Matthew Chapter 7

Jun 24, 2014
7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

A lesson for Gismys and his beloved money minded tv evangelists if there ever was one.
That passage has nothing to do with Gis. Gis accepts Christ. Christ will welcome Gis when the time comes.

There were men who had watched Christ perform miracles and were successful doing the same using Christ's name and methods. They neither followed Christ, nor knew Him. In their cases they were using His name to perform tricks like expelling demons. The passage refers to them.

Why does it bother you that men who devote their lives to God, are blessed by God? Wouldn't you expect that from God? God wants His children to prosper and prosper some more. It's God's "cup runneth over" philosophy. Look at Abraham, Lot, David, Solomon. God's streets are paved in gold. So were His Temple walls.

And, where is this list of all these poor people who have given every last dime of their income to these money grubbing churches?
People prosper sevenfold when they tithe to a church. A mere 10% of their income. So they do. It is not a co-incidence that the people that tithe the most, have the most. It is a mathematical equation, a return on your investment that God says to test Him on. And God doesn't say that to often....
The same promise applies to churches. So they do likewise and prosper to overflowing, because God is a promise keeper. If their increase annoys you, tithe and reap your own benefits.

If preachers were in rags, sitting on stoops somewhere, with their Bibles and sack lunches, you'd
berate God for not providing for his devoted.

Those evangelists give millions to charity. How about you?
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Jesus Christ! Yahweh/Allah, "Jesus," and any combination was and is NOT "God." Yahweh/Allah was a middle east Baal and never existed, and Jesus, if he existed, was a failed racialist revolutionary who had an Oedipus complex.
John 14:9 Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.

Yahweh existed before Allah was conjured. Ishmael's mother called on Yahweh, not Allah for help. They are not the same. Allah has no son.
Jesus is too well documented for anyone in this age of enlightenment to wonder whether He existed.
He was completely successful in paying our debt, which was His mission.
He was a gentle, loving healer, who was followed to the point of being crushed or pushed into the sea by the throngs that were drawn to His love for them, and His message of a loving, forgiving Father.
He taught for 3 1/2 years, a message that has lasted 2,000 years. A resounding success considering the lengths that were implemented to wipe His followers and message out following His death and resurrection.
As for Shakespeare, Jesus never killed His father and married His mother. There is nothing to suggest any abnormal relationship with His mother.

Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

And you are His brother.
You mean, He (meaning Jesus) taught a lesson that lasted for around 2,000 years, but in light of the current philosophy (meaning the money changers, i.e. those who have a lot of cash, rule the roost).

I'm pretty sure that based on the stories in the Bible that Jesus would be against the SC ruling that stated that money was free speech.

I mean.................Jesus went against the money changers, right?

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