Matt Gaetz gets schooled on Critical Race Theory

The infamously racist and corrupt Barry Obama is who started weaponizing, politicisizing and radicalizing our government.
It is another indication that the Democratic Party is a third world banana republic totally corrupt dangerous destructive totalitarian cult.
They are radicalizing the IRS, CIA, FBI, DOJ, schools, sports, entertainment......
Another Maga troll still smarting over people choosing Obama twice over his blalther...and saving America from the economic tailspin by the Shrub. Another troll for the IA bin.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

How can Milley school anyone about something he apparently knows nothing about and does not recognize?

He is an embarrassment as Chairman of the JCS.

How can YOU comment about something YOU know nothing about? Milley did something YOU can't/won't do....READ items that he does not agree with, but seeks to understand what they say and why?

The blatant willful ignorance and troll like stubbornness displayed by you and your like minded brethren is appalling.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched every moment of this, Milley is, along with all of the other pentagon elites, an Obama holdover that Trump fucked America with, he should have fired this sub-moron on day one, and because he did not, Milley is still there, with all of the other Obama positioned Marxists. Gaetz was not schooled by this retard, the retard was outed as a Marxist indoctrinator!

BTW, you racist peddlers of this naked racism, everyone of you should be executed out of hand, there is nothing about anyone disseminating that shit which humans need tolerate, its evil, you're evil, and the earth will be a much much finer place with you and all like you removed from it!

Anti-military....anti-vet....just like your orange god calling our military members "losers" and "suckers".

Why do you lie? Does it give you a woody?

Are you denying that Cheeto Jeezus didn't infer that the late Sen. McCain was a loser for getting captured & tortured by the Viet Cong?
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Oh "DefiantOne" you confuse support of the military with kissing the butts of the Globalist libtards that are the leaders of the military. If you have any other questions we are here for you.

So Gen. Milley is a "globalist libtard" because he schools a dullard like Gaetz that the military does study any and all information to help them defend the country (the phrase "no your enemy" comes to mind)? His military credentials give no credence to your babbling. Thanks for proving the point of the OP.

"no your enemy" - you fucking retard!

so the best you've got is an orgasm over a typo? Jeez, you're easy to please.
calling people racists for publicly citing and documenting the systemic racism in parts of American society....fools no one but folk like you.
What about calling people pimping a KNOWN Marxist indoctrination tactic (critical race theory) fucking COMMIES?

Is that accurate?
you keep regurgitating this dreck, but when taken to task all you can do is try to pass your personal supposition and conjecture off as fact ... or post other material in a similar vein as if they magically connect to support your screeds. We did this dance already, and you failed a simple burden of proof....your denial and parroting and name calling non-withstanding.
We all know the logical conclusion of "racially disparate outcomes." Don't get pissed when I blow your goose-stepping cover.
Academic critics of CRT argue that it relies on social constructionism, elevates storytelling over evidence and reason, rejects the concepts of truth and merit, and opposes liberalism.
You've just shown us that parental motivation is KEY. What if parents don't have the tools to help. I know of areas where the parents are completely illiterate, work 2-3 minimum wage jobs, and (especially this last year) have no concept of the internet or how to help their children with today's expectations of education. Your mom had an education and a solid career....a good solid base for you to step up on.
There is literally (pun intended) no excuse for someone to be illiterate in America. NONE!!!

A parent who cannot help their children as you described has NO BUSINESS having children.

That's why I don't care if people get abortions. Someone who can't help their child should not have one.

So, again, how is any of this relevant to CRT?
Ah...and now we get into telling people whether they can or cannot have children. Interesting.
I am not telling anybody anything. Pettifogging again?

But, if you have a bunch of kids with no job DON'T COME AT ME AND TELL ME I AM RACIST SIMPLY BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A RAT FUCK ABOUT YOU!!!!
Did you not say: "A parent who cannot help their children as you describe has NO BUSINESS having children."

Did you not say that?

Did you not say that?
"You have no business having kids" is NOT THE SAME THING as telling them what to do, you pettifogging shit!
Did you not say "A parent who cannot help their children as you describe has NO BUSINESS having children."?

