Maybe democrats should focus on Americans issues and not foreigners and we won’t have shootings..

Yes, but it is only supposed to be limited when it harms the inherent rights of others, like yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, or deliberate slander.
You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me
Fire me and put me in jail! Free speech is free speech. I will never roll over for a better finically or comfortable way of life.

Didn't you admit - unbidden - that you are afraid to speak your mind to your coworkers? Didn't you post shit here about the Irish on St. Paddy's Day and cower indoors while an entire parade of Irish-Americans (not to mention Conor McGregor) was literally marching past just outside your door? Hiding behind the sofa in silence is rolling over.
No idea what you are talking about...

Oh yes you do, hypocrite.
Last edited:
Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.

Anything good has come from Democrats. Nothing but handouts to the wealthy come from republicans.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Anything good, meaning handouts to you?

There actually are not a lot of handouts available in the US, except for automakers, banks, etc.

No kidding, I sure haven't heard of automakers or banks getting housing, welfare or food stamps.

The banks and auto makers got huge bail outs.
Almost no one can get welfare or food stamps.
It is mostly only for ADC, and they have to buy food stamps are more than half the value.
You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me
Fire me and put me in jail! Free speech is free speech. I will never roll over for a better finically or comfortable way of life.

Didn't you admit - unbidden - that you are afraid to speak your mind to your coworkers? Didn't you post shit here about the Irish on St. Paddy's Day and cower indoors while an entire parade of Irish-Americans (not to mention Conor McGregor) was literally marching past just outside your door? Hiding behind the sofa in silence is rolling over.
No idea what you are talking about...

Oh yes you do, big mouth little boy. You're just another mouthy nobody hypocrite making noise online and keeping your head down and mealy mouth shut in real life.
Lol yea ok,, tell my tore Rotator cuff, two broken hands, double broken nose, holes in my leg, that I backed out of any fights, or my arrest record
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.....

Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.

Yes, but it is only supposed to be limited when it harms the inherent rights of others, like yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, or deliberate slander.
You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me

Would you make a loud, hostile, and controversial series of statements like that at a wedding or funeral?
No right, even free speech, is without some restrictions.
Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.

Yes, but it is only supposed to be limited when it harms the inherent rights of others, like yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, or deliberate slander.
You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me
Fire me and put me in jail! Free speech is free speech. I will never roll over for a better finically or comfortable way of life.

It depends on if the speech is harmful to the rights of others.

Yes, but it is only supposed to be limited when it harms the inherent rights of others, like yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, or deliberate slander.
You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me
Fire me and put me in jail! Free speech is free speech. I will never roll over for a better finically or comfortable way of life.

It depends on if the speech is harmful to the rights of others.
Na I’ll take it the highest court ,, smile at you lol
You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.
Where does it say free people who are assimilated can’t ask a individual to respect our heritage?

The natives were here first, and therefore it is we who are obligated to assimilate or leave.
No Vikings were here first.. and they signed a treaty and have a lot of the land .. this is white county and those that assimilate country now

No, the natives came from Asia via the land bridge in the Bearing Straits when the ocean was low during the ice age.
That was over 30,000 years before the Vikings landed in Greenland.
Nor does it seem the Vikings got along well with the natives, and that may be why they left?
This is not a white country.
The majority may be white, but that does not make the country white.
No it’s white,, sorry nothing you can do trump is ending the brown immigration,, nothing you can do
Vikings were here first..

Indians signed the treaty with white Americans.. this is our land and will forever be white and assimilated peoples land

There are dozens of local native American tribes who signed many treaties.
But when whites violated their requirements under the treaties, the treaties became null and void.
So then no, this is not legally the land of Europeans.
Legally it reverted back to the original owners, the natives.
You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.
Where does it say free people who are assimilated can’t ask a individual to respect our heritage?

The natives were here first, and therefore it is we who are obligated to assimilate or leave.
No Vikings were here first.. and they signed a treaty and have a lot of the land .. this is white county and those that assimilate country now

No, the natives came from Asia via the land bridge in the Bearing Straits when the ocean was low during the ice age.
That was over 30,000 years before the Vikings landed in Greenland.
Nor does it seem the Vikings got along well with the natives, and that may be why they left?
This is not a white country.
The majority may be white, but that does not make the country white.
No it’s white,, s...

