Maybe democrats should focus on Americans issues and not foreigners and we won’t have shootings..

... We have a free country free speech if I ask you to speak english [sic] every day and that bothers you you will eventually leave [sic].......

You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.
Where does it say free people who are assimilated can’t ask a individual to respect our heritage?

You don’t understand what “our heritage” even means.

This county’s culture is white......


This is the kind of ignorant stupidity that losers cling to because they have nothing - NOTHING worthwhile about themselves personally that they can point to (even privately in their own little minds). Worthless idiots like the one who posted that ^^^^ nonsense cannot understand or appreciate my great nation. Therefore, they will never be real Americans in the most important sense.
Did someone of color sign or help frame the constitution? Declaration of Independence ? Anything?

Your ignorance of American History is one of your many, many failings.
... We have a free country free speech if I ask you to speak english [sic] every day and that bothers you you will eventually leave [sic].......

You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.
Where does it say free people who are assimilated can’t ask a individual to respect our heritage?

You don’t understand what “our heritage” even means.
Another cool story

This county’s culture is white......


This is the kind of ignorant stupidity that losers cling to because they have nothing - NOTHING worthwhile about themselves personally that they can point to (even privately in their own little minds). Worthless idiots like the one who posted that ^^^^ nonsense cannot understand or appreciate my great nation. Therefore, they will never be real Americans in the most important sense.
Did someone of color sign or help frame the constitution? Declaration of Independence ? Anything?

Your ignorance of American History is one of your many, many failings.
Did they?? Yes or no.. do you own a different history book?

This county’s culture is white......


This is the kind of ignorant stupidity that losers cling to because they have nothing - NOTHING worthwhile about themselves personally that they can point to (even privately in their own little minds). Worthless idiots like the one who posted that ^^^^ nonsense cannot understand or appreciate my great nation. Therefore, they will never be real Americans in the most important sense.
Did someone of color sign or help frame the constitution? Declaration of Independence ? Anything?


The whole idea of a democratic republic, the independent states, the national federation, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, etc., all came from Native American inspiration, like the 7 tribe Iroquois Federation.
Iroquois Confederacy ***

This county’s culture is white......


This is the kind of ignorant stupidity that losers cling to because they have nothing - NOTHING worthwhile about themselves personally that they can point to (even privately in their own little minds). Worthless idiots like the one who posted that ^^^^ nonsense cannot understand or appreciate my great nation. Therefore, they will never be real Americans in the most important sense.
Did someone of color sign or help frame the constitution? Declaration of Independence ? Anything?


The whole idea of a democratic republic, the independent states, the national federation, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, etc., all came from Native American inspiration, like the 7 tribe Iroquois Federation.
Iroquois Confederacy ***
Cool where was his signature lol hahaha
... We have a free country free speech if I ask you to speak english [sic] every day and that bothers you you will eventually leave [sic].......

You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.
Where does it say free people who are assimilated can’t ask a individual to respect our heritage?

The natives were here first, and therefore it is we who are obligated to assimilate or leave.
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.....

Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.

Yes, but it is only supposed to be limited when it harms the inherent rights of others, like yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, or deliberate slander.
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing
No kidding. Build the wall and that will solve the "foreigner" problem.
It is not good enough to just know what he meant, because a careless use of language allows careless thinking.
And we need to not be so careless as to forget we are mostly European immigrants who murdered our way into Manifest Destiny.
Some local native culture is not likely such a bad thing.
The European culture we brought with us is a little too greedy, selfish, and violent.
Actually no it was the Spanish that killed murdered and brought slaves.. Indians signed a treaty.. we lived in a conquering era if dumbasses thought like you back then well first your clan would have been wiped out, but second there would be no America, which had brought great prosperity to millions in the world..
you don’t like the word assimilate, you don’t like American history, you don’t like how we Americans phrase things.. well move out snow flake.. as you can see for the shooting some Americans aren’t playing around any more

No, the Spanish used the natives, so did not bring slaves or murder.
The only exception were the islands, like Jamaica, where they brought slaves for the sugar trade.
It was the Northern Europeans who did the most slavery, and slavery was not big in the New World until the invention of the cotton gin in 1794.

We did not live in a conquering era, we created the conquering era.
The Romans started it, but it had died out when the Romans were defeated and died out.
We brought it back.

