Matt Gaetz says Americans with diabetes should lose weight, blames fat folks for insulin

Matt Gaetz says Americans with diabetes should lose weight, blames fat folks for insulin​

He’s not wrong…the poorest Americans are some of the most disgusting pieces of worthless dogshit on the planet.
That's a hefty dose of self-hate there, Comrade.
Hahaha…only fucked in the head Democrats believe ”money” fixes filth….$22 TRILLION has been spent on your pet humans and they haven’t improved one iota. FUCK THE FILTHY POOR, let them eat cake.
I need not explore further about you. You've said it all.
I'm sure he just meant that healthcare providers should provide practical weight loss modalities for those who seriously need to lose weight where weight loss thru dieting is possible. Of course some people with certain conditions simply are not up to exercise and special diets which make weight loss easiest, so the fault really lies with doctors and especially insurance companies that would rather wait until most people get sick first then treat the disease rather than preventative/corrective medicine.
If he meant what you posted why did he rant & act like a first class jerkoff like he always does?
I see where Matt Gaetz blames "fat people " for the high price of insulin n not big pharma. What do you think old people will be blamed for n what should we do with them after all I 'm sure old people are making health care gone up. Amazing country right now vote them out.

He isn’t wrong about lardass America, but government regulating out any competition is why prices are high. Monopolies can only exist with the interference of government in the market.

Matt Gaetz says Americans with diabetes should lose weight, blames fat folks for insulin​

He’s not wrong…the poorest Americans are some of the most disgusting pieces of worthless dogshit on the planet.

He is wrong. Type-1 diabetes has nothing to do with weight or any other lifestyle choice. And these are the people that literally need insulin to live.
I started running last September. Ive dropped 30 lbs and im not done yet at 52 years old. My A1C has gone from 7.5 to 6.5 and im not done yet. Ive gotten off some of my meds and im not done yet.

5.6 means I have reversed my diabetes.....thats what im shooting for.

So the long and short is......Gaetz is right. GET OFF YOUR FAT ASS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I see where Matt Gaetz blames "fat people " for the high price of insulin n not big pharma. What do you think old people will be blamed for n what should we do with them after all I 'm sure old people are making health care gone up. Amazing country right now vote them out.

It's old people's fault for getting arthritis. Pussies! Bootstrap it!

Matt Gaetz says Americans with diabetes should lose weight, blames fat folks for insulin​

He’s not wrong…the poorest Americans are some of the most disgusting pieces of worthless dogshit on the planet.

The majority of diabetes patients that require insulin have Type 1 diabetes. That is mostly genetic. Weight is one of the lowest causes of Type 1.
My cousin and her mother both were trim people, yet both of them got diabetes. Neither had problems with weight for life. There could be a genetic reason for many people who get the disease.

Most insulin dependent diabetics are Type 1. Type 1 diabetes is more likely to be genetics and viruses that can cause it, especially in early onset Type 1. Type 2 can be cause by a multitude of factors, like genetics, insulin resistance, family history and hormonal diseases. Blaming people's weight is simply ignorant.
Matt Gaetz wants 'em young and skinnny.

No, Matt Gaetz wants a boat and lots of money in his reelection campaign war chest. Big Pharm is happy to help him. Probably have a young, skinny girl deliver the cash.
From the National Institute of Health...

"Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disorder, and, at one time, we didn’t think that weight loss or other interventions could allow people with type 2 diabetes to lower their blood glucose levels into the nondiabetic range and to stay there for an extended period of time without medication. However, we now understand that people with type 2 diabetes who lose significant weight and improve other factors related to diabetes can achieve remission.

With sustained weight loss, people may stay in remission for quite some time. However, if they begin to put on weight, their blood glucose levels can increase and return to the diabetic range. They may need diabetes medications or even insulin with weight regain depending on the severity of their type 2 diabetes and their glucose control."

You believe in science... Right?
Matty needs to concern himself w/defending himself against pedophilia charges.
Matt Gaetz wants 'em young and skinnny.

No, Matt Gaetz wants a boat and lots of money in his reelection campaign war chest. Big Pharm is happy to help him. Probably have a young, skinny girl deliver the cash.

Matty needs to concern himself w/defending himself against pedophilia charges.
It’s pure comedy gold when Lefties pretend they don’t embrace and support all forms of sexual deviance. They love the idea of 40 year old men smashing 17 year old girls.

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