Matt Gaetz gets schooled on Critical Race Theory

Well, they can't exactly do "Blue Lives Matter" any more. And "Support the Troops" is becoming just as awkward for them.

Tucker Carlson made a complete ass of himself when he attacked General Mark Milley.
Refresh my memory....when did lil'tucker serve in the military?
When did Biden, or the Hussein?
When did they denigrate the military like lil'tucker did...and again tonight.

Biden ends each interview with "God Bless our Troops"
The former guy called them "losers" and "suckers".
Academic critics of CRT argue that it relies on social constructionism, elevates storytelling over evidence and reason, rejects the concepts of truth and merit, and opposes liberalism.
You've just shown us that parental motivation is KEY. What if parents don't have the tools to help. I know of areas where the parents are completely illiterate, work 2-3 minimum wage jobs, and (especially this last year) have no concept of the internet or how to help their children with today's expectations of education. Your mom had an education and a solid career....a good solid base for you to step up on.
There is literally (pun intended) no excuse for someone to be illiterate in America. NONE!!!

A parent who cannot help their children as you described has NO BUSINESS having children.

That's why I don't care if people get abortions. Someone who can't help their child should not have one.

So, again, how is any of this relevant to CRT?
Ah...and now we get into telling people whether they can or cannot have children. Interesting.
I am not telling anybody anything. Pettifogging again?

But, if you have a bunch of kids with no job DON'T COME AT ME AND TELL ME I AM RACIST SIMPLY BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A RAT FUCK ABOUT YOU!!!!
Did you not say: "A parent who cannot help their children as you describe has NO BUSINESS having children."

Did you not say that?

Did you not say that?
"You have no business having kids" is NOT THE SAME THING as telling them what to do, you pettifogging shit!
Did you not say "A parent who cannot help their children as you describe has NO BUSINESS having children."?

Did you not say that?

"who cannot help their children" are telling people that they need to be able to help their children in order to be "allowed" to have children.
Please show where I said that are not allowed to have kids, or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
if they cannot help their's very clear
See, unlike you (and the CCP), I am not a supporter of GOVERNMENT telling people how many kids they can have. It doesn't surprise me that you would ass-sume that I would.
Are you comparing me to the People's REPUBLIC of China?
Are you? Don't be afraid to answer.
Did you just whip out the old I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I response?
No...I asked you again if you are comparing me to the People's REPUBLIC of China. Are you?
Well, you're a commie. They are all commies. (Note: the CCP is not China, kinda like the Dems are not America)
Again, you call me a commie. What is it that I do that makes me a commie? Perhaps my 21 years of military service in the U.S. Navy? Seems like the Right is into denigrating the military as well as the police now.
That you don't even know you are a commie, makes it even worse.
Tucker Carlson made a complete ass of himself when he attacked General Mark Milley.
Refresh my memory....when did lil'tucker serve in the military?
I believe Tucker Carlson did a tour of duty in the Kiss Army.

I still remember when Jon Stewart ripped him a new one.

That was so fucking lame.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

People like to obey the boss to keep their jobs, even military men.

And what postulated insanity would have a Joint Chief member becoming part of this "liberal conspiracy" regarding Critical Race Theory to what, take over the USA? And how does that change the FACT that Gaetz got schooled by a version of the old saying, "know your enemy"? Elucidate, my friend, elucidate!
Some people say putting someone on ignore is giving up. And I agree.
Expecting anyone on that list to ever engage in an honest fulfilling conversation is like expecting apples
to grow on a peach tree.

When I stopped giving these losers and liars access to my time I gave up many headaches and unproductive
wastes of time.

That. I have no use for little leftists trying to convince me of their delusions
Well, no one put a gun to your head to respond to my thread, now did they. Seems you have issues with contrary facts and seeing your heroes get humiliated in public. You should come to terms with that. I, for one, do not post on threads that are blatantly absurd right wingnut fodder. Nor do I put up with like minded posters who deteriorate to stubborn blather and denial after a fashion. But that's just me.

The OP stands valid.
Lol @ " critical race theory"

Another BS scam dreamed up by some leftist BS operator
Following along with Laura Ingraham calling for the "defunding of the military"............following along with your orange god calling our military and vets "losers" and "suckers".

Not you again

Stop flapping your arms screaming look at me
When did Gaetz serve in the military? When did YOU serve in the military?
CRT is Marxist indoctrination.

Prove me wrong.
Already just can't deal with it, and just keep regurgitating the SOS.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

Oh "DefiantOne" you confuse support of the military with kissing the butts of the Globalist libtards that are the leaders of the military. If you have any other questions we are here for you.