The US probably brought much more misery to the world than anything else.
The shootings are also usually suicides, so then clearly they were in misery and they are proof we got things wrong.
This is not the Mediterranean with its legacy of imperialism and colonialism.
We should not be trying to revive Roman imperialism and colonialism in the New World.
We are the ones who should be assimilating, not the natives.
You are wrong,, every one had slaves , we have 41 million today. Tribes had black slaves.. blacks owned slaves.. blacks kidnapped tribes and sold them, black Americans breed blacks to sell when most whites were against it.

This county’s culture is white, and if you want to live here you should assimilate.. or declare war.. unless you like mass shootings

No, less than 5% of the population had slaves.
Tribes did not have slaves for profit.
They had slaves the way we have tenants, POWs, or incarcerated law breakers.
They were not mistreated or harmed for profits.

Blacks did not kidnap tribes.
It was mostly Arabs, Spanish, or French who ran the slave trade.
Black US citizens did not breed children to sell.

The culture in the US is Roman, not white, and it is evil.
It should be destroyed and a better culture created to replace it.
We will have to eventually, since imperialism and colonialism can't work once the world is over populated.
Clearly it is imperialism and colonialism that causes mass shootings/suicides.
Your are stating fallacies and opinions. So cool story.. of you want this come and take it.. don’t hide, come out declare war. If not enjoy the show lol

If someone wrong and evil invaded your country, would you feel obligated to fight according to the rules of war, or would you employ sabotage, espionage, assassination, terrorism, or whatever else was necessary?
... We have a free country free speech if I ask you to speak english [sic] every day and that bothers you you will eventually leave [sic].......

You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.

Yes it is humorous to see so many spelling and grammar mistakes in a demand for the use of English.
But the irony of someone saying we have freedom and then try to take away freedom from others, is rich.
I vote for freedom.. you seem to want to own people

Freedom means letting people follow the money, and immigrate to where their labor ends up.
Freedom means letting other cultures be enjoyed here as well, and not trying to force anyone to assimilate into your culture for your convenience.
.... so many are doing it that clearly it can't be their fault.

That is illogical, irresponsible, and inexcusably stupid. The leftist fear of personal responsibility has become fatally extreme.

But that is the point.
When something becomes so wide spread, then likely it is not the fault of the individuals, but something systemic.
And you can't stop something where the perpetrators kill themselves.
Clearly enhanced penalties is not going to work.
Instead we must focus on what we are doing wrong in society as a whole.
THAT IS OUR fault and responsibility to fix.

Absolute bullshit. What you are doing wrong is avoiding personal responsibility like the plague. It’s a major manifestation of the democrat mental illness. You want to put the cart about 100 miles before the horse.

Mass murder and suicide, as well as divorce, etc., are all symptoms of obvious systemic problems with society.
You can't try to fix things by blaming the dead.
The only rational thing then is to try to figure out what needs to be changed in society, to prevent the accelerating increase in mass murder and suicide.

Some people pick gun control as their solution, but that clearly is wrong because that does not change the cause or improve anything. That just causes even more harm, and just tries to mask over the problems.

This county’s culture is white......


This is the kind of ignorant stupidity that losers cling to because they have nothing - NOTHING worthwhile about themselves personally that they can point to (even privately in their own little minds). Worthless idiots like the one who posted that ^^^^ nonsense cannot understand or appreciate my great nation. Therefore, they will never be real Americans in the most important sense.
Did someone of color sign or help frame the constitution? Declaration of Independence ? Anything?


The whole idea of a democratic republic, the independent states, the national federation, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, etc., all came from Native American inspiration, like the 7 tribe Iroquois Federation.
Iroquois Confederacy ***
Cool where was his signature lol hahaha

You said "help frame the constitution" and all the founders admitted they found inspiration and ideas from the native cultures.
Even the 7 segmented snake flag of the revolution was an Iroquios tapestry.

This county’s culture is white......


This is the kind of ignorant stupidity that losers cling to because they have nothing - NOTHING worthwhile about themselves personally that they can point to (even privately in their own little minds). Worthless idiots like the one who posted that ^^^^ nonsense cannot understand or appreciate my great nation. Therefore, they will never be real Americans in the most important sense.
Did someone of color sign or help frame the constitution? Declaration of Independence ? Anything?


The whole idea of a democratic republic, the independent states, the national federation, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, etc., all came from Native American inspiration, like the 7 tribe Iroquois Federation.
Iroquois Confederacy ***
Cool where was his signature lol hahaha

Do you know who the first person killed in the Boston Massacre was, you ignorant little twerp?
... We have a free country free speech if I ask you to speak english [sic] every day and that bothers you you will eventually leave [sic].......

You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.
Where does it say free people who are assimilated can’t ask a individual to respect our heritage?

