Maybe democrats should focus on Americans issues and not foreigners and we won’t have shootings..

just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing
I don't know, George Soros has deep pockets and really caused a lot of harm internationally. I don't know to who's benefit uncontrolled gun violence is but I don't need guns. Or illegal aliens or open borders and migrants. Follow the money . Um guns are like those that profit from illegal aliens , they are doing great harm. So. Look instead to who benefits. The big companies. Just more instances of corruption within the system. NRA and their layers and pacs.
Move out
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing
I don't know, George Soros has deep pockets and really caused a lot of harm internationally. I don't know to who's benefit uncontrolled gun violence is but I don't need guns. Or illegal aliens or open borders and migrants. Follow the money . Um guns are like those that profit from illegal aliens , they are doing great harm. So. Look instead to who benefits. The big companies. Just more instances of corruption within the system. NRA and their layers and pacs.
Move out
What is that supposed to mean?
But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing

Let's be fair shall we? What is the GOP doing to stop gun violence?

NEITHER party is doing shit besides pointing across the isle
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!

Only a completely un-American scumbag would applaud mass murder. Beyond disgraceful.
We have mass over doses because of illegals lowering American wages and not assimilating

That is especially stupid and illogical, even for the likes of you.

And, once again, immigrants today are assimilating as those before them did.
So why are the most multicultural neighborhoods in America all high in violent crime?

The poorest neighborhoods are high in violent crime, dumbass little punk. They always have been.
But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing

Let's be fair shall we? What is the GOP doing to stop gun violence?

NEITHER party is doing shit besides pointing across the isle
Trying to find out why Americans are struggling,, by getting rid of foreigners that take all our resources
Good for him!

Only a completely un-American scumbag would applaud mass murder. Beyond disgraceful.
We have mass over doses because of illegals lowering American wages and not assimilating

That is especially stupid and illogical, even for the likes of you.

And, once again, immigrants today are assimilating as those before them did.
So why are the most multicultural neighborhoods in America all high in violent crime?

The poorest neighborhoods are high in violent crime, dumbass little punk. They always have been.
Bettyvillive Kentucky is the poorest and has almost no crime lol
Don't be like the idiot liberals and lump everybody that apposes you as a NAZIS. I mean libs think all white males ARE NAZIS because nationalist socialist in Germany were white and had guns . My father was a white male nationalist, and he kicked the NAZIs ass and he had gun. So I quote Walter Cronkite: Don't put everyone together in one group because they have one thing in common Really? Hitler was a vegetarian and an animal lover.
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I voted for Trump. I am a washed up ex-liberal . I appose the bland acceptance of whatever bullshit . Sanctuary cities, without our approval? So I never used to have had a problem with guns until recently, nobody can question that either? Seems little unconstitutional. We are doing that, say the unnecessary deaths in vehicle accidents or drug overdoses, question those. But the random shootings, heaven forbid we apply the same logic...
This guy was pissed about the invasion of 3rd world foreigners
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing

JEESH! Americans are doing the shootings, not foreigners.

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Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.

Anything good has come from Democrats. Nothing but handouts to the wealthy come from republicans.

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Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.

Anything good has come from Democrats. Nothing but handouts to the wealthy come from republicans.

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Anything good, meaning handouts to you?
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing

JEESH! Americans are doing the shootings, not foreigners.

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Yep...look at all these “Americans”
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing

JEESH! Americans are doing the shootings, not foreigners.

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The post was talking about the domestic problems we should be trying to fix instead of talking about foreigners.
Like kids dying of over doses, broken families, no opportunities, lack of free speech, etc.
I think what they were trying to say is that politicians and the media are deliberately trying to create false hysteria about foreigners to distract us from the real domestic problems.
Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.

Anything good has come from Democrats. Nothing but handouts to the wealthy come from republicans.

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Used to be, but democrats no longer are the good guys anymore.
Bill Clinton was behind the assault weapons ban, the 3 strikes law, the war on drugs, etc.
Hillary Clinton supported an incredible number of senseless and evil wars, use of force, regime change, etc.
Even Obama did nothing to help with war violence or the real problems with health care, and instead just mandated private insurance.
Those are not positions democrats are supposed to have.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
He's right they are being replaced. What he was too stupid to realize is that the vast majority of the brown-skinned people in El Paso are Americans. Being that stupid and factoring in extreme violence can only mean he's a liberal. Democrat, Republican, Independent, or shape-shifting alien, he's a liberal idiot.
Anyone excusing or celebrating the act of a sick mass murderer is the lowest kind of un-American, inhuman piece of shit.

I don't know about that.
Almost all these mass murders were people in a great deal of pain, and society did nothing at all to help them or even show any concern.
It is quite likely that since there are so many mass murders, that they are excusable, and it is not the fault of the individuals as much as society as a whole.
Since they mostly commit suicide in the process, it can not be motivated by greed, desire, power, money, or anything corrupt.
It likely really is our fault for not making society less competitive, more secure, more opportunities, less expensive, more self determination, more freedom, more free time, less unjust wars, etc.
Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.

Anything good has come from Democrats. Nothing but handouts to the wealthy come from republicans.

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Anything good, meaning handouts to you?

There actually are not a lot of handouts available in the US, except for automakers, banks, etc.

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