Maunder Minimum

When you say "greenhouse gas warming" can you please tell us how much "warming" is observed in a controlled setting when CO2 is increased from 280 to 400PPM?

Is there a positive, non-imaginary number that you can provide?

{\displaystyle \Delta F=5.35\times \ln {(C_{0}+\Delta C) \over C_{0}}~~(\mathrm {W} ~\mathrm {m} ^{-2})\,}
Fluid mechanics not my thing. We used the Stokes equation to model clay particle settling, but other than that...
I understand this is a very important set of equations for you.

Navier/Stokes is the basis for all fluid mechanics, including pressure gradients ... and we always model the atmosphere as a fluid ... in other words, as fundamental to the subject at hand as Newton's Laws of Gravity and Motion ... and it maps into the stress tensor, perhaps you've come across these in geology ... same thing, different `language` ...

You were going to discuss how long it takes for carbon dioxide molecules to "ripen" in the atmosphere ... so that they can participate in the radiative transfer of energy ... or do GHGs act immediately ... look at all the GHG bands on the new GOES imagery ... that's real time ...

∆F = 5.35 x ln (425/280) W/m^2 = 2.2 W/m^2 ... observed is 1.8 W/m^2 ... I think you forgot a term ... could you check your source for this ... and maybe brush up on your arithmetic ... sheesh ...

We've been looking for the numerical relationship between carbon dioxide concentration and radiative forcing ... what would be the emissivity factor in SB's graybody form ... any help would be appreciated ...
∆F = 5.35 x ln (425/280) W/m^2 = 2.2 W/m^2 ... observed is 1.8 W/m^2 ... I think you forgot a term ... could you check your source for this ... and maybe brush up on your arithmetic ... sheesh ...

I gave you the tools. If you can't use them properly that is not my problem.

We've been looking for the numerical relationship between carbon dioxide concentration and radiative forcing

And now you have it!

... so that they can participate in the radiative transfer of energy ... or do GHGs act immediately ... look at all the GHG bands on the new GOES imagery ... that's real time ...

The warming from greenhouse gases will also need to reach down into deeper levels of the ocean (that takes time) as well as other feedbacks. Greenhouse gases are not alone in the process. In the case of forcings like CO2 there are feedbacks which also attend which take time.
I gave you the tools. If you can't use them properly that is not my problem.

And now you have it!

I just showed you your formula doesn't work ... go back to your source and read the whole thing ... also note this mistake is greatly magnified over the glacial/interglacial time periods ...

But I am pleased that you willingly admit that the relationship would be logarithmic ... you wouldn't believe the morons who come on here and say this is exponential ...

When you're ready to move into 20th Century science ... let us know ... Max Planck had some things to add to this to make it all work as observed ... and from this we get the Stefen-Boltzmann Law ... temperature is proportional to the fourth root of irradiation ... the climatological form is

T^4 = (S(1 - a))/4eo [where T = temperature, S = solar constant, a = albedo, e = emissivity and o = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (typically lower case sigma)]

Sunspot activity is growing. Will that mean that the sun is going to increase it's output and the Earth will get warmer?

Oh, noes! It's the SUN causing climate change!


Some scientists have been saying the sun is the cause of global warming for years but that theory doesn’t fit the Democratic Party’s agenda. If the sun was ever proven to be the cause of global warming there would be no reason to push for AOC’s Green New Deal.

The warming from greenhouse gases will also need to reach down into deeper levels of the ocean (that takes time) as well as other feedbacks. Greenhouse gases are not alone in the process. In the case of forcings like CO2 there are feedbacks which also attend which take time.

Do you mean that energy conducts down the water column? ... that's going to take a very very very long time ... and it's going to take a very very very large amount of energy ...

What feedbacks? ... tell me one positive feedback loop in the climate system ... one where we're not multiplying by cosine latitude ... there's a few but none will do you you are saying it will do ...

Our satellites in orbit show a 1.8 W/m^2 shortfall in power ... this energy can't just disappear ... if it's not adding to the kenetic energy of the atmosphere (temperature) ... where the hell does it go? ... the satellite says not into space ... think "1st Law" "1st Law" "1st Law" "1st Law"
I just showed you your formula doesn't work ... go back to your source and read the whole thing

Sorry, that's the formula.

... also note this mistake is greatly magnified over the glacial/interglacial time periods ...


... you wouldn't believe the morons who come on here and say this is exponential ...

I would not be surprised at all. A LOT of folks on this forum haven't a clue about the actual science, or basic science at all.

When you're ready to move into 20th Century science

That is 20th century.

... let us know ... Max Planck had some things to add to this to make it all work as observed ... and from this we get the Stefen-Boltzmann Law

Too bad we aren't a black body.

T^4 = (S(1 - a))/4eo [where T = temperature, S = solar constant, a = albedo, e = emissivity and o = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (typically lower case sigma)]

I know the S-B equation.
Do you mean that energy conducts down the water column? ... that's going to take a very very very long time ... and it's going to take a very very very large amount of energy ...

Yes, and that's only one part of the systems that mean we are not at equilibrium

What feedbacks? ... tell me one positive feedback loop in the climate system

Water vapor is one.

There is no "correct temperature" of the earth. Keep up. The key is how will a dramatic change in the climate affect us.
If there's no correct temperature, how can people say it's warming? Maybe Earth has been too cold.
The earth will be fine. We might help usher in some mass extinctions and screw up our ecosystem and we will probably crater our economies and decimate our agricultural infrastructure, but other than that...
Environmentalists have a far more negative effect on economy and agriculture than the environment.
No validation from YOU is needed. Science and nature couldn't care less about your opinion on science you don't understand.
What makes you think I don't understand it? Because I don't regurgitate your dogma?

I love science. The scientific method has led to amazing advancements.

But the Kilmate Kult has perverted the scientific method. There is no experimentation possible. The conclusion was arrived at first, then data cherry-picked and altered to support it. The goal is world socialism, not helping the human race.

That's not science. It's politics.
Some scientists have been saying the sun is the cause of global warming for years but that theory doesn’t fit the Democratic Party’s agenda. If the sun was ever proven to be the cause of global warming there would be no reason to push for AOC’s Green New Deal.
Has it occurred to you that AGW theory predates the Green New Deal by several decades; that the Green New Deal was developed in response to AGW? Eh?
What makes you think I don't understand it? Because I don't regurgitate your dogma?

I love science. The scientific method has led to amazing advancements.

But the Kilmate Kult has perverted the scientific method. There is no experimentation possible.

OK, that last sentence tells me all I need to know about how little you actually understand science.

Let's talk about GEOLOGY for a second. What "experiments" do you think geologists run to know, say, what the Mantle is made up of? Do you think that they create a completely new planet earth and see what happens?

What "experiments" are run to learn the history of the earth?

Do you not believe that geology is a science?

The conclusion was arrived at first, then data cherry-picked and altered to support it.

Wrong-o. But you believe what you want. If you actually CARE about learning the history of the AGW concept you can read about it here: Global Warming Timeline

The goal is world socialism, not helping the human race.

That's not science. It's politics.

Well, you are pretty much wrong all around, but that's because you seem to be ignorant of just about everything involved in this concept.

You can always learn. (One assumes)

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