Maybe its Time for Jews to ask themselfs why so much antisemtism

I wonder how accurate the facts are.

IS anti semitism on the rise in Europe?

ARE European Jews really thinking about leaving?

Or is this a bit of fear mongering to push people to immigrate?

Penelope endorsed coyote's conspiracy filth -----shades of blood libels and southern lynch mobs

Actually, it's not conspiracy anything. What does the actual data say, the tracking of hate crimes?
I wonder how accurate the facts are.

IS anti semitism on the rise in Europe?

ARE European Jews really thinking about leaving?

Or is this a bit of fear mongering to push people to immigrate?

If you were an actual liberal who understood the social dynamics inherent in the tyranny of the majority, you would not only avoid your pattern of extreme prejudice against Jews, but you would already know the answers to these questions.

I absolutely understand the social dynamics inherent in the tyranny of the majority - an understanding that I think you lack. I just want to what the actual data says on anti-semitism in Europe. It certainly exists, it varies from country to country, but is it as much on the rise as is being claimed? Certainly - many of the European governments are keen to keep a handle on it, and that is a good thing.

Anytime someone disagrees with you, they are labeled anti-semite. That usually indicates a failure on your part to present a good argument.
I wonder how accurate the facts are.

IS anti semitism on the rise in Europe?

ARE European Jews really thinking about leaving?

Or is this a bit of fear mongering to push people to immigrate?

If you were an actual liberal who understood the social dynamics inherent in the tyranny of the majority, you would not only avoid your pattern of extreme prejudice against Jews, but you would already know the answers to these questions.

she does know----but the true answers do not FIT HER AGENDA. -----of course the HEBDO murders and the attack on the kosher grocery were false flag things
cooked up by the ELDERS OF ZION. -------but every time a mosque 'experiences' a broken window------it is a VIOLENT HATE CRIME

Sorry to disappoint you Rosie but no, I've never claimed that nor have I ever claimed anything to be "Elders of Zion". Perhaps you can find a link where I've done so?
Is it real, or is it being made up by the Israeli media, I suspect most of it is made up, no one needs to worship the Jews, they are not special and should not receive any special treatment. Really getting old, this anti Semitism BS, they are not the "chosen" people and never were. If its real, they need to change their actions.

New laws against anti-Semitism needed to keep Jews in Europe, says EJC head

Every Jewish family in Europe is considering whether to "leave or stay" and authorities need to "deliver some real gestures," says European Jewish Congress head Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor • Jewish exodus could trigger an economic crisis in Europe, he warns.

Europe is on the verge of a serious economic crisis if the European Union does not introduce new legislation to counter anti-Semitism, according to the president of the European Jewish Congress.

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor said every Jewish family on the continent is contemplating whether to "leave or stay" as they fear levels of anti-Semitism are rising.

There are always failures who need to blame the more successful for their own shortcomings.

That's it the arrogance of the Jew, must be the root of anti jewism.

Don't forget about the *******, chinks, and beaners, you don't want to leave anyone out.
No, just talking about the Jews and how they think they are some sort of special people, that they think they should be worshipped as thoughtthey are the God most of them don't even believe in .
No, just talking about the Jews and how they think they are some sort of special people, that they think they should be worshipped as thoughtthey are the God most of them don't even believe in .

That does nothing to alter the fact that you are a shallow, narrow minded bigot.
And that book I referred too is really old so...can't possibly be right ........

books and writings are all we have----old or new

You took others history and stories and made them your own. Most Jews lived in Alexandria, not Judea and most had children with the Canaanite women they married, intermarriage was a big problem for the Hebrew men, they loved the non Hebrew women.
Iraq is destroyed and now the Israel government wants the Iranian culture to be destroyed.
And that book I referred too is really old so...can't possibly be right ........

books and writings are all we have----old or new

You took others history and stories and made them your own. Most Jews lived in Alexandria, not Judea and most had children with the Canaanite women they married, intermarriage was a big problem for the Hebrew men, they loved the non Hebrew women.

You like to think a lot about just one thing, don't you.
No, just talking about the Jews and how they think they are some sort of special people, that they think they should be worshipped as thoughtthey are the God most of them don't even believe in .

That does nothing to alter the fact that you are a shallow, narrow minded bigot.

No I'm a proud anti Zionist and anti anyone who likes and sides with Zionism.
I wonder how accurate the facts are.

IS anti semitism on the rise in Europe?

ARE European Jews really thinking about leaving?

Or is this a bit of fear mongering to push people to immigrate?

