Matt Gaetz gets schooled on Critical Race Theory

Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Oh "DefiantOne" you confuse support of the military with kissing the butts of the Globalist libtards that are the leaders of the military. If you have any other questions we are here for you.

So Gen. Milley is a "globalist libtard" because he schools a dullard like Gaetz that the military does study any and all information to help them defend the country (the phrase "no your enemy" comes to mind)? His military credentials give no credence to your babbling. Thanks for proving the point of the OP.

Ask the lower ranking military if they want a Corporal Klinger in their foxhole

Good grief

did you? Do you have any consensus to that effect? If you're going to insinuate something, either put up or shut up.

Ask her if she's ever served in the military. Guess what the answer is. Guess.
Well, they can't exactly do "Blue Lives Matter" any more. And "Support the Troops" is becoming just as awkward for them.

Tucker Carlson made a complete ass of himself when he attacked General Mark Milley.
Refresh my memory....when did lil'tucker serve in the military?
When did Biden, or the Hussein?
When did they denigrate the military like lil'tucker did...and again tonight.

Biden ends each interview with "God Bless our Troops"
The former guy called them "losers" and "suckers".
He didn’t denigrate that military, he criticized that idiot Milley who is pushing Marxist crap in the military. If he wasn’t a coward he’d tell Biden to shove it up his ass.

President Trump loved the troops, and they loved him back. Especially for not starting a new war like the Washington Establishment wanted.
He, AND you, con-tinue to denigrate our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and vets. You go all in on the belief that we are "losers" and "suckers" if we don't completely toe the orange cult religion.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched it and I disagree with you. The ex military man was trying to peddle his book. But you believe what you will.

So precisely what did Milley say that was incorrect? Have you never heard of "know your enemy"? If people are committing insurrection, it would behoove the military and police to know the reasons why. Capice?

That people were committing insurrection is a lie. That the military is systematically racist is a lie. That white people feel threatened is a lie. Precisely that.

Your fear is palatable.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched it and I disagree with you. The ex military man was trying to peddle his book. But you believe what you will.

So precisely what did Milley say that was incorrect? Have you never heard of "know your enemy"? If people are committing insurrection, it would behoove the military and police to know the reasons why. Capice?

That people were committing insurrection is a lie. That the military is systematically racist is a lie. That white people feel threatened is a lie. Precisely that.

Your fear is palatable.

You mistake fear for disdain. I only fear for my kids. If you were a parent you would understand
Academic critics of CRT argue that it relies on social constructionism, elevates storytelling over evidence and reason, rejects the concepts of truth and merit, and opposes liberalism.
You've just shown us that parental motivation is KEY. What if parents don't have the tools to help. I know of areas where the parents are completely illiterate, work 2-3 minimum wage jobs, and (especially this last year) have no concept of the internet or how to help their children with today's expectations of education. Your mom had an education and a solid career....a good solid base for you to step up on.
There is literally (pun intended) no excuse for someone to be illiterate in America. NONE!!!

A parent who cannot help their children as you described has NO BUSINESS having children.

That's why I don't care if people get abortions. Someone who can't help their child should not have one.

So, again, how is any of this relevant to CRT?
Ah...and now we get into telling people whether they can or cannot have children. Interesting.
I am not telling anybody anything. Pettifogging again?

But, if you have a bunch of kids with no job DON'T COME AT ME AND TELL ME I AM RACIST SIMPLY BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A RAT FUCK ABOUT YOU!!!!
Did you not say: "A parent who cannot help their children as you describe has NO BUSINESS having children."

Did you not say that?

Did you not say that?
"You have no business having kids" is NOT THE SAME THING as telling them what to do, you pettifogging shit!
Did you not say "A parent who cannot help their children as you describe has NO BUSINESS having children."?

Did you not say that?

