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Matt 27:3 is plagiarized from another Judas account


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Matt 27:3 Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse

This story is plagiarized from a famous Rabbi Yehuda Ben Tabbai of the 100bc era, same era where the Yeshu son of Mary who was HANGED ON A TREE at Passover comes from.

Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai
who had a Witness killed, who conspired to testify falsely. Yehuda did this to show the Tziddukim they were wrong regarding a law, but made a mistake himself, which Shimon ben Shetach (his friend and eventual head priest)pointed out. He thus spent his life crying at the grave of his victim for forgiveness:
-Makkot 5b.

Notice they chose to create the silver pieces story in order to place and fulfill their created image into the book of Jeremiah.
Yehuda was often confused with Yeshu, however they didn't know each other, but notice they borrow the Hanging and even have Shimon becoming head priest and Yeshu of 100 bc had a follower Mathew.
Being that YESHU OF 100BC Is the rare passover high holiday sentencing and only Christ figure recorded to be sentenced on such occassion and the NT says Jesus was hanged then we can conclude this 100bc is one of the MANY figures spaning various eras used for the Jesus image and that would make the Judas story also suspect to where it was borrowed. Follow the trail people, Rome changed the names and days like they told you the adversary would. Names and bithdates don't sync when you converge characters thus new names and days appear.
Just as 2 types of sentencings Hanged or crucified, 2 blames his tribe or Romans, 2 professions carpenter & fisherman, 2 home towns Capernaum and Nazareth, eras don't line with historical figures, etc.
Do you know which if not all christs you lifted above God?
Rome would have changed the names several hundred years after followers of Christ were already well established throughout the Middle East.

Also followers of Christ fled the destruction of Jerusalem long before Rome had a chance to create the myth of Christ
Once again a kernal of truth woven into a framework of lies and how many Jewish people have suffered down the ages for these lies...Despised unpopular thrown out of country after country home after home and killed and shamed all because Rome and her affiliates (the churches) created a story/myth a lie to cover their trail..That is why they call it a tall tale/tail that only fish the gulliable fall for and it is all very fishy once the stories are analized....Did not this Yeshu flee to Egypt opposite of the Israelites leaving Egypt.....There is an opposite twist in everything as it turns out....
the sad fact is we don't know which of the many christ cults they are calling Christian, if not made a broadstroke blanket term for all such messianics or a later label for the converging of all of them.
Some say christians were the Nazarenes however Nazarene means guardians of the new testament and has nothing to do with being a Nazarite (person from Nazareth). The following of YESHU OF 100BC WAS called a HaNotzrim meaning offshoot (cult) and can easilly be confused or merged with the Hebrew word for Nazarene.
Both James and Paul seem to be at odds claiming each was worshiping another Christ.
"Pol" -Appolonius of Tyana (who was from Tarsus) was used for the Paul character and his Christ was Krishna called Christos but he also had a vast library and taste in nany cultures and deities. Was this Christos followers Christians? Probably not but Krishna mythology matches the Jesus story and can be part of the grouping.
Seems it would be too easy to blanket term all the many messianics into one fold called Christians (those who follow and anointed one).
I think it was the previous Pope or this one or a bishop or cardinal that admited in a statement for some odd reason that Jesus was not a physical being, that he was an image of compiled expectations to come as if to admit they took all visions of a great restorer liberator and made him the expectant image for their one world religion, with them as the benefactor of course. maybe why years ago one of the more famous cardinals said: "oh what profit this fable has made us?"

Shimon yes Yeshu fled the "Jannaeus" revolt towards Egypt where he kearned his forbidden naggic sorcery tricks and underworld and mystical light teachings.
Which means Rome used the Herod story which never happened as a way to demonize Herod and the Jews, just as Judas was used to represent Judah and demonize us.
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To be clear, I was raised RCC, turned away as a young adult, I've had 2 Rabbis, one Conservative and one Reform, ask me to consider converting. My wife and kids are Jewish. Once the Rabbis got past my Italian last name and got to talking to me and knowing me and appreciating my desire to raise my children Jewish, they each thought the next step would be to have me join. I'm not Christian, I'm not Jewish; I'm not sure what I am. The words of Jesus in the NT ring as true as anything I've hear in my life but I can never go back to a RCC church, neither am I comfortable in synagogue for the same reasons

I was watching a TV show "Millennium" and one of the character started quoting lines that I'd heard before but couldn't remember where or when I heard them. They were from "The Thunder, Perfect Mind" part of Nag Hammadi and attributed to Mary Magdalene. At that time, I had no idea what the Gnostic Gospels were, but that was my re-introduction.