Ignorant little boy does not understand my great nation.
Yes it is humorous to see so many spelling and grammar mistakes in a demand for the use of English.
But the irony of someone saying we have freedom and then try to take away freedom from others, is rich.
I vote for freedom.. you seem to want to own people

Freedom means letting people follow the money, and immigrate to where their labor ends up.
Freedom means letting other cultures be enjoyed here as well, and not trying to force anyone to assimilate into your culture for your convenience.
Unfortunately that’s not how it works. You obviously don’t like America lol

The US has lots of problems, like dropping atomic bombs on Asians but not Europeans.
Invading Iraq on obvious WMD lies.
Illegal torture.
Why do you live here lol we will never look the way you want it to look with slaves

First I was born here.
But second is that this is the source of most of the world's problems, so this is the place to be in order to fix things.
Third is that this is safer than being somewhere the US might attack.
Where does it say free people who are assimilated can’t ask a individual to respect our heritage?

The natives were here first, and therefore it is we who are obligated to assimilate or leave.
No Vikings were here first.. and they signed a treaty and have a lot of the land .. this is white county and those that assimilate country now

No, the natives came from Asia via the land bridge in the Bearing Straits when the ocean was low during the ice age.
That was over 30,000 years before the Vikings landed in Greenland.
Nor does it seem the Vikings got along well with the natives, and that may be why they left?
This is not a white country.
The majority may be white, but that does not make the country white.
No it’s white,, sorry nothing you can do trump is ending the brown immigration,, nothing you can do
Vikings were here first..

Indians signed the treaty with white Americans.. this is our land and will forever be white and assimilated peoples land

There are dozens of local native American tribes who signed many treaties.
But when whites violated their requirements under the treaties, the treaties became null and void.
So then no, this is not legally the land of Europeans.
Legally it reverted back to the original owners, the natives.
Would you like to live on a indian reservation and renounce your citizenship? Do you have balls? Lol
I vote for freedom.. you seem to want to own people

Freedom means letting people follow the money, and immigrate to where their labor ends up.
Freedom means letting other cultures be enjoyed here as well, and not trying to force anyone to assimilate into your culture for your convenience.
Unfortunately that’s not how it works. You obviously don’t like America lol

The US has lots of problems, like dropping atomic bombs on Asians but not Europeans.
Invading Iraq on obvious WMD lies.
Illegal torture.
Why do you live here lol we will never look the way you want it to look with slaves

First I was born here.
But second is that this is the source of most of the world's problems, so this is the place to be in order to fix things.
Third is that this is safer than being somewhere the US might attack.
Tick toc
Yes, but it is only supposed to be limited when it harms the inherent rights of others, like yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, or deliberate slander.
You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me
Fire me and put me in jail! Free speech is free speech. I will never roll over for a better finically or comfortable way of life.

It depends on if the speech is harmful to the rights of others.
Na I’ll take it the highest court ,, smile at you lol

Schenck v. United States: Defining the limits of free speech - National Constitution Center

Schenck v. United States: Defining the limits of free speech
November 2, 2015 by Joshua Waimberg

In a case that would define the limits of the First Amendment’s right to free speech, the Supreme Court decided the early 20th-century case of Schenck v. United States.

The case began, as many do, with an act of Congress. Shortly after the United States entered into World War I, Congress passed the Espionage Act of 1917. It was passed with the goals of prohibiting interference with military operations or recruitment, preventing insubordination in the military, and preventing the support of hostile enemies during wartime.

At the time, Charles Schenck was an important Philadelphia socialist. He was the general secretary of the Socialist Party of America, and was opposed to the United States’ entry into the war. As part of his efforts to counter the war effort, Schenck organized the distribution of 15,000 leaflets to prospective military draftees encouraging them to resist the draft.

The leaflet began with the heading, “Long Live The Constitution Of The United States; Wake Up America! Your Liberties Are in Danger!” It went on to quote Section One of the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude. Schenck’s leaflet asserted that the draft amounted to involuntary servitude because “a conscripted citizen is forced to surrender his right as a citizen and become a subject.” The leaflet’s other side, titled “Assert Your Rights,” told conscripts that, “f you do not support you rights, you are helping to ‘deny or disparage rights’ which it is the solemn duty of all citizens and residents of the United States to retain.”

Schenck was arrested, and, among other charges, was indicted for “conspir[ing] to violate the Espionage Act … by causing and attempting to cause insubordination … and to obstruct the recruiting and enlistment service of the United States.” Schenck and Elizabeth Baer, another member of the Socialist Party who was also charged, were both convicted following a jury trial and sentenced to six months in prison.

