Maybe democrats should focus on Americans issues and not foreigners and we won’t have shootings..

Ask any gun grabbing freedom hating leftist one simple question........

"Why is it that all these mass shootings take place in the places they control and are committed by their people?"

I have never, ever....even once had a single Leftists to answer this simple question in any reasonable manner. Instead, they keep blaming the guns.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Meanwhile... The Left has done nothing to fix the problems pointed out in the writings attributed to the shooter.

No, but MSNBC, CNN and ABC are running marathon specials on the shootings and as always, painting America as the murder capital of the world because of evil guns.
The propaganda and acting is off the charts.

If we turned over US broadcasting to Communist China they couldn't serve better propaganda to harm America and the US Constitution more than MSNBC, CNN and ABC already do .
Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.

Yes, but it is only supposed to be limited when it harms the inherent rights of others, like yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, or deliberate slander.
You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me

Would you make a loud, hostile, and controversial series of statements like that at a wedding or funeral?
No right, even free speech, is without some restrictions.

Yes I would because I have

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