Mathew Whitaker a Fraud and Crackpot Like Trump

Gee IF Whittaker is appointed, all this can come out in the confirmation hearing.
The point may be have the ethically challenged Whitaker do the dirty work and fire Mueller, then nominate a different AG.

Now I agree with George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, that Whitaker has no authority to fire anyone as he is not officially AG until the Senate confirms him.
If Whitaker doesn't recuse himself from the Russia investigation - he may be disbarred and lose his law license. He's really treading on thin ice. He better be very careful.
Here is Whitaker's threat.

Funny how Republicans on the USMB, to this day, defend the scam known as Trump University, even though he had to pay out millions and millions of dollars.
And they defend the criminal organization known as the Trump Foundation which is also under criminal investigation.

Why do Republicans like criminals like Mafia Don?
Mathew Whitaker is a crackpot and fraud just like Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases. it with the Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Mueller is three steps ahead of all of them.
Here is Whitaker's threat.

Funny how Republicans on the USMB, to this day, defend the scam known as Trump University, even though he had to pay out millions and millions of dollars.
And they defend the criminal organization known as the Trump Foundation which is also under criminal investigation.

Why do Republicans like criminals like Mafia Don?
This was already addressed, and voided in Post # 18.
If Whitaker doesn't recuse himself from the Russia investigation - he may be disbarred and lose his law license. He's really treading on thin ice. He better be very careful.
He should get rid of Mueller just based on Muller's Muslim Brotherhood connections alone.
Here is Whitaker's threat.

Funny how Republicans on the USMB, to this day, defend the scam known as Trump University, even though he had to pay out millions and millions of dollars.
And they defend the criminal organization known as the Trump Foundation which is also under criminal investigation.

Why do Republicans like criminals like Mafia Don?
"I a former United States attorney for the southern district of Brooklyn New York."

"You are party too a scam..."


Yeah, Whitaker. He is a former attorney from the fictional southern district of BROOKLYN New York.
If Whitaker doesn't recuse himself from the Russia investigation - he may be disbarred and lose his law license. He's really treading on thin ice. He better be very careful.
He should get rid of Mueller just based on Muller's Muslim Brotherhood connections alone.

How come no major mainstream media sources have ever reported on Mueller's supposed Muslim Brotherhood connections?
How come no major mainstream media sources have ever reported on Mueller's supposed Muslim Brotherhood connections?
Definition: "major mainstream media sources" - leftist, propaganda mills, AKA liberal OMISSION media

And liberal media generally won't touch anything about Muslims in a negative light. For them, the subject is taboo.
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CNN is really exposing just how corrupt Whitaker is. He has a very shady past. I expect he'll soon lose his law license.
If Whitaker doesn't recuse himself from the Russia investigation - he may be disbarred and lose his law license. He's really treading on thin ice. He better be very careful.
On what grounds would he need to recuse himself?

You mean other than the fact that he was put in place by Trump specifically to squash Mueller's investigation????

For fucks sakes just for ONE SECOND consider your reaction if Obama did anything like this. You rightwingers are nodding along while Trump is committing crime after crime in broad day light...just like he said you will.
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Things are looking really bad for Whitaker. Mainstream media are crushing him by exposing his past comments and questionable endeavors.
Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot and fraud just like Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases, but with Marbury v. Madison, a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker just like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise. Whitaker's company was fined 26 million dollars, ironically, about the same amount that Trump paid out for the Trump U fraud.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run rough shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

Following up on the patent experience of US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. Although not a patent attorney, Whitaker has been a board member of the now defunct invention promotion scam World Patent Marketing. In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed suit against the company, won a preliminary injunction against its ongoing business, and then a consent decree for $27 million in judgments and injunction against ongoing business. (Apparently at least $24 million is gone and not being repaid.)

Whitaker on Patent Marketing
Almost deja vu all over again.
Matthew Whitaker is a mirror image of Trump. Whitaker is such a legal stooge that he takes issue not just with recent Supreme Court cases but with Marbury v. Madison a case that has been established law for the past 200 years.

But beyond that Whitaker like Trump has been involved in defrauding unsuspecting people. He was involved with World Patent Marketing that was cited and fined for fraud just like Trump U. The conman Whitaker was heavily involved in the marketing of this criminal enterprise.

The mob family known as the Trump Administration continues to run brought shod over this nation and the constitution.

Who is Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general?

Opinion | Matthew Whitaker is a crackpot

So what has he been convicted of? No hurry, I'll wait.

Credible proof? Do you know what Mueller knows? If so - please share it with us. Are you a Russian bot?
Credible proof about WHAT > What are you asking about ?

Funny. Do you have a comprehension problem?

Credible proof? Do you know what Mueller knows? If so - please share it with us.

You're always running around flapping your weeny arms screamimg "credible proof"...and never offer up your own

By the "Go Beto!!!" Hahaha

You're always picking losers....loser
Gee IF Whittaker is appointed, all this can come out in the confirmation hearing.
The point may be have the ethically challenged Whitaker do the dirty work and fire Mueller, then nominate a different AG.

Now I agree with George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, that Whitaker has no authority to fire anyone as he is not officially AG until the Senate confirms him.

The law says he is and can

You loons think better minds than you don't know this?

Mewler is toast
Muelllers investigation was about the supposed Trump/Russia election connection. Which doesn't exist.

All I've seen the man do is take a couple of crooks to trial.

He's supposed to release a report after the mid terms.

Well. Its after the mid terms. Where is the damned report??

Oh and Whitaker will do what Sessions didn't. Get involved and hopefully straighten out Muellers mess.

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