Maybe its Time for Jews to ask themselfs why so much antisemtism

Is it real, or is it being made up by the Israeli media, I suspect most of it is made up, no one needs to worship the Jews, they are not special and should not receive any special treatment. Really getting old, this anti Semitism BS, they are not the "chosen" people and never were. If its real, they need to change their actions.

New laws against anti-Semitism needed to keep Jews in Europe, says EJC head

Every Jewish family in Europe is considering whether to "leave or stay" and authorities need to "deliver some real gestures," says European Jewish Congress head Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor • Jewish exodus could trigger an economic crisis in Europe, he warns.

Europe is on the verge of a serious economic crisis if the European Union does not introduce new legislation to counter anti-Semitism, according to the president of the European Jewish Congress.

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor said every Jewish family on the continent is contemplating whether to "leave or stay" as they fear levels of anti-Semitism are rising.
So I assume you agree that blacks must ask themselves why they are hated right? Or Hispanics or any other group of people that have racism directed at them? Or is that different?

Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

No your right they demand it. They also control everything. If the Jews do not like something in the US they will change it. Blacks and Hispanics have their gangs, but gee , were not too concerned about them, were concerned about the ME and now S. American , why because of Jews. The Jews own America, which has only been the world power less than 100 years, when the Jews are done with the Muslims, they will then go after the blacks, and most likely save the Christians for last (as hey we do their killing)
You need medical help with that delusional paranoia, They have medication for that condition.
Is it real, or is it being made up by the Israeli media, I suspect most of it is made up, no one needs to worship the Jews, they are not special and should not receive any special treatment. Really getting old, this anti Semitism BS, they are not the "chosen" people and never were. If its real, they need to change their actions.

New laws against anti-Semitism needed to keep Jews in Europe, says EJC head

Every Jewish family in Europe is considering whether to "leave or stay" and authorities need to "deliver some real gestures," says European Jewish Congress head Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor • Jewish exodus could trigger an economic crisis in Europe, he warns.

Europe is on the verge of a serious economic crisis if the European Union does not introduce new legislation to counter anti-Semitism, according to the president of the European Jewish Congress.

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor said every Jewish family on the continent is contemplating whether to "leave or stay" as they fear levels of anti-Semitism are rising.
So I assume you agree that blacks must ask themselves why they are hated right? Or Hispanics or any other group of people that have racism directed at them? Or is that different?

Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

It wasn't long ago blacks were slaves, but the Jews have been living off of other countries for years, they took Russia and Germany down and are now controlling the US, Putin got rid of the Jewish mafia, but its still going in the US, and got more flooded in the 90's due to Putin, seems like almost every major white collar embezzler and fake fund owner is a Jew. A lot of the soviet mafia is in Israel now as well.

Really? who told you that? Jews took Germany down? I got news for you---
Germany lost the war because DA JOOOOS fled

Well finally you say something that makes sense. Yes the German Jews got out and came to the US, Israel, and S. Africa (gold mine ) . The Polish who sucked anti Semitism from their mothers nipples weren't able to help the Polish Jews much and yes many died, one of the major tragedies of war. Atlas , a famous Rabbi in Israel, the one who was buried several years ago, he said they were sinners and reincarnated to die for their sins. You should really thank Germany, Germany gave you Israel.
Is it real, or is it being made up by the Israeli media, I suspect most of it is made up, no one needs to worship the Jews, they are not special and should not receive any special treatment. Really getting old, this anti Semitism BS, they are not the "chosen" people and never were. If its real, they need to change their actions.

New laws against anti-Semitism needed to keep Jews in Europe, says EJC head

Every Jewish family in Europe is considering whether to "leave or stay" and authorities need to "deliver some real gestures," says European Jewish Congress head Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor • Jewish exodus could trigger an economic crisis in Europe, he warns.

Europe is on the verge of a serious economic crisis if the European Union does not introduce new legislation to counter anti-Semitism, according to the president of the European Jewish Congress.

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor said every Jewish family on the continent is contemplating whether to "leave or stay" as they fear levels of anti-Semitism are rising.
So I assume you agree that blacks must ask themselves why they are hated right? Or Hispanics or any other group of people that have racism directed at them? Or is that different?

Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

No your right they demand it. They also control everything. If the Jews do not like something in the US they will change it. Blacks and Hispanics have their gangs, but gee , were not too concerned about them, were concerned about the ME and now S. American , why because of Jews. The Jews own America, which has only been the world power less than 100 years, when the Jews are done with the Muslims, they will then go after the blacks, and most likely save the Christians for last (as hey we do their killing)
You need medical help with that delusional paranoia, They have medication for that condition.
Is it real, or is it being made up by the Israeli media, I suspect most of it is made up, no one needs to worship the Jews, they are not special and should not receive any special treatment. Really getting old, this anti Semitism BS, they are not the "chosen" people and never were. If its real, they need to change their actions.

New laws against anti-Semitism needed to keep Jews in Europe, says EJC head

Every Jewish family in Europe is considering whether to "leave or stay" and authorities need to "deliver some real gestures," says European Jewish Congress head Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor • Jewish exodus could trigger an economic crisis in Europe, he warns.