So Gen. Milley is a "globalist libtard" because he schools a dullard like Gaetz that the military does study any and all information to help them defend the country (the phrase "no your enemy" comes to mind)? His military credentials give no credence to your babbling. Thanks for proving the point of the OP.

Ask the lower ranking military if they want a Corporal Klinger in their foxhole

Good grief

did you? Do you have any consensus to that effect? If you're going to insinuate something, either put up or shut up.
calling people racists for publicly citing and documenting the systemic racism in parts of American society....fools no one but folk like you.
What about calling people pimping a KNOWN Marxist indoctrination tactic (critical race theory) fucking COMMIES?

Is that accurate?
you keep regurgitating this dreck, but when taken to task all you can do is try to pass your personal supposition and conjecture off as fact ... or post other material in a similar vein as if they magically connect to support your screeds. We did this dance already, and you failed a simple burden of proof....your denial and parroting and name calling non-withstanding.
calling people racists for publicly citing and documenting the systemic racism in parts of American society....fools no one but folk like you.
What about calling people pimping a KNOWN Marxist indoctrination tactic (critical race theory) fucking COMMIES?

Is that accurate?

The BS is being shot down in school districts everywhere

Another failed leftist agenda
Everywhere? Please quantify that statement with some objective reporting. Thank you.
The OP stands valid.
the sheer proud ignorance and Maga mantra laden first paragraph is EXACTLY akin to the views expressed by the yahoos that stormed the capitol on Jan. 6th. Yep, Cheeto Jeezus hung those dummies out to dry as he sat at home watching TV and tweeting. Milley smartly stated that the military (made up of Americans) has to understand these folks, and will look at all information & opinions available (the old saying, "know your enemy" comes to mind).

Let me clue you in: the ridiculous tactic that started under Davey Duke....calling people racists for publicly citing and documenting the systemic racism in parts of American society....fools no one but folk like you.

Oh, and don't get to the Joint Chiefs by being a "marxist traitor". As for your wonkish obsession with Obama...grow up and get over it. He whupped your ideological clap trap twice, fair and square, and pulled this country from a economic tailspin brought on by 8 years of the Shrub. A matter of fact and history....something Maga hat wearers seem to have trouble with. Carry on.
That's bullshit, of course. If what Milley said is true the Pentagon would have long ago taught Marxist theory
or the Koran to it's officers and enlisted personnel.
The idea that the Pentagon must teach CRT to "know" about it is patently absurd.

And do you get to be a Joint Chief by being a "Marxist traitor"?
Yes! If that's what your superiors want you to put into people's heads...a sense that whites are hopelessly
racist and blacks are hopelessly exploited and kept subservient.

Milley is a squirming quisling and did exactly what he was ordered to do....defend the indefensible.
If he thinks the Pentagon has something to learn from this Marxist agitprop then he is even a bigger
traitorous quisling then I first thought when I heard his pathetic rationalizing earlier today.
That Milley says he wants to understand his "white rage" demonstrates just how deep he is down the rabbit hole and how the military leadership sees white potential enemies.
It will be a self fulfilling prophecy for the Pentagon if they persist seeing whites as something to
be studied and feared.
Any words about BLM at all? None that I could see.

And your post was even more egregious than Milley's sickening act before Congress.
But no one has to listen to you. No one!
Milley is 63 years you think he waited until now to read the folk he ticked off. Are you stating he's the only one? Let me just pull the rug out from under you blather.

For your education:

And nowhere did Milley portray white conservatives as the enemy. don't put words in the man's mouth....that would be you lying about what was said.

The OP stands valid.
So Gen. Milley is a "globalist libtard" because he schools a dullard like Gaetz that the military does study any and all information to help them defend the country (the phrase "no your enemy" comes to mind)? His military credentials give no credence to your babbling. Thanks for proving the point of the OP.
You clearly are not paying attention. Our military is LOADED with GLOBALIST LIBTARD LEADERS. Miley is just one of them. The soldiers are awesome.
So how do you explain the bogus invasion of Iraq? Or using Gen. Powell as a stooge on the international stage?

Folk like you love to parrot nonsense that can be found on InfoWars. Proving it with facts is another matter entirely.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched it and I disagree with you. The ex military man was trying to peddle his book. But you believe what you will.

So precisely what did Milley say that was incorrect? Have you never heard of "know your enemy"? If people are committing insurrection, it would behoove the military and police to know the reasons why. Capice?
Well, they can't exactly do "Blue Lives Matter" any more. And "Support the Troops" is becoming just as awkward for them.

Tucker Carlson made a complete ass of himself when he attacked General Mark Milley.
Refresh my memory....when did lil'tucker serve in the military?
When did Biden, or the Hussein?
When did they denigrate the military like lil'tucker did...and again tonight.

