May GOD bless General Flynn

"Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn — a top foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump — said today, “We must maintain all options,” including a return to waterboarding and other “enhanced” interrogation techniques when the U.S. government captures terror suspects.

“At the end of the day, this is about U.S. selfish self-interest"

As convention gets underway, Trump’s favorite general leaves waterboarding on the table

Can't say I am opposed. We need to level the playing field on terrorists.
Would have done NO GOOD with all these lone wolves, and would have made us disrespected and hated like under the idiot W who started this world mess in all respects. How you people can do this ugly American idiocy AGAIN is beyond me. But thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars EVER, AND another GOP world depression, AND 8 years of mindless obstruction and sabotage. The only answer is you're brainwashed ignoramuses.
"Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn — a top foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump — said today, “We must maintain all options,” including a return to waterboarding and other “enhanced” interrogation techniques when the U.S. government captures terror suspects.

“At the end of the day, this is about U.S. selfish self-interest"

As convention gets underway, Trump’s favorite general leaves waterboarding on the table

Can't say I am opposed. We need to level the playing field on terrorists.
Would have done NO GOOD with all these lone wolves, and would have made us disrespected and hated like under the idiot W who started this world mess in all respects. How you people can do this ugly American idiocy AGAIN is beyond me. But thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars EVER, AND another GOP world depression, AND 8 years of mindless obstruction and sabotage. The only answer is you're brainwashed ignoramuses.

Wait I'm so shocked I cant read this......Franco posted more than six words.....what??????

save this for the USMB Hall of Fame.....Oh and he's an idiot that blames everything on lone wolves......and thinks Obama is 8 years of Heaven.
I respect him so much! :2up:
Must be a FOS Fox regular...
Yup totally FOS. And big advisor to W. OMG you're an idiot.

CNN's Jake Tapper Repeatedly Challenges Trump Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn's Evidence-Free Accusations About Clinton's Emails BTW, no classified e-mails sent, dupes.

So Comey lied???
He admitted it. Not reported on your propaganda service. READ IT.
crooked Clinton leave this race now!

that's what he says!!!!

she needs to go

yes General!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap:
Will enjoy the landslide against you brainwashed functional morons...

you enjoy this 8 years.....I mean it's been fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup that's why this GOP congress gets 19% approval. Done nothing in 7 years...stalled recovery, great job, dufus.

yeah blame it on the republicans....maybe if Obama tried to compromise....
I respect him so much! :2up:
Must be a FOS Fox regular...
Yup totally FOS. And big advisor to W. OMG you're an idiot.

CNN's Jake Tapper Repeatedly Challenges Trump Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn's Evidence-Free Accusations About Clinton's Emails BTW, no classified e-mails sent, dupes.

So Comey lied???
He admitted it. Not reported on your propaganda service. READ IT.
Comey does...what are you fucking retarded.....Holy shit the talking points are the same as usual, deny deny deny........Comey said she lied and she sent classified emails....DEAL with the TRUTH!!!!!
Yes, and he's also PRO-CHOICE.
And why does that matter? I'm only interested in his opinion regarding topics he has demonstrated expertise.

Do you ask you gynecologist or abortionist for advice on soup recipes?
From link:

The day after the Director of the FBI claimed that Hillary Clinton received classified emails on her personal email server before concluding that she violated no laws and would face no charges, a State Department spokesman contradicted him, stating that the emails in question had been improperly marked to begin with and therefore she did nothing wrong (something we reported last night). This morning, as the Director was being interrogated by House Republicans over his findings, one of the Democrats on the committee pointed out the discrepancy. This prompted him to revise his stance on the matter.

Even as the Republicans spent the day suggesting to FBI Director James Comey’s face that he either failed to properly look into Hillary Clinton’s use of email or outright rigged the matter in her favor, he confidently shot down their conspiracies one after another, likely causing them to regret having hauled him in to begin with. But it was a House Democrat who finally asked Comey about the new State Department assertion that the emails in question were improperly marked.