Europe is on the verge of a serious economic crisis if the European Union does not introduce new legislation to counter anti-Semitism, according to the president of the European Jewish Congress.

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor said every Jewish family on the continent is contemplating whether to "leave or stay" as they fear levels of anti-Semitism are rising.
So I assume you agree that blacks must ask themselves why they are hated right? Or Hispanics or any other group of people that have racism directed at them? Or is that different?

Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

No your right they demand it. They also control everything. If the Jews do not like something in the US they will change it. Blacks and Hispanics have their gangs, but gee , were not too concerned about them, were concerned about the ME and now S. American , why because of Jews. The Jews own America, which has only been the world power less than 100 years, when the Jews are done with the Muslims, they will then go after the blacks, and most likely save the Christians for last (as hey we do their killing)
You need medical help with that delusional paranoia, They have medication for that condition.

I don't' do meds thank you, I believe in facing reality.
So I assume you agree that blacks must ask themselves why they are hated right? Or Hispanics or any other group of people that have racism directed at them? Or is that different?

Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

No your right they demand it. They also control everything. If the Jews do not like something in the US they will change it. Blacks and Hispanics have their gangs, but gee , were not too concerned about them, were concerned about the ME and now S. American , why because of Jews. The Jews own America, which has only been the world power less than 100 years, when the Jews are done with the Muslims, they will then go after the blacks, and most likely save the Christians for last (as hey we do their killing)
You need medical help with that delusional paranoia, They have medication for that condition.
So I assume you agree that blacks must ask themselves why they are hated right? Or Hispanics or any other group of people that have racism directed at them? Or is that different?

Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

No your right they demand it. They also control everything. If the Jews do not like something in the US they will change it. Blacks and Hispanics have their gangs, but gee , were not too concerned about them, were concerned about the ME and now S. American , why because of Jews. The Jews own America, which has only been the world power less than 100 years, when the Jews are done with the Muslims, they will then go after the blacks, and most likely save the Christians for last (as hey we do their killing)
You need medical help with that delusional paranoia, They have medication for that condition.

I don't' do meds thank you, I believe in facing reality.
Actually you prove with every post you are mentally unstable, I urge you to seek help. It is out there. Your life could be so much better if you were not wracked with this delusional paranoia.
Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

No your right they demand it. They also control everything. If the Jews do not like something in the US they will change it. Blacks and Hispanics have their gangs, but gee , were not too concerned about them, were concerned about the ME and now S. American , why because of Jews. The Jews own America, which has only been the world power less than 100 years, when the Jews are done with the Muslims, they will then go after the blacks, and most likely save the Christians for last (as hey we do their killing)
You need medical help with that delusional paranoia, They have medication for that condition.
Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

No your right they demand it. They also control everything. If the Jews do not like something in the US they will change it. Blacks and Hispanics have their gangs, but gee , were not too concerned about them, were concerned about the ME and now S. American , why because of Jews. The Jews own America, which has only been the world power less than 100 years, when the Jews are done with the Muslims, they will then go after the blacks, and most likely save the Christians for last (as hey we do their killing)
You need medical help with that delusional paranoia, They have medication for that condition.

I don't' do meds thank you, I believe in facing reality.
Actually you prove with every post you are mentally unstable, I urge you to seek help. It is out there. Your life could be so much better if you were not wracked with this delusional paranoia.

No I do not do meds, being in healthcare I do not recommend meds, a drink now and then ok. Are you on meds, I find many people on meds are in denial.
I wonder how accurate the facts are.

IS anti semitism on the rise in Europe?

ARE European Jews really thinking about leaving?

Or is this a bit of fear mongering to push people to immigrate?

Penelope endorsed coyote's conspiracy filth -----shades of blood libels and southern lynch mobs

Actually, it's not conspiracy anything. What does the actual data say, the tracking of hate crimes?

interpretation of data depends on quality of data-----GIGO -------and quality of
the interpreters.
It is for this reason that there is so much misunderstanding of
population genetics on this very board-----politically inspired "INTERPRETATIONS"

Of course it does. But do you think sensationalist or alarmist articles are more accurate?

I do not depend on sensationalist or alarmist articles-----that would be you.
I have lived in the midst of reality for almost all of my life. In fact, I know --
FIRST HAND-----that most news reports are------remarkably incorrect----and most
MURDERS never make it to the newspapers

I agree, most murders never make it in the news and many hate crimes never get reported.

I just wonder if this is alarmist reactions trying to force immigration.
Folks - let's step back a little and get back on topic, ok?
A case in point. I was always under the impression that the Polish helped the Jews but then I have to read this, so apparently some think even the Polish were anti semitic, I couldn't believe it.