Penelope endorsed coyote's conspiracy filth -----shades of blood libels and southern lynch mobs

Actually, it's not conspiracy anything. What does the actual data say, the tracking of hate crimes?

interpretation of data depends on quality of data-----GIGO -------and quality of
the interpreters. It is for this reason that there is so much misunderstanding of
population genetics on this very board-----politically inspired "INTERPRETATIONS"
No, just talking about the Jews and how they think they are some sort of special people, that they think they should be worshipped as thoughtthey are the God most of them don't even believe in .

That does nothing to alter the fact that you are a shallow, narrow minded bigot.

No I'm a proud anti Zionist and anti anyone who likes and sides with Zionism.

You base your pride on very little. There doesn't seem to be much to you, you're sort of like a cartoon character or something.
I think some book says Israel will be all alone at the end....
Self fulfilling Prophesy.
Name one other group of people that has been kicked out of almost every county they have settled in and according to them it is never their fault?
Just a few empires where Jews wore out their welcome:
Egyptian Empire,
Chaldean Empire,
Babylonian Empire,
Greek Empire,
Roman Empire,
Byzantine Empire,
Spanish Empire,
Ottoman Turkish Empire,
British Empire,
Austro-Hungarian Empire,
German Empire,
French Empire,
Russia Empire,
Soviet Empire,
Nazi Empire

At some point you have to ask can all the world be wrong about this group of people?
BBC News - Is there a rising tide of anti-Semitism in the West

I think this article raises some good points. High profile incidents (shootings etc) raise public awareness and alarm. But is the over trend up? Fear is understandable given history, and in a sense it doesn't really matter to the people affected whether the trend is percieved or real, the fear is real because anti-semitism has never really been erradicated and they are a minorty, by far, in most of those countries. I do think there is an element of fear-mongering, particularly from Netanyahu who probably has a vested interest in more Jewish immigration and alarmist speeches on rising anti-semitism. It keeps the focus off of domestic politics.

Several commentators have referred to a poll from earlier this year by the US Jewish organisation the ADL. The poll surveyed people in 101 countries, and suggests that a quarter of the world's population harbour anti-Semitic attitudes.

But critics have a number of concerns with the way the survey was constructed. The ADL presented 11 statements about Jewish people, ranging from "Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars" to "Jews have too much control over the United States government". People who answered "probably true" to six or more of the statements were classified as anti-Semitic by the ADL.

"That's a very sharp distinction," says Prof Ryan Enos from Harvard University, who studies how different groups of people relate to one another. "From what we understand about human attitudes, they don't tend to work that way." He says that anti-Semitism is better understood as a spectrum of attitudes.

Enos also has concerns about the questions themselves.

"They don't necessarily reflect the type of way we would try to measure attitudes in social science surveys now because people could have different interpretations of what the responses to these questions mean," he says.

That's one of the biggest issues of all when trying to measure attitudes - there are some things that are clearly anti-Semitic, but there are also a number of areas and issues, such as criticism of Israeli government policy, where there's debate.

More reliable data on attitudes in Europe comes from long term academic studies of public opinion. Nonna Mayer runs one such study which is used for the official annual report on human rights and hate crime in France.

"We have many surveys, even before 1990. What they show is a decline in prejudice towards minorities, and especially towards Jews. Actually Jews are the best accepted minority in France," she says.

"But what we also see in the context of economic recession since 2009, prejudice which was decreasing since World War Two has been going up again, also for the Jews. But the Jews remain the most accepted group in France. We see the same thing in Europe."

This is reflected in the Pew Foundation 2014 Global Attitudes survey - which suggests that in Europe unfavourable attitudes towards Roma and Muslims are more prevalent than those toward Jews.

The Pew survey also reports lower levels of anti-Semitic sentiment than suggested by the ADL survey. For France, the Pew survey suggests 10% of people have unfavourable attitudes towards Jewish people, which contrasts with the ADL poll's suggestion that 37% of people in France are anti-Semitic.

While it's difficult to see clear evidence of a broad upward trend in anti-Semitism, there's still fear in some parts of the Jewish community.

A poll published last week by the Jewish Chronicle website suggested that "almost two-thirds of British Jews have questioned their future in the UK amid rising anti-Semitism".


Entire article here: BBC News - Is there a rising tide of anti-Semitism in the West
I think some book says Israel will be all alone at the end....
Self fulfilling Prophesy.
Name one other group of people that has been kicked out of almost every county they have settled in and according to them it is never their fault?
Just a few empires where Jews wore out their welcome:
Egyptian Empire,
Chaldean Empire,
Babylonian Empire,
Greek Empire,
Roman Empire,
Byzantine Empire,
Spanish Empire,
Ottoman Turkish Empire,
British Empire,
Austro-Hungarian Empire,
German Empire,
French Empire,
Russia Empire,
Soviet Empire,
Nazi Empire

At some point you have to ask can all the world be wrong about this group of people?