"who cannot help their children" are telling people that they need to be able to help their children in order to be "allowed" to have children.
Please show where I said that are not allowed to have kids, or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
if they cannot help their's very clear
See, unlike you (and the CCP), I am not a supporter of GOVERNMENT telling people how many kids they can have. It doesn't surprise me that you would ass-sume that I would.
Are you comparing me to the People's REPUBLIC of China?
Are you? Don't be afraid to answer.
Did you just whip out the old I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I response?
No...I asked you again if you are comparing me to the People's REPUBLIC of China. Are you?
Well, you're a commie. They are all commies. (Note: the CCP is not China, kinda like the Dems are not America)
Again, you call me a commie. What is it that I do that makes me a commie? Perhaps my 21 years of military service in the U.S. Navy? Seems like the Right is into denigrating the military as well as the police now.
That you don't even know you are a commie, makes it even worse.
Still waiting for you to tell me what makes me a commie. Come on....surely you have the words.
You’re a leftwing idiot that supports the radical left Agenda and every corrupt Democrat in office.

Walk like a duck, quack like a duck.

You may not “identify” as a Communist, but you are. Just as “transgender women” are still just males even if they pretend to be otherwise.
Well, they can't exactly do "Blue Lives Matter" any more. And "Support the Troops" is becoming just as awkward for them.

Tucker Carlson made a complete ass of himself when he attacked General Mark Milley.
Refresh my memory....when did lil'tucker serve in the military?
When did Biden, or the Hussein?
When did they denigrate the military like lil'tucker did...and again tonight.

Biden ends each interview with "God Bless our Troops"
The former guy called them "losers" and "suckers".
He didn’t denigrate that military, he criticized that idiot Milley who is pushing Marxist crap in the military. If he wasn’t a coward he’d tell Biden to shove it up his ass.

President Trump loved the troops, and they loved him back. Especially for not starting a new war like the Washington Establishment wanted.
He, AND you, con-tinue to denigrate our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and vets. You go all in on the belief that we are "losers" and "suckers" if we don't completely toe the orange cult religion.
I am a veteran, so fuck off.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

It’s a shame that our Joint Chiefs Chair is schooled by a 15 year old…

well trained little monkey.....yeah, it's all cool that we're the majority and don't have to acknowledge anything the minorities complain about. But once placed in a "temporary" situation where we are not the overwhelming majority, and we are the victims who's rights are not being addressed.

Newsflash....the teachings at West Point are a tad different than what junior is whining about.

Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Lemme school your bitch ass: Frankfurt School perspective of critical investigation (open-ended and self-critical) is based upon Freudian, Marxist and Hegelian premises of idealist philosophy.[2] To fill the omissions of 19th-century classical Marxism, which did not address 20th-century social problems, they applied the methods of antipositivist sociology, of psychoanalysis, and of existentialism.[3] The School's sociologic works derived from syntheses of the thematically pertinent works of Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and Karl Marx, of Sigmund Freud and Max Weber, and of Georg Simmel and Georg Lukács.[4][5] sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Though a "critical theory" or a "critical social theory" may have similar elements of thought, capitalizing Critical Theory as if it were a proper noun stresses the intellectual lineage specific to the Frankfurt School. originated in the mid-1970s in the writings of several American legal scholars, including Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda, and Patricia J. Williams.[1] It emerged as a movement by the 1980s, reworking theories of critical legal studies (CLS) with more focus on race.[1][4]

CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics,[5] rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.[5][6] It also views race as a socially constructed identity[5] which serves to oppress non-white people.[7] In the field of legal studies, CRT emphasizes that merely making laws colorblind on paper may not be enough to make the application of the laws colorblind; ostensibly colorblind laws can be applied in racially discriminatory ways.[8] Intersectionality – which emphasizes that race can intersect with other identities (such as gender and class) to produce complex combinations of power and disadvantage – is a key CRT concept.
[9] the intellectual origins of the critical legal studies (CLS) can be generally traced to American legal realism, as a distinct scholarly movement CLS fully emerged only in the late 1970s. Many first-wave American CLS scholars entered legal education, having been profoundly influenced by the experiences of the civil rights movement, women's rights movement, and the anti-war movement of the 1960s and 1970s. What started off as a critical stance towards American domestic politics eventually translated into a critical stance towards the dominant legal ideology of modern Western society. Drawing on both domestic theory and the work of European social theorists, the "crits" sought to demystify what they saw as the numerous myths at the heart of mainstream legal thought and practice.

