Maxgrit: Steps To Salvation In Secular Terms


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Dear MaxGrit and fellow Theistic and Nontheistic friends on USMB:
Since MG has asked about sharing knowledge of Jesus, God and the Bible with Atheists,
I wanted to discuss with Max and you how to explain this spiritual process of salvation
as it applies to all people of all faiths or no particular faith at all, but as human beings under natural laws.

First I have already stated that I explain Christ Jesus as the spirit and process of establishing Restorative Justice to bring Equal Justice and lasting Peace to all humanity, for heavenly peace on earth.

The steps I have seen all people go through in establishing an agreed understanding
of peace and justice between them:
1. First step is to receive each other as equal neighbors or children of God
Christians call this receiving a child who comes in Jesus name
in order to receive Jesus
2. Next is to agree to embrace and act in the spirit of Truth Justice and Peace
which Christians may symbolize in the Holy Trinity, but all religions have a way of representing
body mind spirit or individual and collective levels (of life, truth, laws, love, etc.)
joined in harmonious relations or balance
In Constitutional laws it is taking an oath to uphold and defend laws for all people.
In Christian terms, to embrace or embody the laws by conscience, or take Jesus into our hearts/agree to live by Universal Justice.
Christians teach that when one receives Jesus, one receives the Father also.
3. Last step is to invoke the will or truth of God in this spirit of agreement in Christ or by conscience.
Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord, or Authority of Law, shall be saved.

So these steps go in order of
Third person relations
Second person relationship
and First person relationship

And this again, reflect the three levels of the Trinity.

You can also see this pattern in the Three Great commandments
1. to love God with all our hearts minds and souls
(seek the Kingdom of God or Collective Truth universal for all people)
3. to love our neighbors as ourselves
(the Golden Rule of Reciprocity found in all religions
where the spirit of Equal Justice or Christ Jesus
fulfills all laws as representing Justice for All)
2. to love one another as Christ Jesus loves us
which means unconditionally as God's love

so the point is to reconcile the earthly level of physical life and natural laws of man
with the collective or spiritual level that God represents governing all things
under divine or universal laws. We seek to reach agreement by conscience
or by Christ, locally between us as individuals, so collectively this is done on a global scale.

NOTE: the problem I want to discuss with MaxGrit and need your help as theists and nontheists:

A. He is afraid that this approach to Universal Salvation of all people regardless of faith
will be mistaught as a shortcut to skip steps, like passing everyone through school without doing the work to learn the necessary material
B. I am more concerned that we cannot get past step 1 if we keep rejecting each other.
how can we get through step 2 and 3, if we will not receive each other as equal partners
in forming an understanding and agreement how to teach these things truthfully?

Please let me know what steps you think will help resolve the issues and establishing an agreement between theists and nontheist how to teach the Bible, Jesus, God, etc.
where it is both helpful, honest to true life and effective in achieving greater good.
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