Did you not say that?

"who cannot help their children" are telling people that they need to be able to help their children in order to be "allowed" to have children.
Please show where I said that are not allowed to have kids, or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
if they cannot help their's very clear
See, unlike you (and the CCP), I am not a supporter of GOVERNMENT telling people how many kids they can have. It doesn't surprise me that you would ass-sume that I would.
Are you comparing me to the People's REPUBLIC of China?
Are you? Don't be afraid to answer.
Did you just whip out the old I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I response?
No...I asked you again if you are comparing me to the People's REPUBLIC of China. Are you?
Well, you're a commie. They are all commies. (Note: the CCP is not China, kinda like the Dems are not America)
Again, you call me a commie. What is it that I do that makes me a commie? Perhaps my 21 years of military service in the U.S. Navy? Seems like the Right is into denigrating the military as well as the police now.
That you don't even know you are a commie, makes it even worse.
Still waiting for you to tell me what makes me a commie. Come on....surely you have the words.
I will as soon as you tell me what makes me a racist.
What part of the CRT curriculum do you object to? What does it say? Link that section for us to look over.
The part where it attempts to use race, rather than class (critical theory or Bolshevism) to stir divide and make generations want to undo the founding and implement Marxism.

Deny it.
That part? Link it for us, please. I'd like to read over it to see if it does what you claim it does.
Denial. You love Marxism, don't you?

Why would they scrub this sentence from Wikipedia in the last 48 hours:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]
How many times are you going to use this erroneous interpretation as an answer? Here, for your education....again!
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched it and I disagree with you. The ex military man was trying to peddle his book. But you believe what you will.

So precisely what did Milley say that was incorrect? Have you never heard of "know your enemy"? If people are committing insurrection, it would behoove the military and police to know the reasons why. Capice?

That people were committing insurrection is a lie. That the military is systematically racist is a lie. That white people feel threatened is a lie. Precisely that.

Your fear is palatable.

You mistake fear for disdain. I only fear for my kids. If you were a parent you would understand

I don't fear for my kids or grandkids.
They will be just fine.
Strong, Smart, Caring Individuals.

Then you’re a fool

Then you must be weak.
I pity the leadership they get from you.

Say that to my face. Easy to be so crass on a message board. Your leadership is naive.
Generally the willfully ignorant state exactly what you do here. For your education:
YOU are the willfully ignorant, terrified to post something here yourself, so instead you throw in a laughable piece of leftist lunacy, idiocy, that is refutable in every single pathetic paragragh, such as "white privilege", of which there is no such thing in America - but there sure is black privilege >>
1. Affirmative Action
2. Biden's American Rescue Plan
3. Allowing criminal blacks to riot, and not only get away with their crimes, but to sue cities (and collect big bucks$$) for purported police brutality, when police did no such thing (ex. Rodney King)
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Oh "DefiantOne" you confuse support of the military with kissing the butts of the Globalist libtards that are the leaders of the military. If you have any other questions we are here for you.

So Gen. Milley is a "globalist libtard" because he schools a dullard like Gaetz that the military does study any and all information to help them defend the country (the phrase "no your enemy" comes to mind)? His military credentials give no credence to your babbling. Thanks for proving the point of the OP.

"no your enemy" - you fucking retard!

so the best you've got is an orgasm over a typo? Jeez, you're easy to please.

That's a far cry from a fucking typo. That is full-blown improper useage. It bugs the shit out of some people, and I understand why.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Yeah, milley is woke because thats which way the wind is blowing and he wants to be in the “In Crowd”

And how stupid is it to teach black soldiers to hate their white teammates and white soldiers to hate themselves?