The British critical legal studies movement started roughly at a similar time as its American counterpart. However, it centered around a number of conferences held annually, particularly the Critical Legal Conference and the National Critical Lawyers Group. There remain a number of fault lines in the community; between theory and practice, between those who look to Marxism and those who worked on Deconstruction, between those who look to explicitly political engagements and those who work in aesthetics and ethics.

It's a bunch of FUCKING COMMIE SHIT!!!

No, kindly goose-step your ass back to the commie shithole from whence you slithered.

:rolleyes: First off, I want to know when Wikipedia suddenly became a valid source of information for you right wing wonks? Anytime it's used to validate information you guys don't like, you don't even read the content, you just dismiss the source.

But I digress; since the Civil Rights movement had NOTHING to do with Marxism (being a religious leadership spearheading it and all), your attempted bridge building FAILS. A few quotes from your sources that debunk your ravings:

There remain a number of fault lines in the community; between theory and practice, between those who look to Marxism and those who worked on Deconstruction, between those who look to explicitly political engagements and those who work in aesthetics and ethics.

Nothing in your own excerpts that state that Critical Race Theory is utilizing "marxism" as it's base. Maybe you can explain in your own words how this Is a marxist/communist plot

"... CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics,[5] rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.[5][6] It also views race as a socially constructed identity[5] which serves to oppress non-white people.[7] In the field of legal studies, CRT emphasizes that merely making laws colorblind on paper may not be enough to make the application of the laws colorblind; ostensibly colorblind laws can be applied in racially discriminatory ways.[8] Intersectionality – which emphasizes that race can intersect with other identities (such as gender and class) to produce complex combinations of power and disadvantage – is a key CRT concept.[9]

Here's a succinct explanation even you can understand (I hope):

Now, stop ranting like a child and give a decent response.

Yes, wikipedia scrubbed this sentence in the last 48 hours. Good thing I bookmarked it:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]

You just parroted something that I already disproved point for point. Your insipid stubbornness won't change that for the objective reader.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Lemme school your bitch ass: Frankfurt School perspective of critical investigation (open-ended and self-critical) is based upon Freudian, Marxist and Hegelian premises of idealist philosophy.[2] To fill the omissions of 19th-century classical Marxism, which did not address 20th-century social problems, they applied the methods of antipositivist sociology, of psychoanalysis, and of existentialism.[3] The School's sociologic works derived from syntheses of the thematically pertinent works of Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and Karl Marx, of Sigmund Freud and Max Weber, and of Georg Simmel and Georg Lukács.[4][5] sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Though a "critical theory" or a "critical social theory" may have similar elements of thought, capitalizing Critical Theory as if it were a proper noun stresses the intellectual lineage specific to the Frankfurt School. originated in the mid-1970s in the writings of several American legal scholars, including Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda, and Patricia J. Williams.[1] It emerged as a movement by the 1980s, reworking theories of critical legal studies (CLS) with more focus on race.[1][4]

CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics,[5] rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.[5][6] It also views race as a socially constructed identity[5] which serves to oppress non-white people.[7] In the field of legal studies, CRT emphasizes that merely making laws colorblind on paper may not be enough to make the application of the laws colorblind; ostensibly colorblind laws can be applied in racially discriminatory ways.[8] Intersectionality – which emphasizes that race can intersect with other identities (such as gender and class) to produce complex combinations of power and disadvantage – is a key CRT concept.
[9] the intellectual origins of the critical legal studies (CLS) can be generally traced to American legal realism, as a distinct scholarly movement CLS fully emerged only in the late 1970s. Many first-wave American CLS scholars entered legal education, having been profoundly influenced by the experiences of the civil rights movement, women's rights movement, and the anti-war movement of the 1960s and 1970s. What started off as a critical stance towards American domestic politics eventually translated into a critical stance towards the dominant legal ideology of modern Western society. Drawing on both domestic theory and the work of European social theorists, the "crits" sought to demystify what they saw as the numerous myths at the heart of mainstream legal thought and practice.

