Maxine Waters Says Sequester Will Cost 40 Million More Jobs Than Are in Economy

Unfortunately, like Nancy Pelosi (and the other idiot democrats from Kalifornia) she is a direct reflection of her constitutients. Democrats ALWAYS go to the lowest common denominator FIRST.
Yep, not the sharpest crayon in the box. I hate to live in that broads district.

Yeah, Maxine is out-to-lunch. She says some really crazy things. But it's the quiet crazy ones you really have to watch.

Yep, this is the same bitch that threatened oil execs. with nationalization of their industry. She has no respect for anything or anyone and shouldn't be in congress.
Unfortunately, like Nancy Pelosi (and the other idiot democrats from Kalifornia) she is a direct reflection of her constitutients. Democrats ALWAYS go to the lowest common denominator FIRST.

As stated.. even on the east coast in idiot central.. they love re-electing Marion Barry..

You can't fix stupid

So very true.....

I have a cousin who has lived in Kansas City nearly all his life. Emanuel Cleaver was elected Mayor way back when and nearly drove the city into bankruptcy. yet, he was re-elected over and over and over. Why? He (like Barry) accomplished nothing during his tenure but, most likely due to his skin color, maintained his office until FINALLY another candidate won election and turned the city around.

It s now a thriving inner-city town.

What happened to Cleaver? His "constitutients" voted him into Congress. I'm sure he will "serve" there until he retires in 30-40 years.

This is the way America works now.....

Another lefty false prediction..


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