May GOD bless General Flynn

He says

DONALD TRUMP NEXT PRESIDENT OF AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap2:
Skye my dear friend I hate to break your sweet heart but you will need to wait until 2020 before you will be getting a GOP POTUS and that one will probably be Paul Ryan.
He's a real barrel of laughs!

I'll some up his speech ..... "Let's invade everybody!!!"

What a meathead .

Some up? You are the perfect example for the need of a test to vote.

Ohhh the grammar police !!! Are you speaking on day two of the convention ?

Dude you're an idiot. You fail on the most basic level when it comes to the English language,so why should we listen to your political views?
After all,you've shown a like master of both.

I run circles around you dopes .

Whenever you righties are confronted , you fall back to insults . This thread is a perfect example .

The general is a war hawk. Plain and simple .

you are a bore...ok..

go away
They held a "Women for Trump" rally at the RNC today and fewer than 30 women showed up. Most of those in attendance were reporters or interns. There were so few people there that during the Q&A session, the panelists were asking questions of each other.,d.amc

Oh and while the General was seeking to terrify everyone with terrorists under every bed, he was speaking to a hall that was mostly empty.

Republican convention delegates united in anxiety over terrorism, crime, a Clinton presidency | Toronto Star
He's a real barrel of laughs!

I'll some up his speech ..... "Let's invade everybody!!!"

What a meathead .

Some up? You are the perfect example for the need of a test to vote.

Ohhh the grammar police !!! Are you speaking on day two of the convention ?

Dude you're an idiot. You fail on the most basic level when it comes to the English language,so why should we listen to your political views?
After all,you've shown a like master of both.

I run circles around you dopes .

Whenever you righties are confronted , you fall back to insults . This thread is a perfect example .

The general is a war hawk. Plain and simple .
All generals are war hawks.

That's why it is dangerous to make them President.

Ike was the exception. He was somewhat of a pacifist, like BHO, Billy C., Carter, Ford, etc.
He's a real barrel of laughs!

I'll some up his speech ..... "Let's invade everybody!!!"

What a meathead .

Some up? You are the perfect example for the need of a test to vote.

Ohhh the grammar police !!! Are you speaking on day two of the convention ?

Dude you're an idiot. You fail on the most basic level when it comes to the English language,so why should we listen to your political views?
After all,you've shown a like master of both.

I run circles around you dopes .

Whenever you righties are confronted , you fall back to insults . This thread is a perfect example .

The general is a war hawk. Plain and simple .

You cant type a coherent sentence you ignoranus.
He's a real barrel of laughs!

I'll some up his speech ..... "Let's invade everybody!!!"

What a meathead .

Some up? You are the perfect example for the need of a test to vote.

Ohhh the grammar police !!! Are you speaking on day two of the convention ?

Dude you're an idiot. You fail on the most basic level when it comes to the English language,so why should we listen to your political views?
After all,you've shown a like master of both.

I run circles around you dopes .

Whenever you righties are confronted , you fall back to insults . This thread is a perfect example .

The general is a war hawk. Plain and simple .
All generals are war hawks.

That's why it is dangerous to make them President.

Ike was the exception. He was somewhat of a pacifist, like BHO, Billy C., Carter, Ford, etc.

Yeah...because Barry,Carter and Ford were such shinning successes.
And I'm pretty sure you listed Billy twice,which of course wont make his presidency shine twice as bright.
In fact all you did was call attention to the moron twice.
He's a real barrel of laughs!

I'll some up his speech ..... "Let's invade everybody!!!"

What a meathead .

Some up? You are the perfect example for the need of a test to vote.

Ohhh the grammar police !!! Are you speaking on day two of the convention ?

Dude you're an idiot. You fail on the most basic level when it comes to the English language,so why should we listen to your political views?
After all,you've shown a like master of both.

I run circles around you dopes .

Whenever you righties are confronted , you fall back to insults . This thread is a perfect example .

The general is a war hawk. Plain and simple .

You cant type a coherent sentence you ignoranus.

Who's the "ignoranus"? Lol! If you are going to be the grammar police, make sure your shit is tight.
Some up? You are the perfect example for the need of a test to vote.

Ohhh the grammar police !!! Are you speaking on day two of the convention ?

Dude you're an idiot. You fail on the most basic level when it comes to the English language,so why should we listen to your political views?
After all,you've shown a like master of both.

I run circles around you dopes .

Whenever you righties are confronted , you fall back to insults . This thread is a perfect example .

The general is a war hawk. Plain and simple .

You cant type a coherent sentence you ignoranus.

Who's the "ignoranus"? Lol! If you are going to be the grammar police, make sure your shit is tight.

I know you aren't that sharp Timmy,possibly from oxygen depravation from spending so much time in the well.
Let me help you out for future "ignoranus" describes you to a're half way between ignorant and an asshole.
More insults . That's all you righties got . See Ya in the morn!
He's a real barrel of laughs!

I'll some up his speech ..... "Let's invade everybody!!!"

What a meathead .

Some up? You are the perfect example for the need of a test to vote.

Ohhh the grammar police !!! Are you speaking on day two of the convention ?

Dude you're an idiot. You fail on the most basic level when it comes to the English language,so why should we listen to your political views?
After all,you've shown a like master of both.

I run circles around you dopes .

Whenever you righties are confronted , you fall back to insults . This thread is a perfect example .

The general is a war hawk. Plain and simple .
All generals are war hawks.

That's why it is dangerous to make them President.

Ike was the exception. He was somewhat of a pacifist, like BHO, Billy C., Carter, Ford, etc.
Grant was called: butcher Grant, but a general does not have to be a butcher to make a name, I think Bradley was one of the best. The enlisted pukes soon know what kind of officers they have.
You cant type a coherent sentence you ignoranus.

I think you meant to say:

"You can't type a coherent sentence you ignoramus."

You're welcome.

No i meant exactly what i said.
Timmy,and apparently you,are ignorant assholes.
Hence the the name Ignoranus.

Your post makes no sense. You criticized Timmy for being incoherent and using improper grammer, but your spelling, grammar and syntax make your posts nearly unreadable.

Of course they're really not worth reading, so I guess it really doesn't matter.
You cant type a coherent sentence you ignoranus.

I think you meant to say:

"You can't type a coherent sentence you ignoramus."

You're welcome.

No i meant exactly what i said.
Timmy,and apparently you,are ignorant assholes.
Hence the the name Ignoranus.

Your post makes no sense. You criticized Timmy for being incoherent and using improper grammer, but your spelling, grammar and syntax make your posts nearly unreadable.

Of course they're really not worth reading, so I guess it really doesn't matter.

You have the reasoning ability of a turnip.
Those who cant absorb sarcasm and wit are the "dumbest among us"....and yes I'm a poet as well.

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