How stupid is it to repeat InfoWars rhetoric like you do? Here, for your education:

Milley explains to your equally dim hero Gaetz that you need to understand why and how insurrectionist stormed the Capitol to interrupt our electoral process. It's called "know your enemy". Got that bunky?
Generally the willfully ignorant state exactly what you do here. For your education:
YOU are the willfully ignorant, terrified to post something here yourself, so instead you throw in a laughable piece of leftist lunacy, idiocy, that is refutable in every single pathetic paragragh, such as "white privilege", of which there is no such thing in America - but there sure is black privilege >>
1. Affirmative Action
2. Biden's American Rescue Plan
3. Allowing criminal blacks to riot, and not only get away with their crimes, but to sue cities (and collect big bucks$$) for purported police brutality, when police did no such thing (ex. Rodney King)
No such as "white privilege"? Clearly, people smarter than you's something for you to ignore and deny (the rest or your supposition and conjecture laden idiocy is not even worth responding to): Understanding white privilege: 20 everyday examples

The BS is being shot down in school districts everywhere

Another failed leftist agenda
This is true ...

Now look forward to our Communist Federal Government making it mandatory.

That's why private and homeschool exist
No, we teach our kids how to spot the goose-stepper and do like I did in college--write like my name is Mao and get all As, then tell them to fuck off and die.

Do you have any responses beyond 9th grade?

Your response was about seventh grade
Yeah, just as I don't. I won't waste more time and space on you. Come back when you grow up.
What part of the CRT curriculum do you object to? What does it say? Link that section for us to look over.
The part where it attempts to use race, rather than class (critical theory or Bolshevism) to stir divide and make generations want to undo the founding and implement Marxism.

Deny it.
That part? Link it for us, please. I'd like to read over it to see if it does what you claim it does.
Denial. You love Marxism, don't you?

Why would they scrub this sentence from Wikipedia in the last 48 hours:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]
1. WHO scrubbed that phrase from Wikipedia?

2. WHERE in Wikipedia was it scrubbed from?

3. WHAT is wrong with that statement? (It reminds me a bit of Hari Seldon's psychohistory)
I am not answering any of your questions until you admit that you're a Marxist.
Last time I witnessed a person using that rational to win an argument, the teacher made both of them sit in the corner. The OP's validity has just got you all upset that you can't think straight, can ya bunky?

The BS is being shot down in school districts everywhere

Another failed leftist agenda
This is true ...

Now look forward to our Communist Federal Government making it mandatory.

That's why private and homeschool exist
No, we teach our kids how to spot the goose-stepper and do like I did in college--write like my name is Mao and get all As, then tell them to fuck off and die.

Do you have any responses beyond 9th grade?
Are you a Marxist?
Nope? Are you some idiot trying to channel Joe McCarthy when you can't win an argument?
What part of the CRT curriculum do you object to? What does it say? Link that section for us to look over.
The part where it attempts to use race, rather than class (critical theory or Bolshevism) to stir divide and make generations want to undo the founding and implement Marxism.

Deny it.
That part? Link it for us, please. I'd like to read over it to see if it does what you claim it does.
Denial. You love Marxism, don't you?

Why would they scrub this sentence from Wikipedia in the last 48 hours:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]
How many times are you going to use this erroneous interpretation as an answer? Here, for your education....again!
Oh, yeah.

Critical Race Theory, or CRT, is a theoretical and interpretive mode that examines the appearance of race and racism across dominant cultural modes of expression. In adopting this approach, CRT scholars attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race and how they are able to represent themselves to counter prejudice.

What are they trying to do?

Most CRT scholarship attempts to demonstrate not only how racism continues to be a pervasive component throughout dominant society, but also why this persistent racism problematically denies individuals many of the constitutional freedoms they are otherwise promised in the United States’ governing documents. This enables scholars to locate how texts develop in and through the cultural contexts that produced them, further demonstrating how pervasive systemic racism truly is. CRT scholars typically focus on both the evidence and the origins of racism in American culture, seeking to eradicate it at its roots.

What could POSSIBLY be the "roots" of racism in America?