Schenck and Baer appealed their convictions to the Supreme Court. They argued that their convictions—and Section Three of the Espionage Act of 1917, under which they were convicted—violated the First Amendment. They claimed that the Act had the effect of dissuading and outlawing protected speech about the war effort, thereby abridging the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of speech.

In a unanimous decision written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, the Supreme Court upheld Schenck’s conviction and found that the Espionage Act did not violate Schenck’s First Amendment right to free speech. The Court determined that Schenck had, in fact, intended to undermine the draft, as the leaflets instructed recruits to resist the draft. Additionally, even though the Act only applied to successful efforts to obstruct the draft, the Court found that attempts made by speech or writing could be punished just like other attempted crimes.

You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me
Fire me and put me in jail! Free speech is free speech. I will never roll over for a better finically or comfortable way of life.

It depends on if the speech is harmful to the rights of others.
Na I’ll take it the highest court ,, smile at you lol

Schenck v. United States: Defining the limits of free speech - National Constitution Center

Schenck v. United States: Defining the limits of free speech
November 2, 2015 by Joshua Waimberg

In a case that would define the limits of the First Amendment’s right to free speech, the Supreme Court decided the early 20th-century case of Schenck v. United States.

The case began, as many do, with an act of Congress. Shortly after the United States entered into World War I, Congress passed the Espionage Act of 1917. It was passed with the goals of prohibiting interference with military operations or recruitment, preventing insubordination in the military, and preventing the support of hostile enemies during wartime.

At the time, Charles Schenck was an important Philadelphia socialist. He was the general secretary of the Socialist Party of America, and was opposed to the United States’ entry into the war. As part of his efforts to counter the war effort, Schenck organized the distribution of 15,000 leaflets to prospective military draftees encouraging them to resist the draft.

The leaflet began with the heading, “Long Live The Constitution Of The United States; Wake Up America! Your Liberties Are in Danger!” It went on to quote Section One of the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude. Schenck’s leaflet asserted that the draft amounted to involuntary servitude because “a conscripted citizen is forced to surrender his right as a citizen and become a subject.” The leaflet’s other side, titled “Assert Your Rights,” told conscripts that, “f you do not support you rights, you are helping to ‘deny or disparage rights’ which it is the solemn duty of all citizens and residents of the United States to retain.”

Schenck was arrested, and, among other charges, was indicted for “conspir[ing] to violate the Espionage Act … by causing and attempting to cause insubordination … and to obstruct the recruiting and enlistment service of the United States.” Schenck and Elizabeth Baer, another member of the Socialist Party who was also charged, were both convicted following a jury trial and sentenced to six months in prison.

Schenck and Baer appealed their convictions to the Supreme Court. They argued that their convictions—and Section Three of the Espionage Act of 1917, under which they were convicted—violated the First Amendment. They claimed that the Act had the effect of dissuading and outlawing protected speech about the war effort, thereby abridging the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of speech.

In a unanimous decision written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, the Supreme Court upheld Schenck’s conviction and found that the Espionage Act did not violate Schenck’s First Amendment right to free speech. The Court determined that Schenck had, in fact, intended to undermine the draft, as the leaflets instructed recruits to resist the draft. Additionally, even though the Act only applied to successful efforts to obstruct the draft, the Court found that attempts made by speech or writing could be punished just like other attempted crimes.

I’ll see you at the high court smiling
The natives were here first, and therefore it is we who are obligated to assimilate or leave.
No Vikings were here first.. and they signed a treaty and have a lot of the land .. this is white county and those that assimilate country now

No, the natives came from Asia via the land bridge in the Bearing Straits when the ocean was low during the ice age.
That was over 30,000 years before the Vikings landed in Greenland.
Nor does it seem the Vikings got along well with the natives, and that may be why they left?
This is not a white country.
The majority may be white, but that does not make the country white.
No it’s white,, sorry nothing you can do trump is ending the brown immigration,, nothing you can do
Vikings were here first..