Shamir once stated that "every Pole sucked anti-Semitism with his mother's milk." The comment caused controversy within Poland as being slanderous and libelous

Shamir publicly declared his animus for Poles by stating that "every Pole sucked anti-Semitism with his mother's milk." Shamir contradicted his spokesman who attempted to keep the comment off the record, and insisted that he wanted his comment publicized.[36]
The comment caused controversy within Poland as being slanderous and libelous.[8] Furthermore, one prominent Jewish-Polish editor addressed the comment by stating "the stubborn categorization of Poland as an anti-Semitic nation was used in Europe and America as an alibi for the betrayal of Poland at Yalta. The nation so categorized was seen as unworthy of sympathy, or of help, or of compassion."[37]
I absolutely understand the social dynamics inherent in the tyranny of the majority - an understanding that I think you lack. I just want to what the actual data says on anti-semitism in Europe. It certainly exists, it varies from country to country, but is it as much on the rise as is being claimed? Certainly - many of the European governments are keen to keep a handle on it, and that is a good thing.

Anytime someone disagrees with you, they are labeled anti-semite. That usually indicates a failure on your part to present a good argument.

If you think one Jew to every thousand Muslims means Jews are the majority and Muslims the minority, you obviously lack the ability to discuss the issue rationally despite your lying about understanding the nature of the tyranny of the majority.
I absolutely understand the social dynamics inherent in the tyranny of the majority - an understanding that I think you lack. I just want to what the actual data says on anti-semitism in Europe. It certainly exists, it varies from country to country, but is it as much on the rise as is being claimed? Certainly - many of the European governments are keen to keep a handle on it, and that is a good thing.

Anytime someone disagrees with you, they are labeled anti-semite. That usually indicates a failure on your part to present a good argument.

If you think one Jew to every thousand Muslims means Jews are the majority and Muslims the minority, you obviously lack the ability to discuss the issue rationally despite your lying about understanding the nature of the tyranny of the majority.

What on earth are you talking about?
Iraq is destroyed and now the Israel government wants the Iranian culture to be destroyed.

Thank you for that deep thoughtful analysis of the current geopolitical situation.

a question for Penelope. TO WHAT IRANIAN CULTURE DO YOU REFER? ---
Lots of Iranians are convinced that their culture was DESTROYED by arabs. It
certainly was not destroyed by jews--------the real link to PERSIAN CULTURE---were the zoroastian and jewish populations that managed to survive the Arabian
devastation ------but those two populations are now decimated

the one you Jews want the US to destroy. I watched a video on Iran the other day, and I can see why Israel is probably jealous, they do have real culture, they also are almost the size of Alaska, our biggest state, and have lots of oil, at one time Israel and Iran were close, and we know what happened, and well Iran took its country back from the west and Israel didn't like it. Even M. Albright said it was a mistake to do the coup. Iran should be able to get nuclear power , Israel should have no say in it.

Israel is probably jealous? Are you eight years old or what?
Is it real, or is it being made up by the Israeli media, I suspect most of it is made up, no one needs to worship the Jews, they are not special and should not receive any special treatment. Really getting old, this anti Semitism BS, they are not the "chosen" people and never were. If its real, they need to change their actions.

New laws against anti-Semitism needed to keep Jews in Europe, says EJC head

Every Jewish family in Europe is considering whether to "leave or stay" and authorities need to "deliver some real gestures," says European Jewish Congress head Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor • Jewish exodus could trigger an economic crisis in Europe, he warns.

Europe is on the verge of a serious economic crisis if the European Union does not introduce new legislation to counter anti-Semitism, according to the president of the European Jewish Congress.

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor said every Jewish family on the continent is contemplating whether to "leave or stay" as they fear levels of anti-Semitism are rising.
So I assume you agree that blacks must ask themselves why they are hated right? Or Hispanics or any other group of people that have racism directed at them? Or is that different?

Hispanics and blacks don't expect worship , just respect.
Jews do not expect worship either and again how is claiming Jews are responsible for hating them any different from claiming blacks are responsible for people hating them?

It wasn't long ago blacks were slaves, but the Jews have been living off of other countries for years, they took Russia and Germany down and are now controlling the US, Putin got rid of the Jewish mafia, but its still going in the US, and got more flooded in the 90's due to Putin, seems like almost every major white collar embezzler and fake fund owner is a Jew. A lot of the soviet mafia is in Israel now as well.

A classic case of delusional paranoia, she crawls with cues.
Iraq is destroyed and now the Israel government wants the Iranian culture to be destroyed.

lmao- you mean the culture of death and suicide bombers and beheadings and tyranny? that culture. WTF has that shithole ever done to help the world?

As they are in Iraq fighting ISIS according to Iraq on the news.
there are in fact anti-zionist jews living in Israel and a growing number of youth that do seem to be taking a honest and reflective look at Jewish contributions to the problems

They can't be too much anti-Zionist if they are living in Israel.

By very definition, Zionism is the term used for the establishment of a state to protect the rights of the Jewish people.

If they were truly anti-Zionist, they wold have moved away from the state that protects them.
The young are learning the truth, they are harder and harder to brainwash now. Perhaps they want to live by their families and friends but hate living in a pressure cooker.
The young are learning the truth, they are harder and harder to brainwash now. Perhaps they want to live by their families and friends but hate living in a pressure cooker.

You should see a doctor, it's time for a medication adjustment.

so living in Israel would not be like living in a pressure cooker, never knowing when Israel is going to start sounding their false alarms, and start a fight with the pals. OK.
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