Maxine Waters Says Sequester Will Cost 40 Million More Jobs Than Are in Economy

Yep, not the sharpest crayon in the box. I hate to live in that broads district.
Especially if you're white. She represents the district where the L.A. riots started. That's why her seat in Congress is "safe". She's a racist representing racists.
Even the pee-brain libs have gotta laugh at Maxine.... OMG - that is SOOOOO FUNNY!!!
And just think, our tax dollars are paying her $173K+ a year and we wonder why we have a deficit...

Her twin is in north Houston, Shelia Jackson Lee...

Two of the best examples why you need to have a IQ above 50 to vote...

And the number one reason you need to have a IQ above 50 to vote...

Our current POTUS Oblamer...

[ame=]Maxine Waters: Sequester Could Cause 'Over 170 Million Jobs' To Be Lost - YouTube[/ame]

Okay everyone, play the video of Maxine "the Moron" Waters. After you have done that, go to :48, :56 and 1:20 on the video. Can anyone tell me what "secrestation" is?? What is "secrestation"??? What an idiot. Maxine is so dumb, she said this not once, not twice, but 3 times!!!

Oh well, as dumb as Maxine Waters is, at least she is not as dumb as Nazi Pelosi who said we would lose 500 million jobs if congress didn't pass Obama's stimulus.
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[ame=]Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America) - YouTube[/ame]


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Maxine Waters. As a black man I weep for my race. Maxine Waters is the most stupid human to have ever been placed on this planet.

Could she be anything OTHER that a communist democrat?

Stupid, stupid woman
Just goes to prove that any idiot can be elected to Congress.

Waters and Jackson. Two idiots.
I don't know, this guy is pretty stupid too.

[ame=]Rep. Johnson, Guam will Tip over and capsize because of Marine Corps - YouTube[/ame]

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