I wish anyone and everyone well who is on a path to God. I have no quarrel with anyone who is on the path
What did taking a little snip off the top scare you away. *LOL* Just joking.
Rabbis don't make it easy nor appealing during the process, they want to make sure it's in your heart and Essence of being.
IF you enjoy the gnostic text then
You might enjoy the Dead Sea Scrolls even more...
So deep poetic and full of wisdom and advanced perceptions especially considering their time period.
Also it helps how you see and read the Bible in a new light. I read a 600+ page scroll book in one full day, because I couldn't put it down.

Have you studied Taoism? It is a lot like Judaism and the Essenes scrolls, they explain many of the same concepts but perhaps better at explaining them then our Torah with its lack of vowels that are just asking for confusion. *L*
Matt 27:3 Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse

This story is plagiarized from a famous Rabbi Yehuda Ben Tabbai of the 100bc era, same era where the Yeshu son of Mary who was HANGED ON A TREE at Passover comes from.

Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai
who had a Witness killed, who conspired to testify falsely. Yehuda did this to show the Tziddukim they were wrong regarding a law, but made a mistake himself, which Shimon ben Shetach (his friend and eventual head priest)pointed out. He thus spent his life crying at the grave of his victim for forgiveness:
-Makkot 5b.

Notice they chose to create the silver pieces story in order to place and fulfill their created image into the book of Jeremiah.
Yehuda was often confused with Yeshu, however they didn't know each other, but notice they borrow the Hanging and even have Shimon becoming head priest and Yeshu of 100 bc had a follower Mathew.
Being that YESHU OF 100BC Is the rare passover high holiday sentencing and only Christ figure recorded to be sentenced on such occassion and the NT says Jesus was hanged then we can conclude this 100bc is one of the MANY figures spaning various eras used for the Jesus image and that would make the Judas story also suspect to where it was borrowed. Follow the trail people, Rome changed the names and days like they told you the adversary would. Names and bithdates don't sync when you converge characters thus new names and days appear.
Just as 2 types of sentencings Hanged or crucified, 2 blames his tribe or Romans, 2 professions carpenter & fisherman, 2 home towns Capernaum and Nazareth, eras don't line with historical figures, etc.
Do you know which if not all christs you lifted above God?

There are many contradictions. Bible is not holy perfect
Rome would have changed the names several hundred years after followers of Christ were already well established throughout the Middle East.

Also followers of Christ fled the destruction of Jerusalem long before Rome had a chance to create the myth of Christ

Thank you, Frank, this claim of HaShev's is completely false. As is all of what he claims about the New Testament and Jesus Christ. The truth is that when John the Baptist saw the religious Pharisees and Sadducees show up while he was baptizing (and preparing the way for the Messiah Jesus Christ) those who confessed their sins and were willing to turn from them - we read the following in Scripture what John the Baptist knew about these people:

Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan, And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Saduccees come to his baptism, he said to them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.

Matthew 3:5,6,7,8

You see even John the Baptist knew that these religious Jews were full of self righteousness and did not have any intention of repentance. Jesus was not the only one to call them vipers and warn them that believing themselves to be children of Abraham would do them any good.
When people continue to refuse to repent and turn from their sins, the enemy is ever so ready to open up false mystical experiences for them such as Satan's counterfeit religion of Kabbala which Madonna and Demi Moore are into - is there any holiness in such behavior? Absolutely not - look at the satanic fruit in both these women's lives! And yet the devil has given them what they asked for because they bowed down to worship him while Jesus and his followers have refused to ever bow down to him. Why do people get involved in such satanic mysticism as Kabbala? The same reason many bow down to Satan. For filthy lucre, fame, power, prestige among their peers. They are full of pride and the lusts of this world. There is no holiness in their hearts. They are like their father the devil.

One last comment - the early Christians were as Lot was in the midst of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. They were surrounded by these religious Jews who were seeking to kill them because they preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (The Apostle Paul had been a religious Pharisee who murdered Christians before Jesus stopped him on the road to Damascus - it was common in that time)

When the LORD was about to pronounce judgment (even as he did with Sodom and Gomorrah) he first had to remove his own children out of there who were walking in obedience to him. You see Jesus Christ prophesied to them that this judgment while he was with them.

