Matt Gaetz: “On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That'll Exonerate Our Patriots'

She was unarmed and too big to make it through the broken window on the Giant heavy wood barracaded doors ( posed no mortal threat to The Shooter )
I have posted video after video after video of the terrorists smashing their way into the Capitol, idiot.

Where the fuck were you on that day? Napping?

Fox News. Jesus, that explains SO much.

You actually bleev Ashli was outside the Capitol when she was killed? HOLY SHIT!

Even the most diehard Trump apologists must be cringing when they read that.
I didn't say Ashli was outside the Capitol when she was killed. I said she rushed in to try to route others to go back. She was a trained United States soldier who knew about battle fields, and she sensed they shouldn't have come in at the behest of a cop who opened the door and motioned for the protesters to come inside. Another poster didn't see it on leftist world news. They created an atmosphere of hate Trump so flagrantly, they were blinded to what happened, and the leaders set forth to omit the cop who let them in. The conservatives showed everything. The Democrats basically gagged the cops with a narrative, and invented the story that the protesters were rioters. They didn't riot. They merely protested, not realizing how evil works a narrative into something that never took place. And more than one source said the troublesome narratives were theatricized by Democrat operatives sent there with the goal of making the peaceful protesters appear to be terrorists which is far from the truth. And that's what I think. The leftist press apparently omitted the cop shooing people protesting stuff into the capitol bldg.
Donald Trump sat jerking off for over THREE HOURS after the insurrection began. He was watching it on TV.

Everyone around him tried to get him to act. His family begged him. His staff begged him. He received calls from his lickspittle in Congress begging him. He received messages from his media friend begging him.

Instead, well into the insurrection, he aimed the mob at his Vice President.

Every injury sustained by the police is on Trump.

Ashli Babbitt's death is on Trump.

Roseanne Boyland's death is on Trump.

It is ALL on Trump.

It is simply astounding there is any living human being who does not hold Trump completely accountable for January 6.

History will judge them very badly.
Donald Trump sat jerking off for over THREE HOURS after the insurrection began. He was watching it on TV.

Everyone around him tried to get him to act. His family begged him. His staff begged him. He received calls from his lickspittle in Congress begging him. He received messages from his media friend begging him.

Instead, well into the insurrection, he aimed the mob at his Vice President.

Every injury sustained by the police is on Trump.

Ashli Babbitt's death is on Trump.

Roseanne Boyland's death is on Trump.

It is ALL on Trump.

It is simply astounding there is any living human being who does not hold Trump completely accountable for January 6.

History will judge them very badly.
How will the 1/6 2.0 Committee judge them
She was unarmed and too big to make it through the broken window on the Giant heavy wood barracked doors ( posed no mortal threat to The Shooter )
She was not going to be the last terrorist over the barricade. Just the first.

I'd have shot her, too. Without hesitation.

After listening to several hours of my fellow officers being violently beaten and sending dying messages out, I'd have shot her point blank with no remorse whatsoever.

It fucking worked. The other terrorists turned tail and ran.
How will the 1/6 2.0 Committee judge them
Performance artists like Matt Gaetz don't care how many of their rubes' dead bodies pile up so long as they can enjoy the benefits of power and adoration.

History will judge them very badly, too.
She was not going to be the last terrorist over the barricade. Just the first.

I'd have shot her, too. Without hesitation.

After listening to several hours of my fellow officers being violently beaten and sending dying messages out, I'd have shot her point blank with no remorse whatsoever.

It fucking worked. The other terrorists turned tail and ran.
You're a fucking coward.
And all the tards say, "Nuh-uh!"

There's the willful blindness I have pointed out countless times.


An actual mental illness.

You idiots are the ones who've been brainwashed.
There wasn't an insurrection by any stretch of the imagination.
Your handlers refuse to release any video proving that. When republicans take over the house your witch hunt will be over.
And you better hope the tables aren't turned and your handlers dont end up on the shitty end of the stick.
Your brownshirts destroyed innocent peoples businesses for over 8 months so stop pretending you're innocent.
What are you trying to hide by refusing to release 4k hours of footage?
We all know what it is you're hiding,proof that this whole thing was a set up.
Why did nancy refuse to accept help from the national guard when it was offered?
Yeah we all know why.
Dems are a despicable bunch willing to do anything to stay in power.
Fuck you and fuck dem crooked politicians.

Here is video of Ashli Babbitt INSIDE the Capitol as she joins with the other terrorists smashing the last barricade between the mob and the House chamber.

She was the first to surmount the barricade. That is not someone trying to turn the terrorists back outside the Capitol, mm-kay?

The police on the other side of that barricade had spent HOURS listening to their fellow officers being violently beaten. They had heard police sending out dying messages to their loved ones.

So, yeah. If I was manning the last barricade in those circumstances, I'd have shot the first terrorist I saw, too.

Here is Babbitt in hysterics after consuming months of Trump's Big Lie:

Thank you for confirming that she tried to get there first. Funny how the picture shows her talking in a car about her frustrations, but didn't catch any of her words of caution to the other people coming in AFTER she tried to get there first to turn them back if she could. She was shot, which ended her trying to turn others it wasn't safe. She was a good soldier and served her country well. Thanks for showing Maxine Waters trying to blame someone else when she told a large crowd of people to stalk down on Trump staffers, his family, and his supporters. She did far more damage to this nation than Ashli Babbitt, whom she tried to present as a terrorist, not a protester which is the truth. She wasn't carrying a fire arm. She was playing fair, and the cop shot an unarmed person. Well-trained cops will not shoot people who are not carrying any kind of weapon. Ashli was not carrying anything harmful because she played by the rules of protesting. She is a martyr for the right and good of America. She did all she could to find a place inside where she could turn others back to protecr them, but was shot too soon to be effective, and as a consequence of her death, they poured in. I stand by the story I heard being told by others who were there on tv.
No, more people should not have.... It was a disgrace, forever recorded in our history, and all for a made up, Big Lie! :(
No, there should have been triple the people there to stop the election coup by Biden and his puppeteers. That mistake won't happen again if they try to steal the election from Trump in 24.
No, there should have been triple the people there to stop the election coup by Biden and his puppeteers. That mistake won't happen again if they try to steal the election from Trump in 24.
you're a thief then, and proud of it! Shame on you!
I'm not watching a 45 minute video. Where does the part where she is beaten to death start?
Progressives are lazy SOBs aren't they? If I remember right about 13 minutes in. Sharpen up that attention span it might last for more than 30sec.
Progressives are lazy SOBs aren't they? If I remember right about 13 minutes in. Sharpen up that attention span it might last for more than 30sec.

Lots of people in that tussel. None looked like the picture of her I saw, and none being beaten by cops.

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