Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing...

I don't consider him a prophet and he has never claimed to be one to my knowledge. So how can he be a false one?

Why not just let him inspire you in the areas he is right about seek to inspire others in the area he hasn't gotten right yet?
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The pope has said nothing that is out of line with the scriptural representation of Jesus while our "Christians" have to reach back into old-testament mosaic law to justify their fucked up belief system. All they talk about is his death. Almost as if they are crucifying him all over again to shut him up.

Once again he didn't even mention Jesus.

And If you understood him, you'd never be the same.
Dear god, the pope believes in manmade influence on the climate and addresses the reality of income inequality.. QUICK, WE MUST LABEL HIM AS A COMMUNIST AND START A WITCH HUNT. :eusa_boohoo:
Oh brother, the ridiculous right has gone full-blown looney-tunes concerning the Pope.

They seem to prefer Charismatic and Pentecostal charlatans like Benny Hinn, Joel Olsteen, Creflo Dollar who preach prosperity instead of penitence and who to a non-Christian like me epitomise what supposedly Christ himself warned against in Matthew 24:5, "Many will come in his name and they will lead many astray" Hasn't Hinn even claimed to have raised the dead? This is the same section of the religious far right who have been convinced any concern for the poor is "socialism" and have been brainwashed into voting for the puppets of big money. And who happily send their hard earned dollars to these frauds convinced they will be rewarded tenfold. It's a kind of crazy I've never been able figure out. You'd think it would become very obvious very quickly when one is shooting oneself in his own foot. My guess is they've never actually read the Bible and really believe the private revelations these clowns claim to have received from God Himself. And they parrot the bullshit they've swallowed about the Pope instead of looking for their own truth.
THE false prophet came 1445 years ago and his name was Mohammed.

Do you have any "credible" proof that Jesus wasn't a false prophet?

Nothing that convince you or any of your ilk.
First of all Jesus was NOT a prophet. He was and IS the Son Of God.
He is considered to be a prophet only in the eyes of those who wish to drag Him down and equate Him to their "prophet", the sewer dwelling pedophile murderer who spread his "religion" by force, murder, killing, raping, plundering, lying, stealing and any and all varieties of cruelty and have been doing so for the last 1,500 years..

Do you have any credible proof that Mohammed was NOT a false prophet?

Jesus stated He was a prophet. He was just much more than that as well.
Dear god, the pope believes in manmade influence on the climate and addresses the reality of income inequality.. QUICK, WE MUST LABEL HIM AS A COMMUNIST AND START A WITCH HUNT. :eusa_boohoo:

Neither of which are Christian issues.
THE false prophet came 1445 years ago and his name was Mohammed.

Yeshu the false messiah mamzer came 2000 years ago and died 33 years later
As the Talmud correctly states the man god yeshu is in hell boiling in his own feces and seman

You're full of shit yourself fake Jew...There is no hell in Judaism only in the world of people who pretend to be Jews:slap:

Here's your messiah boy, bow down..

Hey moron, can you stay awake just a second and respond to those who acknowlege your bs, it ain't tiggered

You talking to me boy? I have a problem with people who pretend to be Jews, bashing Christians and spreading lies about Judaism. You got a point you want to make?
Yeshu the false messiah mamzer came 2000 years ago and died 33 years later
As the Talmud correctly states the man god yeshu is in hell boiling in his own feces and seman

You're full of shit yourself fake Jew...There is no hell in Judaism only in the world of people who pretend to be Jews:slap:

Here's your messiah boy, bow down..

Hey moron, can you stay awake just a second and respond to those who acknowlege your bs, it ain't tiggered

You talking to me boy? I have a problem with people who pretend to be Jews, bashing Christians and spreading lies about Judaism. You got a point you want to make?

Who the hell you callin boy? First off, don't...don't send for me with that tone, I'll chew you up and spit you I said, your comments are not for me...I'm not engaging you in this bullshit debate you and some other poster are having...check your source and then proceed idiot. It ain't me, duh!!
Oh brother, the ridiculous right has gone full-blown looney-tunes concerning the Pope.

