Max Kellerman expected to be removed from ESPN First Take

The past couple weeks ESPN had at least one of them for each show, but I notice at the end of August they both are gone and they go to their bench. The Frank guy (fill in Frank) is actually pretty good, the others are awful.
I dont like frank
I dont like frank
Todays show was truly the worst, someone from Miami called Israel (someone) and some guy called Adonde. I sometimes watch lineups like this to make me appreciate Mike and Tony more.

Good news though, those guys said Mike and Tony are back Monday. Right now we are kind of in a sports black hole, NFL preseason and MLB doldrums. The good news is there is no NBA to discuss.
I knew Obama was into sports. A Chicago fan I did not know even though he lived there.
Obama likes the White Sox and the Bulls. Not sure he is much of a Bears fan, he might be. I know he played golf with Tony and Mike numerous times, they both made veiled references to it. Obama is much like Slick Willie, they both like hanging out with media types and entertainers.
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Todays show was truly the worst, someone from Miami called Israel (someone) and some guy called Adonde. I sometimes watch lineups like this to make me appreciate Mike and Tony more.

Good news though, those guys said Mike and Tony are back Monday. Right now we are kind of in a sports black hole, NFL preseason and MLB doldrums. The good news is there is no NBA to discuss.
Israel is the gay guy who looks like a gang member
Reported by NYPOST. Why not retarded ass Molly???

Can't help you as I avoid sports talk TV. Once in awhile I'll watch Good Morning Football with the Wife but they are climbing the hype ladder as they get popular. Were you ever in a large competitive football pool? A knowledgeable fan can compete with ESPN and other talking heads at predicing winners. So really what's the point lisrtening to them?

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