Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney Would Have Won If Republicans 'Were Self-Aware At All'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Bonnie Kavoussi

Mitt Romney could have easily won the presidential election if he and his party had realized that they were turning people off, according to Matt Taibbi.

"If they were self-aware at all, Mitt Romney would probably be president right now," Taibbi wrote in a blog post for Rolling Stone late Thursday.

He argued that Republicans' message about financial responsibility could resonate with a lot of people, but unfortunately it is a cover for their belief that women and minorities are "parasites."

Modern Republicans "have so much of their own collective identity wrapped up in the belief that they're surrounded by free-loading, job-averse parasites who not only want to smoke weed and have recreational abortions all day long, but want hardworking white Christians like them to pay the tab," Taibbi wrote. "Their whole belief inherently insulting to everyone outside the tent – and you can't win votes when you're calling people lazy, stoned moochers."

Minorities and women voted overwhelmingly for Obama in the presidential election. Fifty-five percent of women voted for Obama, according to CNN's exit polls. Obama also won nearly three-quarters of the Latino vote, more than 90 percent of the black vote, and 73 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to exit polls.

More: Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney Would Have Won If Republicans 'Were Self-Aware At All'

Hey, Rush Limbaugh: 'Starting an Abortion Industry' Won't Win You Female Voters | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
I disagree that Romney would have won, but it would have been less of a shellacking.
Just an honest media was necessary. No biggie. Who needs that in a free society?
Mitt forgot that many of his natural constituency are part of the 47%, so many either stayed home or voted for Obama.
By Bonnie Kavoussi

Mitt Romney could have easily won the presidential election if he and his party had realized that they were turning people off, according to Matt Taibbi.

"If they were self-aware at all, Mitt Romney would probably be president right now," Taibbi wrote in a blog post for Rolling Stone late Thursday.

He argued that Republicans' message about financial responsibility could resonate with a lot of people, but unfortunately it is a cover for their belief that women and minorities are "parasites."

Modern Republicans "have so much of their own collective identity wrapped up in the belief that they're surrounded by free-loading, job-averse parasites who not only want to smoke weed and have recreational abortions all day long, but want hardworking white Christians like them to pay the tab," Taibbi wrote. "Their whole belief inherently insulting to everyone outside the tent – and you can't win votes when you're calling people lazy, stoned moochers."

Minorities and women voted overwhelmingly for Obama in the presidential election. Fifty-five percent of women voted for Obama, according to CNN's exit polls. Obama also won nearly three-quarters of the Latino vote, more than 90 percent of the black vote, and 73 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to exit polls.

More: Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney Would Have Won If Republicans 'Were Self-Aware At All'

Hey, Rush Limbaugh: 'Starting an Abortion Industry' Won't Win You Female Voters | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

That's why Repugs will NEVER take back the White House (well, not without cheating anyway). They live in a fucked-up, xenophobic bubble.

Their beliefs are offensive as hell to any educated, rational person. However, Repugs are so busy giving each other hand jobs all the time, preaching to the choir, that they are genuinely shocked come election day when they painfully discover most Americans don't agree with their fascist horseshit.
By Bonnie Kavoussi

Mitt Romney could have easily won the presidential election if he and his party had realized that they were turning people off, according to Matt Taibbi.

"If they were self-aware at all, Mitt Romney would probably be president right now," Taibbi wrote in a blog post for Rolling Stone late Thursday.

He argued that Republicans' message about financial responsibility could resonate with a lot of people, but unfortunately it is a cover for their belief that women and minorities are "parasites."

Modern Republicans "have so much of their own collective identity wrapped up in the belief that they're surrounded by free-loading, job-averse parasites who not only want to smoke weed and have recreational abortions all day long, but want hardworking white Christians like them to pay the tab," Taibbi wrote. "Their whole belief inherently insulting to everyone outside the tent – and you can't win votes when you're calling people lazy, stoned moochers."

Minorities and women voted overwhelmingly for Obama in the presidential election. Fifty-five percent of women voted for Obama, according to CNN's exit polls. Obama also won nearly three-quarters of the Latino vote, more than 90 percent of the black vote, and 73 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to exit polls.

More: Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney Would Have Won If Republicans 'Were Self-Aware At All'

Hey, Rush Limbaugh: 'Starting an Abortion Industry' Won't Win You Female Voters | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

That's why Repugs will NEVER take back the White House (well, not without cheating anyway). They live in a fucked-up, xenophobic bubble.

Their beliefs are offensive as hell to any educated, rational person. However, Repugs are so busy giving each other hand jobs all the time, preaching to the choir, that they are genuinely shocked come election day when they painfully discover most Americans don't agree with their fascist horseshit.

