Matt Gaetz: “On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That'll Exonerate Our Patriots'

Oh really.

"Beating the living shit out of 150 cops? Flinging their shit onto the walls of the Capitol? Smashing windows and doors?"

Yes you exaggerated.
Wow. How sad. Your propagandists really have kept you ignorant, haven't they.

It is a mystery for the ages why you rubes keep going back to be lied to over and over and over again.

You DESERVE to be lied to at this point.

Rioters left feces, urine in hallways and offices during mobbing of US Capitol

Police union: Over 140 officers injured in Capitol siege

I've already posted videos of the terrorists smashing windows and doors.

All caught up now?

I will lay odds you get right back in line to be fed more manufactured BULLSHIT from your propagandists. It's a mental illness with you fools.
Wow. How sad. Your propagandists really have kept you ignorant, haven't they.

It is a mystery for the ages why you rubes keep going back to be lied to over and over and over again.

You DESERVE to be lied to at this point.

Rioters left feces, urine in hallways and offices during mobbing of US Capitol

Police union: Over 140 officers injured in Capitol siege

I've already posted videos of the terrorists smashing windows and doors.

All caught up now?

I will lay odds you get right back in line to be fed more manufactured BULLSHIT from your propagandists. It's a mental illness with you fools.

Fucken bullshit.
When confronted with a reality which should induce cognitive dissonance in someone who has been fed some bullshit, the rubes run from it.

Cognitive dissonance requires actual cognition, after all. And they are strongly discouraged from thinking.

So all the tards say, "Nuh-uh!"
I find it pretty strange that a cop decided to drop dead in the middle of the riot.

Weird coincidence, don’t you think?
People with heart issues should not be assigned to Capitol Hill during a protest.

Ashli Babbett, a war hero, was trying to clear her fellow Republicans out of the capitol when she was shot and killed by one of the Capitol police. January 6 was like a bad dream for both sides of the aisle in Congress. I'm really sad that Congress Speaker of the House did not accept the National Guard that President Trump offered Congress. Putting the Capitol police under all that pressure caused 2 heart attacks when the protesters acted like protesters. It was a malicious decision not to allow the well-trained National Guard to monitor safety issues. Ashli Babbitt took the hit that ended her brave life as she was trying to clear the Republicans out of the Capitol building due to her honor of doing the right thing for the protesters' safety.
How is any footage going to exonerate Trump supporters beating police with metal poles?

Or smashing windows?

Or threatening cops?

Or chanting death threats?
Linky linky.
Ashli Babbett, a war hero, was trying to clear her fellow Republicans out of the capitol when she was shot and killed by one of the Capitol police.
Wow. What a cool story, bro.

Total horseshit, but cool.
Our beloved martyr Saint Ashli was murdered by a rogue negro while attempting to buy a copy of our sacred Constitution in the Capitol gift shop. :crybaby:
The Capitol Police were the patriots that day.
The Capitol Police shot an unarmed woman who was trying to turn the other Republicans back outside of the Capitol Building. She's the only person who was violently killed on Jan 6. No good deed ever went unpunished! :cranky:
The Capitol Police shot an unarmed woman who was trying to turn the other Republicans back outside of the Capitol Building. She's the only person who was violently killed on Jan 6. No good deed ever went unpunished! :cranky:
Wow! Your story gets crazier and crazier!

Outside the Capitol Building! HOLY SHIT! You win the Blue Ribbon for manufactured bullshit. And you had some really stiff competition!
Wow. What a cool story, bro.

Total horseshit, but cool.
No it isn't. I always stick with the truth. She went forward to push and reason her Republican constituents out of harm's way. Her military background and battleground knowledge told her it wasn't safe for them to be in the Capitol Building even if a cop opened up the door and waved for them to come it. God bless Ashli Babbit. She set aside self and did all she could to help others avoid a disaster. She was shot for just being there. That was not good.
Wow! Your story gets crazier and crazier!

Outside the Capitol Building! HOLY SHIT! You win the Blue Ribbon for manufactured bullshit. And you had some really stiff competition!
It was shown on video on Fox News. The Capitol Police cop opened the door and waved them in I saw it on my television screen. Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats stifled the story, but they couldn't stop the camera/cellular phone or whatever showed exactly what happened.
"the only person who was violently killed on Jan 6"

Wow. I guess being trampled to death by the tard herd doesn't count as a violent death, eh?

As for others being killed, it wasn't for lack of trying on the part of Ashli's fellow terrorists. They beat the shit out of 150 cops over several hours as Trump sat jerking off in front of his TV.

Ashli Babbitt would be alive today if Trump had acted to stop the insurrection. Instead, he goaded the terrorists on, aiming them at Pence.

One cop was beaten on the ground and electrocuted until he had a heart attack.

But that's okay! Blue lives don't matter for shit, amiright?

The blood of everyone who died during and after the riot is on Trump's cum-soaked hands.
The terrorists electrocuted a cop into a heart attack. They beat the shit out of another 150 or so.

No big deal. Blue lives don't matter, amiright?
This didn't happen, by your rules. You can't bring a link, so using your rules this didn't happen.

This makes you a liar, by your own rules.
It was shown on video on Fox News. The Capitol Police cop opened the door and waved them in I saw it on my television screen. Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats stifled the story, but they couldn't stop the camera/cellular phone or whatever showed exactly what happened.
I have posted video after video after video of the terrorists smashing their way into the Capitol, idiot.

Where the fuck were you on that day? Napping?

Fox News. Jesus, that explains SO much.

You actually bleev Ashli was outside the Capitol when she was killed? HOLY SHIT!

Even the most diehard Trump apologists must be cringing when they read that.
I have posted video after video after video of the terrorists smashing their way into the Capitol, idiot.

Where the fuck were you on that day? Napping?

Fox News. Jesus, that explains SO much.

You actually bleev Ashli was outside the Capitol when she was killed? HOLY SHIT!

Even the most diehard Trump apologists must be cringing when they read that.
Why do you keep calling people terrorists when nobody was charged with terrorism? This makes you look extremely stupid, especially the people who brought you into this world.

Here is video of Ashli Babbitt INSIDE the Capitol as she joins with the other terrorists smashing the last barricade between the mob and the House chamber.

She was the first to surmount the barricade. That is not someone trying to turn the terrorists back outside the Capitol, mm-kay?

The police on the other side of that barricade had spent HOURS listening to their fellow officers being violently beaten. They had heard police sending out dying messages to their loved ones.

So, yeah. If I was manning the last barricade in those circumstances, I'd have shot the first terrorist I saw, too.

Here is Babbitt in hysterics after consuming months of Trump's Big Lie:

Why do you keep calling people terrorists when nobody was charged with terrorism? This makes you look extremely stupid, especially the people who brought you into this world.

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