Indians signed the treaty with white Americans.. this is our land and will forever be white and assimilated peoples land

There are dozens of local native American tribes who signed many treaties.
But when whites violated their requirements under the treaties, the treaties became null and void.
So then no, this is not legally the land of Europeans.
Legally it reverted back to the original owners, the natives.
Would you like to live on a indian reservation and renounce your citizenship? Do you have balls? Lol

I am not native, so can't qualify for any reservation.
But a native does not have to renounce citizenship to live on a reservation.
But I would not mind living on a reservation.
Slower pace of life with less cost and more time.
Come on now...yelling fire is not what defines free speech
You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater
because people will be injured fleeing in a panic

And, as far as the post you were replying to
Free speech is not supposed to be limited
Inherent rights are a matter of opinion
Deliberate slander is just that...that is not free speech

Free speech means I have a right to my opinion
regardless of who it offends

Two weeks ago I walked into the breakroom
as political based exchanges were taking place
I listened before I threw in my two voice carries

As I continued to refute what was being said
put in my 2 cents about immigration and defended MAGA
I could see some of the Hispanic employees
off to the side, but not actually entering the breakroom

Then I hear...LYNN
I look and there is the ASM

~I know you don’t work for xxxx xxxxx
but the policy is political discussion is off limits...
No politics at work~

So, I, why are you singling me out?

~Because the others know~

Um, obviously not since there were
(as I’m pointing)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of us involved
and they all work for the company

Then, he tilts his head and gives me a look
you know the look...don’t start let it go...then I knew

Oh, now I get it...I’ve offended somebody haven’t I

He shakes his head yes

So, I place my clenched hands in front of my eyes
and in a baby voice, as if I’m crying....

Waa, waa, I’m offended...I’m a snowflake, I’m melting
waa, waa, my ears hurt...make it stop, I'm melting

Then I tell him, well I’m offended that I have to zip it
just because someone doesn’t agree with me
Fire me and put me in jail! Free speech is free speech. I will never roll over for a better finically or comfortable way of life.

Didn't you admit - unbidden - that you are afraid to speak your mind to your coworkers? Didn't you post shit here about the Irish on St. Paddy's Day and cower indoors while an entire parade of Irish-Americans (not to mention Conor McGregor) was literally marching past just outside your door? Hiding behind the sofa in silence is rolling over.
No idea what you are talking about...

Oh yes you do, big mouth little boy. You're just another mouthy nobody hypocrite making noise online and keeping your head down and mealy mouth shut in real life.
Lol yea ok,, tell my tore Rotator cuff, two broken hands, double broken nose, holes in my leg, that I backed out of any fights, or my arrest record

Sure, little boy.

No Vikings were here first.. and they signed a treaty and have a lot of the land .. this is white county and those that assimilate country now

No, the natives came from Asia via the land bridge in the Bearing Straits when the ocean was low during the ice age.
That was over 30,000 years before the Vikings landed in Greenland.
Nor does it seem the Vikings got along well with the natives, and that may be why they left?
This is not a white country.
The majority may be white, but that does not make the country white.
No it’s white,, sorry nothing you can do trump is ending the brown immigration,, nothing you can do
Vikings were here first..

Indians signed the treaty with white Americans.. this is our land and will forever be white and assimilated peoples land

There are dozens of local native American tribes who signed many treaties.
But when whites violated their requirements under the treaties, the treaties became null and void.
So then no, this is not legally the land of Europeans.
Legally it reverted back to the original owners, the natives.
Would you like to live on a indian reservation and renounce your citizenship? Do you have balls? Lol

I am not native, so can't qualify for any reservation.
But a native does not have to renounce citizenship to live on a reservation.
But I would not mind living on a reservation.
Slower pace of life with less cost and more time.
Try harder lol
Fire me and put me in jail! Free speech is free speech. I will never roll over for a better finically or comfortable way of life.

Didn't you admit - unbidden - that you are afraid to speak your mind to your coworkers? Didn't you post shit here about the Irish on St. Paddy's Day and cower indoors while an entire parade of Irish-Americans (not to mention Conor McGregor) was literally marching past just outside your door? Hiding behind the sofa in silence is rolling over.
No idea what you are talking about...

Oh yes you do, big mouth little boy. You're just another mouthy nobody hypocrite making noise online and keeping your head down and mealy mouth shut in real life.
Lol yea ok,, tell my tore Rotator cuff, two broken hands, double broken nose, holes in my leg, that I backed out of any fights, or my arrest record

Sure, little boy.

Cool story
Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.

Anything good has come from Democrats. Nothing but handouts to the wealthy come from republicans.

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Anything good, meaning handouts to you?

There actually are not a lot of handouts available in the US, except for automakers, banks, etc.

No kidding, I sure haven't heard of automakers or banks getting housing, welfare or food stamps.

The banks and auto makers got huge bail outs.
Almost no one can get welfare or food stamps.
It is mostly only for ADC, and they have to buy food stamps are more than half the value.

Yea, almost no one....guess that explains why California has the highest number of people on welfare.
It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home.
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing
Never happen because they are foreigners from Somalia puerto Rico and other really glorious places to live

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