May or June

what happened to the market in 08 when we dropped below 71? that 13k ridge blew apart, we dropped how many points? QE in the spring of 09 caught that, think there will be a QE3?
Rumor has it the Bernank wants MORE inflation to help ease the housing market collapse ( double dip?).
OK I now understand your post but is the dollar index still a dependable indicator given the growth of currencies such as the Yuan that are not part of it?
Ask any market defender (there are a few on this forum) to explain two things to you...and standby and watch them mumble and walk away.

1) "Originate and sell". Sounds simple and is categorically the absolute top reason why the markets went from the 3,000's to beyond 10,000 in just 10 years. And is also why the markets went from 10,000 to 14,000 in the next 3 years after that. And is also an infinite lie that every single wall street firm gleefully took advantage of while the SEC and the FED and the entire world government bodies stood by and watched it happen, and never said a word because they too were making a sizeable fortune partaking of. (and consequently is how "AAA" rated multi-$billion firms went bankrupt overnite)
2) Shelving or bond underwriting. Tell them to explain how it is this was done by every wall street firm (particularly Goldman Sacs) and no one went to jail, in fact several of the founders of this idea have and are advisors to the past two Presidents (yes fans Obama walks with the corrupt on a daily basis)

There - that is it.
Learn about these two things - and you will learn what the Stock Market really is - and how unholy it would be to put the SS system into it (yes Thor I thru this in for you)
1) they're all the same ex-insiders

2) the sec doesn't cover bond raters

3) if you're an investor-PUNT!
I cannot see how Quantative easing is really going to do anything but create some other investment bubble.

It is still doing nothing but putting cash into the class of people who won't spend it.
I hedged everything out Friday. I don't know where the market is going so I'm stepping aside.
I cannot see how Quantative easing is really going to do anything but create some other investment bubble.

It is still doing nothing but putting cash into the class of people who won't spend it.

while polluting the species....
to the topic, I created a QE3 thread, they are stewing the cauldron for a QE3, its starting to bubble slowly, hoping the fumes don't overcome anyone when they institute a third round of easing.....
to the topic, I created a QE3 thread, they are stewing the cauldron for a QE3, its starting to bubble slowly, hoping the fumes don't overcome anyone when they institute a third round of easing.....

I don't think they are going to do it, at least not this year. Leading indicators are decent, if not booming. Employment is rising, albeit slowly.
No offense Toro but you said that in January....

I mean, I hope you are right, but the corollary between employment, consumer spending ala gdp level out at some point, we cannot stumble along at 2% or even 2.5% and get out of from under the bombs that are set to explode. They have been tinkering with the formula trying boost growth etc. for 2 years some point that tab has got to be paid as the effect or actually the lack of it, starts to turn back and eat itself, and, there is an election coming.

They wont' let the housing market bottom, they keep hoping against hope that lending and employment will open up and that that growth will spur spending driving the machine, we have been at rock bottom interest rates for how long?

The goal is to do whatever is necessary now and not think about the future,do you think obama really cares if the damage is worse in the long run in exchange for short terms gains that would keep him in office? I don't, very few politicians of any stripe do, they think of today not tomorrow.
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No offense Toro but you said that in January....

I mean, I hope you are right, but the corollary between employment, consumer spending ala gdp level out at some point, we cannot stumble along at 2% or even 2.5% and get out of from under the bombs that are set to explode. They have been tinkering with the formula trying boost growth etc. for 2 years some point that tab has got to be paid as the effect or actually the lack of it, starts to turn back and eat itself, and, there is an election coming.

They wont' let the housing market bottom, they keep hoping against hope that lending and employment will open up and that that growth will spur spending driving the machine, we have been at rock bottom interest rates for how long?

The goal is to do whatever is necessary now and not think about the future,do you think obama really cares if the damage is worse in the long run in exchange for short terms gains that would keep him in office? I don't, very few politicians of any stripe do, they think of today not tomorrow.

Politicians have for over 20 years financed the present by piling debt on the future - that too has to come to a head - and look out when it does.
At the same time we have a divided, disjointed, unrealistic, spoiled and unpatriotic society that does not pause for one second to consider how their consumer choices hurts their nation. Nor are they willing to go beyond complaining and start acting.
As you know, I am out of the market, and I may not go back in for a very long time if ever. I did very well in the last 3 years, and do not want to lose it all when it pops very soon.

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