The British critical legal studies movement started roughly at a similar time as its American counterpart. However, it centered around a number of conferences held annually, particularly the Critical Legal Conference and the National Critical Lawyers Group. There remain a number of fault lines in the community; between theory and practice, between those who look to Marxism and those who worked on Deconstruction, between those who look to explicitly political engagements and those who work in aesthetics and ethics.

It's a bunch of FUCKING COMMIE SHIT!!!

No, kindly goose-step your ass back to the commie shithole from whence you slithered.

:rolleyes: First off, I want to know when Wikipedia suddenly became a valid source of information for you right wing wonks? Anytime it's used to validate information you guys don't like, you don't even read the content, you just dismiss the source.

But I digress; since the Civil Rights movement had NOTHING to do with Marxism (being a religious leadership spearheading it and all), your attempted bridge building FAILS. A few quotes from your sources that debunk your ravings:

There remain a number of fault lines in the community; between theory and practice, between those who look to Marxism and those who worked on Deconstruction, between those who look to explicitly political engagements and those who work in aesthetics and ethics.

Nothing in your own excerpts that state that Critical Race Theory is utilizing "marxism" as it's base. Maybe you can explain in your own words how this Is a marxist/communist plot

"... CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics,[5] rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.[5][6] It also views race as a socially constructed identity[5] which serves to oppress non-white people.[7] In the field of legal studies, CRT emphasizes that merely making laws colorblind on paper may not be enough to make the application of the laws colorblind; ostensibly colorblind laws can be applied in racially discriminatory ways.[8] Intersectionality – which emphasizes that race can intersect with other identities (such as gender and class) to produce complex combinations of power and disadvantage – is a key CRT concept.[9]

Here's a succinct explanation even you can understand (I hope):

Now, stop ranting like a child and give a decent response.

Yes, wikipedia scrubbed this sentence in the last 48 hours. Good thing I bookmarked it:

Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]

You just parroted something that I already disproved point for point. Your insipid stubbornness won't change that for the objective reader.

I disagree. Frankly you bore me with your primitive rhetoric and fucking hypocrisy.
While we get stuck with fuckheads like this in our military, China, Russia, Iran, etc are training men to fight.
Notices those bars on one of his sleeves? Each one marks an exceptional performance UNDER COMBAT. My God, are you just trolling or are you really this clueless about what you post?
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

It’s a shame that our Joint Chiefs Chair is schooled by a 15 year old…

well trained little monkey.....yeah, it's all cool that we're the majority and don't have to acknowledge anything the minorities complain about. But once placed in a "temporary" situation where we are not the overwhelming majority, and we are the victims who's rights are not being addressed.

Newsflash....the teachings at West Point are a tad different than what junior is whining about.

Moron. No one disputes that kids may study what they choose in college not elementary or middle school. You fat idiot.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched it and I disagree with you. The ex military man was trying to peddle his book. But you believe what you will.

So precisely what did Milley say that was incorrect? Have you never heard of "know your enemy"? If people are committing insurrection, it would behoove the military and police to know the reasons why. Capice?

That people were committing insurrection is a lie. That the military is systematically racist is a lie. That white people feel threatened is a lie. Precisely that.

Your fear is palatable.

You mistake fear for disdain. I only fear for my kids. If you were a parent you would understand

I don't fear for my kids or grandkids.
They will be just fine.
Strong, Smart, Caring Individuals.
Next, equity:

Racial equity is when two or more racial groups are standing on a relatively equal footing. An example of racial equity would be if there were relatively equitable percentages of all three racial groups living in owner occupied homes...

