Mattis explodes: America has lost its competitive edge in cyber warfare, distracted by war on terror

the Pentagon warns that in the case of a successful cyber attack, food and water will run out, hospitals will turn people away, and Americans will turn on each other
nuclear weapons are meant for overwhelming victory. cyber weapons are do more psychological damage, like melting down a steel mill in Montezuma, Georgia. stuff like that
With all of the funding Defense gets, $893b in 2019, if they don't have a "competitive edge" in everything some people need to be fired. We can't afford to keep spending that much on Defense. Besides, what about the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other cyber departments? Is Defense being tripped up by other US agencies? My money is on the NSA (No Such Agency) in the cyber battlefield.
cyber weapons are intentionally designed to hit America's softest targets. Washington remains confused as to how to respond.
This is entirely believable. Aside from the clichéd historical saying that the generals are always fighting the last war, there is also the excessive spending on current and past tech. Look at the enormous sums poured into the F35. It would have been better to build hundreds of good planes and still have money left over for unforseable tech changes, rather than too few 'perfect' craft.
No better lesson can be learned than from WWII tanks; the best is the enemy of the good. A Tiger might get four tanks, but there were ten against it (O.K., this is a poetic use of figures). It's many and cheap that overcomes sophisticated and expensive. That's strategy. That's modern warfare. That's what we will see.
America had better be there first, for it has garnered many enemies.
"war on terror"

A complete sellout of America's wealth and military might to ISRAEL so that certain TRAITORS in high places could get rich and elected/re-elected....

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