The FBI Director responded by revising and clarifying his assessment, acknowledging that of the three email in question (originally reported as two emails by the New York Times), there were errors their classification markings which had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton and therefore could not have been her fault. This came as he also made that clear Clinton voluntarily cooperated with every aspect of the inquiry, and that to the best of his knowledge, she was truthful throughout the matter.

And now suddenly it appears that the House Republicans have grossly overplayed what hadn’t been much of a hand to begin with. Rather than giving the Director a stage for repeating and amplifying his personal criticisms of Hillary Clinton, they instead challenged his integrity, effectively forcing him to defend her character and behavior while defending his own. MSNBC has more details on theclassification non-issue.
When FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that investigators were not recommending any charges in the Clinton email matter, he noted that "a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information."

The claim appeared to contradict Democratic presidential candidate Clinton's repeated claims that nothing in her emails was marked classified at the time she received it, although the State Department has also said on numerous occasions that none of the information in those messages was marked classified.

At a regular briefing for reporters Wednesday, Kirby said State is aware of two instances in the set of roughly 30,000 messages turned over to the agency by Clinton where classification markings appeared in the emails. However, he said those were mistakes where staff failed to remove the notations while preparing background and talking points for Clinton in a planned phone call with a foreign official.

"It appears that those...that those markings were a human error. They didn’t need to be there. Because once the secretary had decided to make the call, the process is then to move the call sheet, to change its markings to unclassified and deliver it to the secretary in a form that he or she can use," Kirby said. "And best we can tell on these occasions, the markings — the confidential markings — was simply human error. Because the decision had already been made, they didn’t need to be made on the email."

Kirby said such "call sheets" are often treated as classified when being prepared but as unclassified when forwarded to the secretary for his or her use.

The State spokesman said he was aware of two instances where "Confidential"-level classification markings appeared in the set of emails State processed for public release under the Freedom of Information Act. He appeared to refer to a Fox News report last month that highlighted an email proposing a call from Clinton to Malawi Presidential Joyce Banda after she took power following the death of President Bingu wu Mutharika in April 2012.

"(C) Purpose of Call: to offer condolences on the passing of President Mutharika and congratulate President Banda on her recent swearing in," the message said. The "(C)" at the beginning of the paragraph signals its content is classified "Confidential," although the message appears to have been cut and pasted because it is missing the full set of markings required for a classified message.

State: Some classified markings in Clinton emails were 'human error'
"Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn — a top foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump — said today, “We must maintain all options,” including a return to waterboarding and other “enhanced” interrogation techniques when the U.S. government captures terror suspects.

“At the end of the day, this is about U.S. selfish self-interest"

As convention gets underway, Trump’s favorite general leaves waterboarding on the table

Can't say I am opposed. We need to level the playing field on terrorists.
Would have done NO GOOD with all these lone wolves, and would have made us disrespected and hated like under the idiot W who started this world mess in all respects. How you people can do this ugly American idiocy AGAIN is beyond me. But thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars EVER, AND another GOP world depression, AND 8 years of mindless obstruction and sabotage. The only answer is you're brainwashed ignoramuses.

Wait I'm so shocked I cant read this......Franco posted more than six words.....what??????

save this for the USMB Hall of Fame.....Oh and he's an idiot that blames everything on lone wolves......and thinks Obama is 8 years of Heaven.
As usual, no argument, just a Pubtroll. The only kind. Ignoramus.
crooked Clinton leave this race now!

that's what he says!!!!

she needs to go

yes General!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap:
Will enjoy the landslide against you brainwashed functional morons...

you enjoy this 8 years.....I mean it's been fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup that's why this GOP congress gets 19% approval. Done nothing in 7 years...stalled recovery, great job, dufus.

yeah blame it on the republicans....maybe if Obama tried to compromise....

Dude Obama reached out and try to compromise with the Republicans. First day in Oval Office they gave him a very hard time making him look so bad that he will not win 2nd term and they didn't stop there...........
I was a republican and I'm not an Obama fan either but good lord.......... I blamed mostly on Republicans.
Just an example.................. All these BS on Immigrations the GOPs are in the best position to reform the immigration but they decided not to do anything but blame it on Obama.

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