Maybe democrats should focus on Americans issues and not foreigners and we won’t have shootings..

Lets not excuse mass shootings. But liberal progressives don't seem to have a inner moral compass when it comes to anything. So by what standard do liberals condemn mass shootings? They condemn Islamaphobia, never mind Islam would put then to death. There is a disconnect here. liberals are ideologues. Liberals are against things, they build their reputation on tearing down others. They don't actually build things, bridges, streets infrastructure. Look at Baltimore...
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Meanwhile... The Left has done nothing to fix the problems pointed out in the writings attributed to the shooter.

What has the right done to fix these problems pointed out by the shooter is more to the question
I would think that it would make a great discussion as to what should be done. Go for it.
They tried to end Muslim immigration and have a merit based immigration system so we can stop flooding poor American neighborhoods with people that refuse to assimilate, and drive down wages
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.

I hope we see more of this...unfortunately
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.....

Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.
Drug abuse is nothing new lol.. .....

It's nothing new by any means. You are too young (and stupid) to have any perspective on the issue.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.

I hope we see more of this...unfortunately
As long as the problem persists, there will be those who try to solve it.
Anyone excusing or celebrating the act of a sick mass murderer is the lowest kind of un-American, inhuman piece of shit.
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing

Your post is 100% bull shit
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!

Only a completely un-American scumbag would applaud mass murder. Beyond disgraceful.
We have mass over doses because of illegals lowering American wages and not assimilating

That is especially stupid and illogical, even for the likes of you.

And, once again, immigrants today are assimilating as those before them did.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.

I hope we see more of this...unfortunately
As long as the problem persists, there will be those who try to solve it.

I agree...I’m pretty sure the same shit would happen in any country if politicians were trying to give the nation to foreigners. I expect shit to get much worse...I encourage it
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.....

Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.
Drug abuse is nothing new lol.. .....

It's nothing new by any means. You are too young (and stupid) to have any perspective on the issue.
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing

Your post is 100% bull shit
Umm ok
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!

Only a completely un-American scumbag would applaud mass murder. Beyond disgraceful.
We have mass over doses because of illegals lowering American wages and not assimilating

That is especially stupid and illogical, even for the likes of you.

And, once again, immigrants today are assimilating as those before them did.
So why are the most multicultural neighborhoods in America all high in violent crime?
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.

I hope we see more of this...unfortunately
As long as the problem persists, there will be those who try to solve it.

I agree...I’m pretty sure the same shit would happen in any country if politicians were trying to give the nation to foreigners. I expect shit to get much worse...I encourage it
We already saw something similar in NZ. As for seeing more events of this nature? It’s all but guaranteed.
... .. black fatherless rate went from 11% to 77% in 40 years.

40 years is not a sudden change, kid. The democrats have been trying to undermine ALL American families since long before you were born.
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing
I don't know, George Soros has deep pockets and really caused a lot of harm internationally. I don't know to who's benefit uncontrolled gun violence is but I don't need guns. Or illegal aliens or open borders and migrants. Follow the money . Um guns are like those that profit from illegal aliens , they are doing great harm. So. Look instead to who benefits. The big companies. Just more instances of corruption within the system. NRA and their layers and pacs.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.

I hope we see more of this...unfortunately
As long as the problem persists, there will be those who try to solve it.

I agree...I’m pretty sure the same shit would happen in any country if politicians were trying to give the nation to foreigners. I expect shit to get much worse...I encourage it
We already saw something similar in NZ. As for seeing more events of this nature? It’s all but guaranteed.

I agree....politicians must learn that a mandate from We The People is ALWAYS necessary.

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