Josephus records that not one Jewish Christian (or gentile Christian) was there when the city was invaded by the Romans. That is because God cannot bring a judgment until he removes his own children. As the new covenant establishes that our salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ - only those who have believed on Jesus Christ are called justified by faith.

When this next invasion on Israel occurs as the prophets predict it will - 2/3's of Israel will be destroyed - and 1 part shall remain and that 1 part will be the Jewish people the LORD will redeem.

As the Scriptures declare, it is a remnant. On the matter of the early Hebrew and Gentile Christians who left because the LORD had prepared in advance to save His Own that had received Him, they took the Scriptures with them - they were not in the possession of the Romans - nor of any of the religious Jews that rejected Christ (and perished) - everything was destroyed anyhow - aside from that which was seized from the Temple - (all the gold and silver and precious items). The Scriptures - the Epistles of Peter, John, Timothy, the letters from Paul to the Romans, Corinthians, etc was all in their possession which is why the Roman Pope appointed Augustine to search out those who had the scriptures wherever they were on the continent of Africa where he was.

Again this proves that HaShev does not know what he is talking about. His teachings of Kabbala are of the occult and people should not have anything to do with it nor listen to it. The Scriptures are clear that we are not to listen to what we know is not true. This is how cults flourish. People listen to lies rather than believing the Word of God found in the King James Authorized 1611 Bible. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. There is no other way to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Those who reject Christ are rejecting the offer of eternal life and heaven. What sorrow they will have when it is too late and they cannot repent - no matter how desperately they desire to be forgiven it will be too late.

In that day, they shall well remember the words they are hearing today and will wish they would not have denied the Messiah and neglected so great a salvation.
Matt 27:3 Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse

This story is plagiarized from a famous Rabbi Yehuda Ben Tabbai of the 100bc era, same era where the Yeshu son of Mary who was HANGED ON A TREE at Passover comes from.

Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai
who had a Witness killed, who conspired to testify falsely. Yehuda did this to show the Tziddukim they were wrong regarding a law, but made a mistake himself, which Shimon ben Shetach (his friend and eventual head priest)pointed out. He thus spent his life crying at the grave of his victim for forgiveness:
-Makkot 5b.

Notice they chose to create the silver pieces story in order to place and fulfill their created image into the book of Jeremiah.
Yehuda was often confused with Yeshu, however they didn't know each other, but notice they borrow the Hanging and even have Shimon becoming head priest and Yeshu of 100 bc had a follower Mathew.
Being that YESHU OF 100BC Is the rare passover high holiday sentencing and only Christ figure recorded to be sentenced on such occassion and the NT says Jesus was hanged then we can conclude this 100bc is one of the MANY figures spaning various eras used for the Jesus image and that would make the Judas story also suspect to where it was borrowed. Follow the trail people, Rome changed the names and days like they told you the adversary would. Names and bithdates don't sync when you converge characters thus new names and days appear.
Just as 2 types of sentencings Hanged or crucified, 2 blames his tribe or Romans, 2 professions carpenter & fisherman, 2 home towns Capernaum and Nazareth, eras don't line with historical figures, etc.
Do you know which if not all christs you lifted above God?

There are many contradictions. Bible is not holy perfect

Wrong. The Bible is the holy, perfect Word of God.

It is written:

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
Psalm 19:7

Speaking of converting the soul. It reminds me of the time a Jewish woman contacted me by email on a board I had been writing on ( not this board) and told me that by reading what I had been writing on that board she realized that Jesus Christ was the Messiah! It was a very emotional moment for her as she had been raised in a very powerful, wealthy family of Kabbalists. Today she believes on Jesus Christ as her Messiah. The good news is that although the people you are preaching to on a message board - may not receive the Word - there are others who are listening and when the Spirit of the LORD shows up Jesus Christ is revealed to them as the Messiah and their soul is converted. This is why the Word of God has the power to convert the soul while nothing else does. The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple!
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Matt 27:3 Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse

This story is plagiarized from a famous Rabbi Yehuda Ben Tabbai of the 100bc era, same era where the Yeshu son of Mary who was HANGED ON A TREE at Passover comes from.

Rabbi Yehuda (Judas) ben Tabbai
who had a Witness killed, who conspired to testify falsely. Yehuda did this to show the Tziddukim they were wrong regarding a law, but made a mistake himself, which Shimon ben Shetach (his friend and eventual head priest)pointed out. He thus spent his life crying at the grave of his victim for forgiveness:
-Makkot 5b.