Apply that concept to nuclear power school, medical schools, as well as biathlon and NBA teams. You can only get there by using a 1920's KKK definition or race married with strict quotas.

That is the remedy being injected right in to the veins of our Navy.
So that’s the psychological-rhetorical trick that Critical Race Theorists use or at least Anti-racist theorists use when they talk about race insofar that they say that we have a monopoly on the truth. We have a monopoly on what constitutes racist policy and not racist policy and if you don’t affirmatively side with us in pushing anti-racist policies, and philosophies, and ideas, then you are objectively on the side of racism and it doesn’t even matter whether you are personally racist, because you are on the wrong side of the defining Material Conditions of how society is organized.

That would be wrong enough and bad enough except for the fact that because most of these people don’t actually understand that that they are mimicking Marxist arguments, they take it an step further in they say that not only are you on the side of racism, but you must actually be a racist in your heart if you disagree with us."
Funny how this screed based wholly on revisionism, supposition and conjecture actually believes itself to be valid. For the objective reading audience:
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched it and I disagree with you. The ex military man was trying to peddle his book. But you believe what you will.

So precisely what did Milley say that was incorrect? Have you never heard of "know your enemy"? If people are committing insurrection, it would behoove the military and police to know the reasons why. Capice?

That people were committing insurrection is a lie. That the military is systematically racist is a lie. That white people feel threatened is a lie. Precisely that.

Your fear is palatable.

You mistake fear for disdain. I only fear for my kids. If you were a parent you would understand

I don't fear for my kids or grandkids.
They will be just fine.
Strong, Smart, Caring Individuals.

Then you’re a fool
Tucker shit-dicked that cucked sissy for the first 11 minutes of his show tonite. :abgg2q.jpg:

"He's not just a pig.... he's stupid", Tucker laughs and points at it.... OMG, it was brutal.

How that sniveling marxist shitstain made it past cleaning tires in the motor pool is anybody's guess.
I have no use for irrational and childish guff like this.
Please post for us where any CRT curriculum teaches that.
1. Why ? Do you go on record here, denying that they do ?

2. ANSWER: Carmel High School - Carmel, NY > and 1000s of others. Try watching Newsmax - your are information deprived.

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the sheer proud ignorance and Maga mantra laden first paragraph is EXACTLY akin to the views expressed by the yahoos that stormed the capitol on Jan. 6th. Yep, Cheeto Jeezus hung those dummies out to dry as he sat at home watching TV and tweeting. Milley smartly stated that the military (made up of Americans) has to understand these folks, and will look at all information & opinions available (the old saying, "know your enemy" comes to mind).

Let me clue you in: the ridiculous tactic that started under Davey Duke....calling people racists for publicly citing and documenting the systemic racism in parts of American society....fools no one but folk like you.

Oh, and don't get to the Joint Chiefs by being a "marxist traitor". As for your wonkish obsession with Obama...grow up and get over it. He whupped your ideological clap trap twice, fair and square, and pulled this country from a economic tailspin brought on by 8 years of the Shrub. A matter of fact and history....something Maga hat wearers seem to have trouble with. Carry on.
That's bullshit, of course. If what Milley said is true the Pentagon would have long ago taught Marxist theory
or the Koran to it's officers and enlisted personnel.
The idea that the Pentagon must teach CRT to "know" about it is patently absurd.

And do you get to be a Joint Chief by being a "Marxist traitor"?
Yes! If that's what your superiors want you to put into people's heads...a sense that whites are hopelessly
racist and blacks are hopelessly exploited and kept subservient.

