Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing...

....or Papal robes.
You really want to go there? This man talks of nothing but reaching out to the poor and homeless and sick, etc...vs these sorry shit for brains bible toting fucks we call conservative christians here in this country who love unborn babies, shit on those who are here, who worship the dollar more than human beings, who hate anything that isn't white and you want to go there?????? SHEEP?????

Why does it seem that everyone who defends this anti-Christ Pope has such filthy language coming out of their mouth? Is that the way a Christian should talk? No, it isn't and you are as lost can be. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. You need Jesus. You need to read the bible and seek the LORD for your salvation. Not Rome, Not the Vatican, not religion, but Jesus Christ as he is presented in the Word of God - see Romans 10:9.10 and John Chapter 3.
Jesus saves.

How do you know you're not following a false book as well as a "false prophet"?

Uh, its called Faith....either you have it or you don't. And just for the record, I put no faith in man, but in God...okay. We all should. I do however find solace in those who speak upon his teachings and ponder and then pray on the lessons.....but no one, not even the Pope is above GOD almighty.

About your faith... what about your tongue? The filthy language, the personal attacks on those of us who have told the truth about this false prophet? Do you find a contradiction in what you say here and how you are acting?
Pope Francis is not a prophet. He's made no prophecies.
Yes he is. He claims to speak for God and yet he utters lies and twists the Scriptures. He is indeed a false prophet and you should not be listening to him! None of you should be!

And just who the hell do you speak for? Listen, do yourself a favor, go take a long long hot shower, dust off the hooch and have some and relax, Adolf, the guy is leaving 2mar and you and the haters can go back to the day to day bs, k?

I'm speaking for the Word of God and defending the Truth. When can we expect you to do the same?
Oh brother, the ridiculous right has gone full-blown looney-tunes concerning the Pope.

They seem to prefer Charismatic and Pentecostal charlatans like Benny Hinn, Joel Olsteen, Creflo Dollar who preach prosperity instead of penitence and who to a non-Christian like me epitomise what supposedly Christ himself warned against in Matthew 24:5, "Many will come in his name and they will lead many astray" Hasn't Hinn even claimed to have raised the dead? This is the same section of the religious far right who have been convinced any concern for the poor is "socialism" and have been brainwashed into voting for the puppets of big money. And who happily send their hard earned dollars to these frauds convinced they will be rewarded tenfold. It's a kind of crazy I've never been able figure out. You'd think it would become very obvious very quickly when one is shooting oneself in his own foot. My guess is they've never actually read the Bible and really believe the private revelations these clowns claim to have received from God Himself. And they parrot the bullshit they've swallowed about the Pope instead of looking for their own truth.

nope, prefer solid bible teachers like David Jeremiah, John MacArthur, Jack Van Impe, Charles Stanley,John Hagee (before he became WORD FAITH), Ed Hindson etc...
30 million? There's only 11 million here now. Clinton passed on Osama twice and didn't want to handle the potential fallout. Last I heard he was a Democrat.

Ronnie the Nut gave amnesty to 30 million illegals back in 1985, and caused the multitude that flock here daily to be in line for the next wave...The GOP started this amnesty shit and all they did was open the flood gates.

You do know that that was a bill passed by a dem congress, in numbers that even trying a veto would have been laughable, right?

No, you probably don't.

Bitch, I know how to google, just like yo ass do, so don't go there....listen, the bill although bipartisan was signed by Nutty R, just as anything that goes down with Obama is his fault, this is Ronnie's cross to bear, own it and shut the fuck up

  • Passed the Senate on September 19, 1985 (69–30)
  • Passed the House on October 9, 1986 (voice vote after incorporating H.R. 3810, passed 230–166)
Like I stated previously, a veto would have been laughed at.

But, keep believing he had a choice.

You say "a veto would have been laughed at." Does that mean there was a "veto-proof" Congress at that time?
I'm a canuck so maybe you can fill me in. Is this a "veto-proof" congress?

Makeup of Senate in 1986
Democratic Party 47
Republican Party 53

Makeup of House in 1986
Democratic Party 253
Republican Party 182

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Does that mean there was a "veto-proof" Congress at that time?

Did you see the numbers I posted earlier?

