Matt Gaetz: “On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That'll Exonerate Our Patriots'

By "exhonorate", I assume you mean footage of them not storming the capitol. There are pictures of Bonnie and Clide when they were not robbing banks. Do those pictures exhonorate them the same way Gates intends to exhonorate the insurrectionists that had their illegal actions recored on video? If that works, I can forsee court proceedings where the defendent says " but judge, look at these pictures where I wasn't raping anybody"

Bill Clinton already used that defense.
Or why would someone in Lebanon or Cyprus or Jordan carry around an old key to a house in Palestine that was bulldozed long ago
Yes we should feel equally sorry for someone who had their land taken from them by force and a bunch of slavers who took someone else's land by force.
Yes we should feel equally sorry for someone who had their land taken from them by force and a bunch of slavers who took someone else's land by force.
Feel whatever you want. Reality isn't going to change because of your feelings.
Yes we should feel equally sorry for someone who had their land taken from them by force and a bunch of slavers who took someone else's land by force.
The natives were in the way. The patriotic White founders needed breathing room. Also it wasn't the savages land in the first place. They had no written proof of ownership like deeds, titles, etc.
The natives were in the way. The patriotic White founders needed breathing room. Also it wasn't the savages land in the first place. They had no written proof of ownership like deeds, titles, etc.
As for the Arabs ( Palestinians ) , wars have consequences ...
Atta boy, Matt. Those innocent American patriots unjustly jailed should be released immediately.

The real criminals that day were the FBI informants, Antifa, and the capitol police instigating and destroying property.

Yeah...I wanna see those know how the MAGA cult shit on the walls and beat police with flag poles. I expect to see some highly edited soft ball shots of bugs bunt and daffy duck.
Yeah...I wanna see those know how the MAGA cult shit on the walls and beat police with flag poles. I expect to see some highly edited soft ball shots of bugs bunt and daffy duck.
I'd bet it was BLM who threw shit on the walls. As you know, their members are practically the same as chimps and gorillas that have habits of throwing their own feces at things. Also I wouldn't rule out Antifa hippies who have a habit of taking dumps in public.
I'd bet it was BLM who threw shit on the walls. As you know, their members are practically the same as chimps and gorillas that have habits of throwing their own feces at things. Also I wouldn't rule out Antifa hippies who have a habit of taking dumps in public.
CHOP/ CHAZ occupy Rapists ?
How does alleged child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz plan on exonerating these guys, exactly?

Someone please explain.


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