Biden ends each interview with "God Bless our Troops"
The former guy called them "losers" and "suckers".
He didn’t denigrate that military, he criticized that idiot Milley who is pushing Marxist crap in the military. If he wasn’t a coward he’d tell Biden to shove it up his ass.

President Trump loved the troops, and they loved him back. Especially for not starting a new war like the Washington Establishment wanted.
By the way, I am glad I bookmarked my prior complete ass beating of CRT from Wikipedia, because they scrubbed this sentence recently, trying to hide CRT's goose-stepping roots:

Critical race theory originated in the mid-1970s in the writings of several American legal scholars, including Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda, and Patricia J. Williams.[1] It emerged as a movement by the 1980s, reworking theories of critical legal studies (CLS) with more focus on race.[4] Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in Critical Theory, an approach to social theory established by members of the Frankfurt School, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.[5]

You know your ideas are GREAT when you must hide their origins or they will be UNIVERSALLY rejected by 80% of the population.
Already addressed by me.....suddenly an amalgamation by Wikipedia is valid....pathetic.
Fascinating how FoxNews , NewsMax and the rest of the right wing bullhorns and sycophants, who consistently claim unwavering support of the military, are spitting nails about General Milley having the audacity to school a creep like Gaetz on Critical Race Theory .

I watched it and I disagree with you. The ex military man was trying to peddle his book. But you believe what you will.

So precisely what did Milley say that was incorrect? Have you never heard of "know your enemy"? If people are committing insurrection, it would behoove the military and police to know the reasons why. Capice?

That people were committing insurrection is a lie. That the military is systematically racist is a lie. That white people feel threatened is a lie. Precisely that.
So how do you explain the bogus invasion of Iraq? Or using Gen. Powell as a stooge on the international stage?

Folk like you love to parrot nonsense that can be found on InfoWars. Proving it with facts is another matter entirely.
You seem to be 'defiant' in the face of reality. The US Military top brass is all singing off of the same sheet of Libtard music. They have to because that is how they get promoted. You need to stop slurping up all the swill CNN is spooning out. It makes you look stupid.
Academic critics of CRT argue that it relies on social constructionism, elevates storytelling over evidence and reason, rejects the concepts of truth and merit, and opposes liberalism.
You've just shown us that parental motivation is KEY. What if parents don't have the tools to help. I know of areas where the parents are completely illiterate, work 2-3 minimum wage jobs, and (especially this last year) have no concept of the internet or how to help their children with today's expectations of education. Your mom had an education and a solid career....a good solid base for you to step up on.
There is literally (pun intended) no excuse for someone to be illiterate in America. NONE!!!

A parent who cannot help their children as you described has NO BUSINESS having children.

That's why I don't care if people get abortions. Someone who can't help their child should not have one.

So, again, how is any of this relevant to CRT?
Ah...and now we get into telling people whether they can or cannot have children. Interesting.
I am not telling anybody anything. Pettifogging again?

But, if you have a bunch of kids with no job DON'T COME AT ME AND TELL ME I AM RACIST SIMPLY BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A RAT FUCK ABOUT YOU!!!!
Did you not say: "A parent who cannot help their children as you describe has NO BUSINESS having children."

Did you not say that?

Did you not say that?
"You have no business having kids" is NOT THE SAME THING as telling them what to do, you pettifogging shit!
Did you not say "A parent who cannot help their children as you describe has NO BUSINESS having children."?

Did you not say that?

"who cannot help their children" are telling people that they need to be able to help their children in order to be "allowed" to have children.
Please show where I said that are not allowed to have kids, or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
if they cannot help their's very clear
See, unlike you (and the CCP), I am not a supporter of GOVERNMENT telling people how many kids they can have. It doesn't surprise me that you would ass-sume that I would.
Are you comparing me to the People's REPUBLIC of China?
Are you? Don't be afraid to answer.
Did you just whip out the old I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I response?
No...I asked you again if you are comparing me to the People's REPUBLIC of China. Are you?
Well, you're a commie. They are all commies. (Note: the CCP is not China, kinda like the Dems are not America)
Again, you call me a commie. What is it that I do that makes me a commie? Perhaps my 21 years of military service in the U.S. Navy? Seems like the Right is into denigrating the military as well as the police now.
That you don't even know you are a commie, makes it even worse.
Still waiting for you to tell me what makes me a commie. Come on....surely you have the words.
Tucker Carlson made a complete ass of himself when he attacked General Mark Milley.
Refresh my memory....when did lil'tucker serve in the military?
I believe Tucker Carlson did a tour of duty in the Kiss Army.

I still remember when Jon Stewart ripped him a new one.

That was so fucking lame.

And so spot on so long ago.....Stewart had his number all the way back then.
I found some “White Rage” for General Milley to study:

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