The BILL was veto proof, not Congress.
....or Papal robes.
You really want to go there? This man talks of nothing but reaching out to the poor and homeless and sick, etc...vs these sorry shit for brains bible toting fucks we call conservative christians here in this country who love unborn babies, shit on those who are here, who worship the dollar more than human beings, who hate anything that isn't white and you want to go there?????? SHEEP?????

Why does it seem that everyone who defends this anti-Christ Pope has such filthy language coming out of their mouth? Is that the way a Christian should talk? No, it isn't and you are as lost can be. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. You need Jesus. You need to read the bible and seek the LORD for your salvation. Not Rome, Not the Vatican, not religion, but Jesus Christ as he is presented in the Word of God - see Romans 10:9.10 and John Chapter 3.
Jesus saves.

How do you know you're not following a false book as well as a "false prophet"?

Uh, its called Faith....either you have it or you don't. And just for the record, I put no faith in man, but in God...okay. We all should. I do however find solace in those who speak upon his teachings and ponder and then pray on the lessons.....but no one, not even the Pope is above GOD almighty.

About your faith... what about your tongue? The filthy language, the personal attacks on those of us who have told the truth about this false prophet? Do you find a contradiction in what you say here and how you are acting?

Trust me, if cursing was a cardinal sin, we'd all be roastin....The man upstairs understand, trust me. Just as Clinton will own the NAFTA shit that was crammed down his throat.
Ronnie the Nut gave amnesty to 30 million illegals back in 1985, and caused the multitude that flock here daily to be in line for the next wave...The GOP started this amnesty shit and all they did was open the flood gates.

You do know that that was a bill passed by a dem congress, in numbers that even trying a veto would have been laughable, right?

No, you probably don't.

Bitch, I know how to google, just like yo ass do, so don't go there....listen, the bill although bipartisan was signed by Nutty R, just as anything that goes down with Obama is his fault, this is Ronnie's cross to bear, own it and shut the fuck up

  • Passed the Senate on September 19, 1985 (69–30)
  • Passed the House on October 9, 1986 (voice vote after incorporating H.R. 3810, passed 230–166)
Like I stated previously, a veto would have been laughed at.

But, keep believing he had a choice.

You say "a veto would have been laughed at." Does that mean there was a "veto-proof" Congress at that time?
I'm a canuck so maybe you can fill me in. Is this a "veto-proof" congress?

Makeup of Senate in 1986
Democratic Party 47
Republican Party 53

Makeup of House in 1986
Democratic Party 253
Republican Party 182

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Does that mean there was a "veto-proof" Congress at that time?

Did you see the numbers I posted earlier?

The BILL was veto proof, not Congress.

Dude, I'm the one that posted the facts, so yes, I get it...what is your point? Regardless of who created the bill, ie Democrats, Reagan is the historical story here...own it and move on. Just as Clinton will own NAFTA that was crammed down his watch
You do know that that was a bill passed by a dem congress, in numbers that even trying a veto would have been laughable, right?

No, you probably don't.

Bitch, I know how to google, just like yo ass do, so don't go there....listen, the bill although bipartisan was signed by Nutty R, just as anything that goes down with Obama is his fault, this is Ronnie's cross to bear, own it and shut the fuck up

  • Passed the Senate on September 19, 1985 (69–30)
  • Passed the House on October 9, 1986 (voice vote after incorporating H.R. 3810, passed 230–166)
Like I stated previously, a veto would have been laughed at.

But, keep believing he had a choice.

You say "a veto would have been laughed at." Does that mean there was a "veto-proof" Congress at that time?
I'm a canuck so maybe you can fill me in. Is this a "veto-proof" congress?

Makeup of Senate in 1986
Democratic Party 47
Republican Party 53

Makeup of House in 1986
Democratic Party 253
Republican Party 182

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Does that mean there was a "veto-proof" Congress at that time?

Did you see the numbers I posted earlier?

The BILL was veto proof, not Congress.

Dude, I'm the one that posted the facts, so yes, I get it...what is your point? Regardless of who created the bill, ie Democrats, Reagan is the historical story here...own it and move on. Just as Clinton will own NAFTA that was crammed down his watch

Clinton FOUGHT to get NAFTA passed.

BIG difference.

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