Milley is a squirming quisling and did exactly what he was ordered to do....defend the indefensible.
If he thinks the Pentagon has something to learn from this Marxist agitprop then he is even a bigger
traitorous quisling then I first thought when I heard his pathetic rationalizing earlier today.
That Milley says he wants to understand his "white rage" demonstrates just how deep he is down the rabbit hole and how the military leadership sees white potential enemies.
It will be a self fulfilling prophecy for the Pentagon if they persist seeing whites as something to
be studied and feared.
Any words about BLM at all? None that I could see.

And your post was even more egregious than Milley's sickening act before Congress.
But no one has to listen to you. No one!
What's patently absurd is that you think your supposition and conjecture passes as fact.
- If Milley is telling you he has read various writings of ideological enemies of the USA, would it not dawn on you that "know your enemy" is not just a empty saying? You think West Point didn't teach the history of the Soviet Union and it's base philosophy? Come on, man. THINK!

- The rest of your screed is sheer ignorant blathering found INFOWARS or some Fox News fodder, calling a Joint Chief a communist agent of sorts. Come on, man! That BS went down the drain with Joe McCarthy before you were born.... for all your BS, you cannot justify or dismiss the Jan. 6th insurrection or how Cheeto Jeezus left folk like you out to dry while he sat at home tweeting. Your reaction here fits precisely into Milley's schooling of a creep like Gaetz. Carry on.
The Commies of the 50's went away and came back as Marxists. Obama is a Marxist. There is nothing wrong with availing oneself of different media news sources and facing uncomfortable facts, You should try it because you come off as a Leftist-Marxist tool.
Now you're babbling. First jokers like you all carry on that marxist = communism. Now you're saying something else, because clearly you're ignorant of the McCarthy hearings, which was about routing out members of the (then legal) American Communist Party in America. The vast majority of those accused are either dead or very old and out of the mainstream.

then you compound your ignorance with a regurgitation of the failed bullhorn the GOP used against Obama....failed TWICE, as the American people knew better...and got out of the economic death spiral the Shrub & company put us in by electing him.

Obviously, you're just too ignorant of the subject matter for a rational discussion. I'll let you out of the IA bin in a month to see if you've smartened up.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched it and I disagree with you. The ex military man was trying to peddle his book. But you believe what you will.

So precisely what did Milley say that was incorrect? Have you never heard of "know your enemy"? If people are committing insurrection, it would behoove the military and police to know the reasons why. Capice?

That people were committing insurrection is a lie. That the military is systematically racist is a lie. That white people feel threatened is a lie. Precisely that.

Your fear is palatable.

You mistake fear for disdain. I only fear for my kids. If you were a parent you would understand

I don't fear for my kids or grandkids.
They will be just fine.
Strong, Smart, Caring Individuals.

Then you’re a fool

Then you must be weak.
I pity the leadership they get from you.
Regarding the racist/race baiting black's peddling this shit, you may depart to Liberia anytime you'd like, I'm certain we can even ante up some reparations for you, in form of a canoe, one oar, and one map so you may navigate way back home! As for all of you white cretin's vomiting this hate, you may serve as food source for all of those unhappy blacks as they journey way back home to paradise, they can just drag your hides behind their canoes, where upon successful completion of their journey they'll likely blend right in with all of the other Liberians in shitting and pissing you out on the worlds nastiest beachfront every day, then eating each other every night!

CRT and the asshole democrats peddling it, are racist, and racist scum, let them just keep on poking the bear and see what happens......
Now that you've gotten that off your flabby chest, you can finish that beer, look in the mirror and congratulate yourself. Meanwhile, you can excuse every past, present and future atrocity WHITE Russians commit against their own people, and smile with pride as the resurgence of neo-nazism rises all over Europe and the Baltics.

I'll let you back in in a month or so when you can formulate an intelligent and rational response to an OP.
Can you tell me, in detail, with sources, what it is?
Generally CRT says that white people are bad, cops are bad, America is bad, LGBT are good (and not the sickening sex perverts that they are). The sources are the CRT curriculums themselves. Ho hum.
Generally the willfully ignorant state exactly what you do here. For your education:

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