They seem to prefer Charismatic and Pentecostal charlatans like Benny Hinn, Joel Olsteen, Creflo Dollar who preach prosperity instead of penitence and who to a non-Christian like me epitomise what supposedly Christ himself warned against in Matthew 24:5, "Many will come in his name and they will lead many astray" Hasn't Hinn even claimed to have raised the dead? This is the same section of the religious far right who have been convinced any concern for the poor is "socialism" and have been brainwashed into voting for the puppets of big money. And who happily send their hard earned dollars to these frauds convinced they will be rewarded tenfold. It's a kind of crazy I've never been able figure out. You'd think it would become very obvious very quickly when one is shooting oneself in his own foot. My guess is they've never actually read the Bible and really believe the private revelations these clowns claim to have received from God Himself. And they parrot the bullshit they've swallowed about the Pope instead of looking for their own truth.
You don't help the poor by setting up big government bureaucracies, siphoning off money of that is intended for the poor, making bureaucrats and politicians rich, But that the leftist way:slap:
As the Talmud correctly states the man god yeshu is in hell boiling in his own feces and seman

You're full of shit yourself fake Jew...There is no hell in Judaism only in the world of people who pretend to be Jews:slap:

Here's your messiah boy, bow down..

Hey moron, can you stay awake just a second and respond to those who acknowlege your bs, it ain't tiggered

You talking to me boy? I have a problem with people who pretend to be Jews, bashing Christians and spreading lies about Judaism. You got a point you want to make?

Who the hell you callin boy? First off, don't...don't send for me with that tone, I'll chew you up and spit you I said, your comments are not for me...I'm not engaging you in this bullshit debate you and some other poster are having...check your source and then proceed idiot. It ain't me, duh!!

Then don't quote me girl...Mind your businessmouthy women are sexy
Yeshu the false messiah mamzer came 2000 years ago and died 33 years later
As the Talmud correctly states the man god yeshu is in hell boiling in his own feces and seman

You're full of shit yourself fake Jew...There is no hell in Judaism only in the world of people who pretend to be Jews:slap:

Here's your messiah boy, bow down..

Hey moron, can you stay awake just a second and respond to those who acknowlege your bs, it ain't tiggered

You talking to me boy? I have a problem with people who pretend to be Jews, bashing Christians and spreading lies about Judaism. You got a point you want to make?

So did you get your official certificate of being accepted as a goy?
As the Talmud correctly states the man god yeshu is in hell boiling in his own feces and seman

You're full of shit yourself fake Jew...There is no hell in Judaism only in the world of people who pretend to be Jews:slap:

Here's your messiah boy, bow down..

Hey moron, can you stay awake just a second and respond to those who acknowlege your bs, it ain't tiggered

You talking to me boy? I have a problem with people who pretend to be Jews, bashing Christians and spreading lies about Judaism. You got a point you want to make?

So did you get your official certificate of being accepted as a goy?

The proper term is gentile fake Jew...Only Jew haters and fake Jews use the term Goy :slap:
What party gave 30 million illegals amnesty? What party after 9/11 the worst breach of security in our nations history, kept the Mexican border wide open? Uh, I tell you one thing, it wasn't the democratic party!!
30 million? There's only 11 million here now. Clinton passed on Osama twice and didn't want to handle the potential fallout. Last I heard he was a Democrat.

Ronnie the Nut gave amnesty to 30 million illegals back in 1985, and caused the multitude that flock here daily to be in line for the next wave...The GOP started this amnesty shit and all they did was open the flood gates.

You do know that that was a bill passed by a dem congress, in numbers that even trying a veto would have been laughable, right?

No, you probably don't.

Bitch, I know how to google, just like yo ass do, so don't go there....listen, the bill although bipartisan was signed by Nutty R, just as anything that goes down with Obama is his fault, this is Ronnie's cross to bear, own it and shut the fuck up

  • Passed the Senate on September 19, 1985 (69–30)
  • Passed the House on October 9, 1986 (voice vote after incorporating H.R. 3810, passed 230–166)
Like I stated previously, a veto would have been laughed at.

But, keep believing he had a choice.

You say "a veto would have been laughed at." Does that mean there was a "veto-proof" Congress at that time?
I'm a canuck so maybe you can fill me in. Is this a "veto-proof" congress?

Makeup of Senate in 1986
Democratic Party 47
Republican Party 53

Makeup of House in 1986
Democratic Party 253
Republican Party 182

Thanks in advance for your answer.

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