Maxwell Frost: Future Political Star

Maxwell Frost is our first Gen Z Representative and he's pretty sharp. Asked about his fast start and the results he's gotten from his short time on committee, he said that having no seniority means he goes last in asking questions, which let's him listen to everyone else, then modifying his questions when it's his turn.

Given up on AOC already?
The Queen? No way. But she's not Gen Z. Try to keep up.
The best that Progs have gotten done by their agendas are now definitely pushing us into decline. There is nothing no Prog can now do to improve the economy y their agendas. becoming a free and sovereign nation again was the answer. The swamp put us firmly into the globalist camp with many in the population that cannot realize we have more for 330 million people than giving our wealth away to 6 billion people. They will and we are slowly becoming more and more impoverished.
Rep Maxwell Frost got border police officials to patiently explain that we don't actually have "open borders. "Importantly, the tone here is not outrage. Better to respond with mockery and contempt.



Back in the ln 1968's there was a movie Wild in the Streets where the lead character was named Mx Frost. .
I've never heard of Max Frost before this topic, but the questions he asks in the clips provided are outstanding examples of critical thinking.
I've never heard of Max Frost before this topic, but the questions he asks in the clips provided are outstanding examples of critical thinking.
He's my in-laws representative. Hopefully the future of the Democratic Party looks and sounds more like that impressive young man.

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