Matt Gaetz: “On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That'll Exonerate Our Patriots'

Q-tard terrorist Roseanne Boyland collapsed from a drug overdose while the tard herd continued to stampede over her body, ignoring the pleas for help from other members of the mob.

She died on the scene. Because you want to be whacked out on drugs when marching to Der Furher's orders.

More blood on Trump's hands.
Videos of 3 cops hitting , stomping and pepper spraying a Female Senior citizen exist
How is performance artist Matt Gaetz going to exonerate Thomas Webster, exactly?

Day 1: Subpoena

Nancy Pelosi

DC Mayor

FBI Director Wray

Ray Epps

Previous FBI agent who, during testimony, exposed operations against US citizens and no less than 28 undercover FBI agents embedded in the Proud Boys, in the Capitol crowd, and waiting inside the Capitol wearing Trump gear before the violent protest began

Undervover agents who were embedded in Proud Noys, in the Capitol Crowd, and inside the Capitol

The individual who shot and killed an unarmed female vet

American citizens arrested (for crimes like 'Parading') who were kept in DC Gitmo for almost 2 years, who were beaten, place for long periods in solitary confinement, etc...
I'd bet it was BLM who threw shit on the walls. As you know, their members are practically the same as chimps and gorillas that have habits of throwing their own feces at things. Also I wouldn't rule out Antifa hippies who have a habit of taking dumps in public.
Of course that is a lie. But that is what MAGA does.
How is crisis actor Matt Gaetz going to exonerate the terrorists who attempted to crush officer Hodges, exactly?

As the terrorists attacked the Capitol police, many of them could be seen carrying Blue Lives Matter flags.


:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Not. One. Bit.

It is sad to see just how much in the dark your propagandists have kept you, and how willingly you choose to stay there.

Oh really.

"Beating the living shit out of 150 cops? Flinging their shit onto the walls of the Capitol? Smashing windows and doors?"

Yes you exaggerated.

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