  • White privilege: Discussed by Lipsitz, Lee, Harris, McIntosh, and other CRT scholars, white privilege refers to the various social, political, and economic advantages white individuals experience in contrast to non-white citizens based on their racial membership. These advantages can include both obvious and subtle differences in access to power, social status, experiences of prejudice, educational opportunities, and much more. For CRT scholars, the notion of white privilege offers a way to discuss dominant culture’s tendency to normalize white individuals’ experiences and ignore the experiences of non-whites. Fields such as CRT and whiteness studies have focused explicitly on the concept of white privilege to understand how racism influences white people.
  • Microaggressions: Microaggressions refer to the seemingly minute, often unconscious, quotidian instances of prejudice that collectively contribute to racism and the subordination of racialized individuals by dominant culture. Peggy Davis discusses how legal discourse participates in and can counteract the effects of microaggressions.
  • Institutionalized Racism: This concept, discussed extensively by Camara Phyllis Jones, refers to the systemic ways dominant society restricts a racialized individual or group’s access to opportunities. These inequalities, which include an individual’s access to material conditions and power, are not only deeply imbedded in legal institutions, but have been absorbed into American culture to such a degree that they are often invisible or easily overlooked.
  • Social construction: In the context of CRT, “social construction” refers to the notion that race is a product of social thought and relations. It suggests that race is a product of neither biology nor genetics, but is rather a social invention.
  • Intersectionality and anti-essentialism: These terms refer to the notion that one aspect of an individual’s identity does not necessarily determine other categories of membership. As Delgado and Stefancic explain, “Everyone has potentially conflicting, overlapping identities, loyalties, and allegiances” (CRT: An Introduction 10). In other words, we cannot predict an individual’s identity, beliefs, or values based on categories like race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, etc; instead, we must recognize that individuals are capable of claiming membership to a variety of different (and oftentimes seemingly contradictory) categories and belief systems regardless of the identities outsiders attempt to impose upon them.

Fuck off. ALL that shit is designed to re-write the entire founding of America and erode the fabric. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE THE GOAL?

The BS is being shot down in school districts everywhere

Another failed leftist agenda
This is true ...

Now look forward to our Communist Federal Government making it mandatory.

That's why private and homeschool exist
No, we teach our kids how to spot the goose-stepper and do like I did in college--write like my name is Mao and get all As, then tell them to fuck off and die.

Do you have any responses beyond 9th grade?
Are you a Marxist?
Nope? Are you some idiot trying to channel Joe McCarthy when you can't win an argument?
Gaslightighting, lying little kuunt.
Generally the willfully ignorant state exactly what you do here. For your education:
YOU are the willfully ignorant, terrified to post something here yourself, so instead you throw in a laughable piece of leftist lunacy, idiocy, that is refutable in every single pathetic paragragh, such as "white privilege", of which there is no such thing in America - but there sure is black privilege >>
1. Affirmative Action
2. Biden's American Rescue Plan
3. Allowing criminal blacks to riot, and not only get away with their crimes, but to sue cities (and collect big bucks$$) for purported police brutality, when police did no such thing (ex. Rodney King)
No such as "white privilege"? Clearly, people smarter than you's something for you to ignore and deny (the rest or your supposition and conjecture laden idiocy is not even worth responding to): Understanding white privilege: 20 everyday examples
Holy horseshit.

And it is still your position that CRT does not assume all white people are racist?

Fuck off.
What part of the CRT curriculum do you object to? What does it say? Link that section for us to look over.
The part where it attempts to use race, rather than class (critical theory or Bolshevism) to stir divide and make generations want to undo the founding and implement Marxism.

Deny it.
That part? Link it for us, please. I'd like to read over it to see if it does what you claim it does.
Denial. You love Marxism, don't you?

Why would they scrub this sentence from Wikipedia in the last 48 hours:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]
1. WHO scrubbed that phrase from Wikipedia?

2. WHERE in Wikipedia was it scrubbed from?

3. WHAT is wrong with that statement? (It reminds me a bit of Hari Seldon's psychohistory)
I am not answering any of your questions until you admit that you're a Marxist.
Last time I witnessed a person using that rational to win an argument, the teacher made both of them sit in the corner. The OP's validity has just got you all upset that you can't think straight, can ya bunky?
Is this even worth responding to?
Another highly paid useful idiot in the Murdoch pen. Someone explain to that idiot what those bars on Milley's sleeve stands for....then ask the cretin when did he serve? My OP stands valid, an
Can you give us some examples of how that has been done and to whom?
I already told you

They are passed over for promotion

And no I dont have any names to offer at this time
translation: you try to pass your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact....challenged, you fail.

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