I guess you would call this a post done by a educated, rational person.?
However, Repugs are so busy giving each other hand jobs all the time

Your guy wins re election after FOUR YEARS after Republicans having the white house for eight years and you think it some major awakening by THE PEOPLE...If it was the Dims would of won the HOUSE too..
you libs crack me the hell up
Not so far off the mark, really. These women who are so fond of abortion, many of them DO want abortion on demand. It's as if they do not want to take any responsibility for their sexual behavior....if they end up pregnant, they want the option of aborting a fetus no matter what stage of pregnancy they are in. Simply put, most Americans do not like the idea of abortion being used a form of birth control, yet the liberals equate abortion with "choice to do as they please with their bodies". Liberals like to play boths ends of the tell others how they are supposed to behave/think/feel, yet insist that they be given total freedom to do as they please. You can't have it both ways, people.
Granny says, "Dat's right ladies - if ya ain't married, keep dem legs closed...
US abortions fall 5 pct, biggest drop in a decade
21 Nov.`12 — U.S. abortions fell 5 percent during the recession and its aftermath in the biggest one-year decrease in at least a decade, perhaps because women are more careful to use birth control when times are tough, researchers say.
The decline, detailed on Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, came in 2009, the most recent year for which statistics are available. Both the number of abortions and the abortion rate dropped by the same percentage. Some experts theorize that some women believed they couldn't afford to get pregnant. "They stick to straight and narrow ... and they are more careful about birth control," said Elizabeth Ananat, a Duke University assistant professor of public policy and economics who has researched abortions. While many states have aggressively restricted access to abortion, most of those laws were adopted in the past two years and are not believed to have played a role in the decline.

Abortions have been dropping slightly over much of the past decade. But before this latest report, they seemed to have pretty much leveled off. Nearly all states report abortion numbers to the federal government, but it's voluntary. A few states — including California, which has the largest population and largest number of abortion providers — don't send in data. While experts estimate there are more than 1 million abortions nationwide each year, the CDC counted about 785,000 in 2009 because of incomplete reporting. To come up with reliable year-to-year comparisons, the CDC used the numbers from 43 states and two cities — those that have been sending in data consistently for at least 10 years. The researchers found that abortions per 1,000 women of child-bearing age fell from about 16 in 2008 to roughly 15 in 2009. That translates to nearly 38,000 fewer abortions in one year.

Mississippi had the lowest abortion rate, at 4 per 1,000 women of child-bearing age. The state also had only a couple of abortion providers and has the nation's highest teen birth rate. New York, second to California in number of abortion providers, had the highest abortion rate, roughly eight times Mississippi's. Nationally since 2000, the number of reported abortions has dropped overall by about 6 percent and the abortion rate has fallen 7 percent. By all accounts, contraception is playing a role in lowering the numbers. Some experts cite a government study released earlier this year suggesting that about 60 percent of teenage girls who have sex use the most effective kinds of contraception, including the pill and patch. That's up from the mid-1990s, when fewer than half were using the best kinds.

Experts also pointed to the growing use of IUDs, or intrauterine devices, T-shaped plastic sperm-killers that a doctor inserts into the uterus. A study released earlier this year by the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit organization that does research on reproductive health, showed that IUD use among sexually active women on birth control rose from less than 3 percent in 2002 to more than 8 percent in 2009. IUDs essentially prevent "user error," said Rachel Jones, a Guttmacher researcher. Ananat said another factor may be the growing use of the morning-after pill, a form of emergency contraception that has been increasingly easier to get. It came onto the market in 1999 and in 2006 was approved for non-prescription sale to women 18 and older. In 2009 that was lowered to 17. Underlying all this may be the economy, which was in recession from December 2007 until June 2009. Even well afterward, polls showed most Americans remained worried about anemic hiring, a depressed housing market and other problems.

More US abortions fall 5 pct, biggest drop in a decade - Yahoo! News
Mitt forgot that many of his natural constituency are part of the 47%, so many either stayed home or voted for Obama.

well you have your new line..what ever the hell it is suppose to mean..

Not new, been saying it for weeks. You need to pay better attention, rather bitterly clinging to hurt feelings over Romney's loss.
Ever notice that radical democrats still spend time beating a dead horse instead of telling us what a brave new world Hussein will create in the next four years?
typical liberal spew..all made up bullshit

god you are fucking stupid. Ticks have more value than your vapid nothing of a life.

You've sat on this board and railed and railed, and railed about the 50% of americans who pay no taxes, collect welfare, and well do nothing to help America.

We have romney's 47% which he apologized for in order to attempt to win some votes. then go on to blame Obama for giving "gifts" out to those 47% and thats why he won the election.

You literally are one of thee dumbest people on these boards. You and people like you are the reason Romney lost. You believe your bullshit so much that nothing will ever sway you. You believe something so badly that if Jesus himself came down and told you that you where wrong, you would call jesus liberal scum.

Its amazing your bubble you live in doesn't cut off your oxygen completely.

You seriously are nothing but low rent thinking trash. Why don't you go post somemore Opinion pieces because you can't string together a thought of your own.
Ever notice that radical democrats still spend time beating a dead horse instead of telling us what a brave new world Hussein will create in the next four years?

why bother, according to you r retards the world was suppose to end before this last election. Now that Obama won i expect America to implode before xmas.
Ever notice that radical democrats still spend time beating a dead horse instead of telling us what a brave new world Hussein will create in the next four years?

why bother, according to you r retards the world was suppose to end before this last election. Now that Obama won i expect America to implode before xmas.

Well, the Mayans thought so.
Anyways, sorry to see 'Plasmaeunuch' still has gotten a life.....................:gives:......

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