbladet / Corbis / Getty

What, exactly, is Donald Trump’s business? The Trump Organization is unusual in that it doesn’t appear to do the same thing for very long. It was a builder of apartments for the lower middle class, then a builder of luxury buildings and hotels, then a casino company, and, most recently, a brand-licensing firm, selling its name to anybody who wanted “trump” emblazoned on a building, bottled water, or whatever else. These are wildly different businesses. The way a company raises money, plans projects, and gains profit are entirely different in each of these fields. Middle-class housing, for example, is typically a slow, steady business in which profits come from careful cost control; luxury housing, by contrast, is riskier, with bigger and faster rewards but a higher chance of failure. One hires different sorts of accountants and salespeople and construction managers. Casinos are something else entirely, and licensing is entirely different from any of those other businesses.

It is becoming increasingly clear that, in the language of business schools, the Trump Organization’s core competency is in profiting from misrepresentation and deceit and, potentially, fraud. There are many ways to make money in real estate. The normal way is to identify a need in the market, raise money by convincing lenders or investors that your plan is sound, build the structure, then either profit through ongoing rent or by selling units. The key variables in such a business are what is known as product-market fit—the accuracy with which a developer understands the housing or commercial needs of a place—and the ability to execute well by keeping costs down without sacrificing the right level of quality. Perhaps more than anything, practitioners of a successful real-estate business obsessively focus on maintaining the ability to borrow money cheaply. The profit on many real-estate projects often comes down to simple math: the cheaper you can borrow money to build, the more money you make. The more trustworthy you are, through a long period of successful projects, the less interest banks will demand on their loans, so the more profit you can make, and the more successful you will be.

Rather famously, Trump overinvested in luxury housing, spent too much on his casinos, and completely blew his brief foray into a regional airline. Far worse, Trump did the very opposite of insuring a long record of fiscal prudence that would allow him to borrow money cheaply. Despite the company’s mixed record, it has survived and grown. It’s doing something well, so what is it?

This month, two incredible investigative stories have given us an opportunity to lift the hood of the Trump Organization, look inside, and begin to understand what the business of this unusual company actually is. It is not a happy picture. The Times published a remarkable report, on October 2nd, that showed that much of the profit the Trump Organization made came not from successful real-estate investment but from defrauding state and federal governments through tax fraud. This week, ProPublica and WNYC co-published a stunning story and a “Trump, Inc.” podcast that can be seen as the international companion to the Times piece. They show that many of the Trump Organization’s international deals also bore the hallmarks of financial fraud, including money laundering, deceptive borrowing, outright lying to investors, and other potential crimes.

The reporters—Heather
If Whitaker doesn't recuse himself from the Russia investigation - he may be disbarred and lose his law license. He's really treading on thin ice. He better be very careful.

That's funny.

He's done nothing to warrant him recusing himself.

He should fire Muelller today.
Why didn't the Assistant AG move up into the driver's seat? Isn't that what usually happens? Now there's a new guy there for a short time and that's just going to make it difficult on operations isn't it?

Well, I just keep praying that Trump doesn't make us go through the pain and ugliness of trying to appoint Chris Christie.
This is hilarious!

Trump is now saying he didn't/doesn't know Matt Whitaker. Does anyone believe that?

I guess he was just another "coffee boy"...
Matthew Whitaker is a mirror image of Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases but with Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot


But don't worry...the midterms proved that Trump is on his way out.

Just hold your nose until January 2021...and - barring Trump starting a war to save his butt - it will all be over.
Matthew Whitaker is a mirror image of Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases but with Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Great post.

Although the Trumpies probably think the fraud story is "fake news".

They are all trained to bark like dogs whenever a negative trump story is reported. "fake news, fake news..." like little parrots.
Matthew Whitaker is a mirror image of Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases but with Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot
wow you know quite a few americans personally. I'm amazed at you leftists. me, I barely know peoples habits and opinions that I know personally. you all have the magic power of knowing everyone!! fking amazing.

When were you in Whitaker's inner circle of friends?
This is hilarious!

Trump is now saying he didn't/doesn't know Matt Whitaker. Does anyone believe that?

I guess he was just another "coffee boy"...
Did he know him before he didn't know him, or didn't he know him before he did know him?

I'm confused.

I have a feeling the next tweet from the moron-in-chief is going to go something like this:

Oh, you mean that Matthew Whitaker? Oh, I was talking about another Matthew Whitaker, the one who's friends with John Barron.
It sounds like Whitaker is currently under criminal investigation - by the FBI. Interesting...

Link please? The guy was Sessions' assistant, so he should know how not to run DOJ. Now the Left is whining. The guy stood next to sessions, he looks like the Hulk. Lets hope he knows how to go after the real criminals.

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