Notice they chose to create the silver pieces story in order to place and fulfill their created image into the book of Jeremiah.
Yehuda was often confused with Yeshu, however they didn't know each other, but notice they borrow the Hanging and even have Shimon becoming head priest and Yeshu of 100 bc had a follower Mathew.
Being that YESHU OF 100BC Is the rare passover high holiday sentencing and only Christ figure recorded to be sentenced on such occassion and the NT says Jesus was hanged then we can conclude this 100bc is one of the MANY figures spaning various eras used for the Jesus image and that would make the Judas story also suspect to where it was borrowed. Follow the trail people, Rome changed the names and days like they told you the adversary would. Names and bithdates don't sync when you converge characters thus new names and days appear.
Just as 2 types of sentencings Hanged or crucified, 2 blames his tribe or Romans, 2 professions carpenter & fisherman, 2 home towns Capernaum and Nazareth, eras don't line with historical figures, etc.
Do you know which if not all christs you lifted above God?

There are many contradictions. Bible is not holy perfect

Wrong. The Bible is the holy, perfect Word of God.

An Incredible Interactive Chart of Biblical Contradictions

Take your blinders off and change your attitude.
Rome would have changed the names several hundred years after followers of Christ were already well established throughout the Middle East.

Also followers of Christ fled the destruction of Jerusalem long before Rome had a chance to create the myth of Christ
The second paragraph seems contradictory
Rome would have changed the names several hundred years after followers of Christ were already well established throughout the Middle East.

Also followers of Christ fled the destruction of Jerusalem long before Rome had a chance to create the myth of Christ
The second paragraph seems contradictory

That's the whole point. You can't have both a mythical Christ invented by Rome in the 4th Century and also have historical evidence that followers of Christ fled the destruction of Jerusalem for Pella per the warning given to them when Christ was among them.
What did taking a little snip off the top scare you away. *LOL* Just joking.
Rabbis don't make it easy nor appealing during the process, they want to make sure it's in your heart and Essence of being.
IF you enjoy the gnostic text then
You might enjoy the Dead Sea Scrolls even more...
So deep poetic and full of wisdom and advanced perceptions especially considering their time period.
Also it helps how you see and read the Bible in a new light. I read a 600+ page scroll book in one full day, because I couldn't put it down.

Have you studied Taoism? It is a lot like Judaism and the Essenes scrolls, they explain many of the same concepts but perhaps better at explaining them then our Torah with its lack of vowels that are just asking for confusion. *L*

I took 2 Kabbalah classes here locally in NYC and will sign up for the third in the fall. On a tuesday night, they gave the Kabbalahistic interpretation of Jacob and Esau and it felt like I was transported back in time thousands of years listening to a wise elder give the inner meaning of the story
Rome would have changed the names several hundred years after followers of Christ were already well established throughout the Middle East.

Also followers of Christ fled the destruction of Jerusalem long before Rome had a chance to create the myth of Christ
The second paragraph seems contradictory

That's the whole point. You can't have both a mythical Christ invented by Rome in the 4th Century and also have historical evidence that followers of Christ fled the destruction of Jerusalem for Pella per the warning given to them when Christ was among them.
Facts for Jeremiah; (so others won't be fooled)
John the Baptist seems to be an AD era figure and the NT which Jeremiah swears is infallable also suggedts an AD era John. However Jeremiah when asked to tell us which Christ she's calling Jesus had stated her Christ is Yeshu.
Yeshu lived in 100bc we know this through accurate historical records kept on famous Rabbis, one such Rabbi was his Mentor Rabbi Yohoshua ben *Perachyah* (spelling?*). Also his friend and follower was Salome the wife of King Jannaeus who we obviously can date accurately. By the way The widows mite coin is a Jannaeus era coin with the symbol if the evening star on it, so the NT story about the coin gives a clue to the convergance of christs soanning many eras.

John the baptist couldn't be the one Yeshu first followed then lead (stole) his flock. There's only one Christ in the early AD era.

You have the only AD era Christ the one named Theudas by the Jordan who had apostles who were martyrs, one being John.
crusader frank i have misjudged you i owe you an apology... as for jeremiah i see she is keeping true to form only gibberjabber and if all else fails drown out the post with dumping nonsensical posts...

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