Maturity in politics


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I remember when our politicians were men of character and they had morals. People like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.

What happened to politics? When did it turn into one big reality show? How did we get these narcissistic clowns who make fools of themselves in public?
Started the steep down hill run with Newt and Tom Delay. They convinced the right that integrity didn't matter.
love America or leave .... the time for politicians to not be placed on pedestals is happily and long over due.

same for the religious zealots.

I remember when our politicians were men of character and they had morals. People like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.

What happened to politics? When did it turn into one big reality show? How did we get these narcissistic clowns who make fools of themselves in public?

When Gore lost the election in 2000. The Democrats took off the masks, and stopped trying to fake sanity.
Donald Trump single handedly changed the rules in political campaigns and God bless him for it. Other republican candidates still seem to fear the liberal media but more an more the liberal media is being turned on it's liberal ear. Meanwhile democrats are still operating as knee jerk stooges.
I remember when our politicians were men of character and they had morals. People like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.。。。。

"Character" and "morals" in FDR? Are you fucking kidding?
Maturity went out with integrity, gentlemenliness,an courtesy

This is the age of professional slam artist, news as entertainment, and comparative truths.
I remember when our politicians were men of character and they had morals. People like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.

What happened to politics? When did it turn into one big reality show? How did we get these narcissistic clowns who make fools of themselves in public?

It started during the MTV era of politics and has been sliding since.

Those like Theodore Roosevelt would not even be a viable candidate in today political climate nor would FDR or JFK.

Today the general public prefer sound bite candidates that give them a shock jock type of answer and not a actual candidate that can put forth sensible ideas that would get through a hostile Congress.

I am so sick of the two big ticket parties ( Democratic and GOP ) and believe America need a third party to shake up the government and force the two bigger parties to run more sensible politicians and not Youtube and Twitter candidate...
Maturity went out with integrity, gentlemenliness,an courtesy

This is the age of professional slam artist, news as entertainment, and comparative truths.

I think the MSM played a huge part in this. Take the Romney run for instance. They went as far back as his high school days playing pranks on classmates in order to bash the guy. That's besides the idiocy of calling him an animal hater because he tied his dog carrier to the roof of his car when he went on vacation.

When news makes entertainment out of politics, it sells commercials. It draws people to their shows, their blogs, their web sites.
I remember when our politicians were men of character and they had morals. People like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.

What happened to politics? When did it turn into one big reality show? How did we get these narcissistic clowns who make fools of themselves in public?

Man, you must be really, really old!
I remember when our politicians were men of character and they had morals. People like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.

What happened to politics? When did it turn into one big reality show? How did we get these narcissistic clowns who make fools of themselves in public?

Man, you must be really, really old!

I am a Millennial but I could be really old fashioned. I like codes of honor.
I remember when our politicians were men of character and they had morals. People like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.

What happened to politics? When did it turn into one big reality show? How did we get these narcissistic clowns who make fools of themselves in public?

Man, you must be really, really old!

I am a Millennial

You have my sympathies.

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