The natives were here first, and therefore it is we who are obligated to assimilate or leave.

Illogical nonsense
... We have a free country free speech if I ask you to speak english [sic] every day and that bothers you you will eventually leave [sic].......

You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.
Where does it say free people who are assimilated can’t ask a individual to respect our heritage?

The natives were here first, and therefore it is we who are obligated to assimilate or leave.
No Vikings were here first.. and they signed a treaty and have a lot of the land .. this is white county and those that assimilate country now
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.....

Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.

Yes, but it is only supposed to be limited when it harms the inherent rights of others, like yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire, or deliberate slander.
You can still yell fire in a crowded theater it’s free speech.. they don’t have to charge you
Actually no it was the Spanish that killed murdered and brought slaves.. Indians signed a treaty.. we lived in a conquering era if dumbasses thought like you back then well first your clan would have been wiped out, but second there would be no America, which had brought great prosperity to millions in the world..
you don’t like the word assimilate, you don’t like American history, you don’t like how we Americans phrase things.. well move out snow flake.. as you can see for the shooting some Americans aren’t playing around any more

No, the Spanish used the natives, so did not bring slaves or murder.
The only exception were the islands, like Jamaica, where they brought slaves for the sugar trade.
It was the Northern Europeans who did the most slavery, and slavery was not big in the New World until the invention of the cotton gin in 1794.

We did not live in a conquering era, we created the conquering era.
The Romans started it, but it had died out when the Romans were defeated and died out.
We brought it back.

The US probably brought much more misery to the world than anything else.
The shootings are also usually suicides, so then clearly they were in misery and they are proof we got things wrong.
This is not the Mediterranean with its legacy of imperialism and colonialism.
We should not be trying to revive Roman imperialism and colonialism in the New World.
We are the ones who should be assimilating, not the natives.
You are wrong,, every one had slaves , we have 41 million today. Tribes had black slaves.. blacks owned slaves.. blacks kidnapped tribes and sold them, black Americans breed blacks to sell when most whites were against it.

This county’s culture is white, and if you want to live here you should assimilate.. or declare war.. unless you like mass shootings

No, less than 5% of the population had slaves.
Tribes did not have slaves for profit.
They had slaves the way we have tenants, POWs, or incarcerated law breakers.
They were not mistreated or harmed for profits.

Blacks did not kidnap tribes.
It was mostly Arabs, Spanish, or French who ran the slave trade.
Black US citizens did not breed children to sell.

The culture in the US is Roman, not white, and it is evil.
It should be destroyed and a better culture created to replace it.
We will have to eventually, since imperialism and colonialism can't work once the world is over populated.
Clearly it is imperialism and colonialism that causes mass shootings/suicides.
Your are stating fallacies and opinions. So cool story.. of you want this come and take it.. don’t hide, come out declare war. If not enjoy the show lol

If someone wrong and evil invaded your country, would you feel obligated to fight according to the rules of war, or would you employ sabotage, espionage, assassination, terrorism, or whatever else was necessary?
And 26 Latinos might get shot.. just leave before you get more hurt
... We have a free country free speech if I ask you to speak english [sic] every day and that bothers you you will eventually leave [sic].......

You need to learn English before you ask that of anyone else, and you need to read the Constitution to understand why it's such a fucking stupid thing to say in the first place.

Yes it is humorous to see so many spelling and grammar mistakes in a demand for the use of English.
But the irony of someone saying we have freedom and then try to take away freedom from others, is rich.
I vote for freedom.. you seem to want to own people

Freedom means letting people follow the money, and immigrate to where their labor ends up.
Freedom means letting other cultures be enjoyed here as well, and not trying to force anyone to assimilate into your culture for your convenience.
Unfortunately that’s not how it works. You obviously don’t like America lol

This county’s culture is white......


This is the kind of ignorant stupidity that losers cling to because they have nothing - NOTHING worthwhile about themselves personally that they can point to (even privately in their own little minds). Worthless idiots like the one who posted that ^^^^ nonsense cannot understand or appreciate my great nation. Therefore, they will never be real Americans in the most important sense.
Did someone of color sign or help frame the constitution? Declaration of Independence ? Anything?


The whole idea of a democratic republic, the independent states, the national federation, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, etc., all came from Native American inspiration, like the 7 tribe Iroquois Federation.
Iroquois Confederacy ***
Cool where was his signature lol hahaha

You said "help frame the constitution" and all the founders admitted they found inspiration and ideas from the native cultures.
Even the 7 segmented snake flag of the revolution was an Iroquios tapestry.
Still no brown signatures sorry

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