You aren't much of a historian, are you. Jews were an integral part of the Ottoman establishment for centuries.
I wonder how accurate the facts are.

IS anti semitism on the rise in Europe?

ARE European Jews really thinking about leaving?

Or is this a bit of fear mongering to push people to immigrate?

Penelope endorsed coyote's conspiracy filth -----shades of blood libels and southern lynch mobs

Actually, it's not conspiracy anything. What does the actual data say, the tracking of hate crimes?

interpretation of data depends on quality of data-----GIGO -------and quality of
the interpreters.
It is for this reason that there is so much misunderstanding of
population genetics on this very board-----politically inspired "INTERPRETATIONS"

Of course it does. But do you think sensationalist or alarmist articles are more accurate?
Is it real, or is it being made up by the Israeli media, I suspect most of it is made up, no one needs to worship the Jews, they are not special and should not receive any special treatment. Really getting old, this anti Semitism BS,5

Why should anyone ever ask why bigots hate them?

Anti-semitism is a vile hatred going back a thousand years and any who promote it should be ridiculed or reviled.
I think some book says Israel will be all alone at the end....
Self fulfilling Prophesy.
Name one other group of people that has been kicked out of almost every county they have settled in and according to them it is never their fault?
Just a few empires where Jews wore out their welcome:
Egyptian Empire,
Chaldean Empire,
Babylonian Empire,
Greek Empire,
Roman Empire,
Byzantine Empire,
Spanish Empire,
Ottoman Turkish Empire,
British Empire,
Austro-Hungarian Empire,
German Empire,
French Empire,
Russia Empire,
Soviet Empire,
Nazi Empire

At some point you have to ask can all the world be wrong about this group of people?

You aren't much of a historian, are you. Jews were an integral part of the Ottoman establishment for centuries.
Take it up with the Judaism Online web page : The 7 Wonders of Jewish History
Since you are such a historian maybe you can set them straight!
BBC News - Is there a rising tide of anti-Semitism in the West

I think this article raises some good points. High profile incidents (shootings etc) raise public awareness and alarm. But is the over trend up? Fear is understandable given history, and in a sense it doesn't really matter to the people affected whether the trend is percieved or real, the fear is real because anti-semitism has never really been erradicated and they are a minorty, by far, in most of those countries. I do think there is an element of fear-mongering, particularly from Netanyahu who probably has a vested interest in more Jewish immigration and alarmist speeches on rising anti-semitism. It keeps the focus off of domestic politics.

Several commentators have referred to a poll from earlier this year by the US Jewish organisation the ADL. The poll surveyed people in 101 countries, and suggests that a quarter of the world's population harbour anti-Semitic attitudes.

But critics have a number of concerns with the way the survey was constructed. The ADL presented 11 statements about Jewish people, ranging from "Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars" to "Jews have too much control over the United States government". People who answered "probably true" to six or more of the statements were classified as anti-Semitic by the ADL.

"That's a very sharp distinction," says Prof Ryan Enos from Harvard University, who studies how different groups of people relate to one another. "From what we understand about human attitudes, they don't tend to work that way." He says that anti-Semitism is better understood as a spectrum of attitudes.

Enos also has concerns about the questions themselves.

"They don't necessarily reflect the type of way we would try to measure attitudes in social science surveys now because people could have different interpretations of what the responses to these questions mean," he says.

That's one of the biggest issues of all when trying to measure attitudes - there are some things that are clearly anti-Semitic, but there are also a number of areas and issues, such as criticism of Israeli government policy, where there's debate.

More reliable data on attitudes in Europe comes from long term academic studies of public opinion. Nonna Mayer runs one such study which is used for the official annual report on human rights and hate crime in France.

"We have many surveys, even before 1990. What they show is a decline in prejudice towards minorities, and especially towards Jews. Actually Jews are the best accepted minority in France," she says.

"But what we also see in the context of economic recession since 2009, prejudice which was decreasing since World War Two has been going up again, also for the Jews. But the Jews remain the most accepted group in France. We see the same thing in Europe."

This is reflected in the Pew Foundation 2014 Global Attitudes survey - which suggests that in Europe unfavourable attitudes towards Roma and Muslims are more prevalent than those toward Jews.

The Pew survey also reports lower levels of anti-Semitic sentiment than suggested by the ADL survey. For France, the Pew survey suggests 10% of people have unfavourable attitudes towards Jewish people, which contrasts with the ADL poll's suggestion that 37% of people in France are anti-Semitic.

While it's difficult to see clear evidence of a broad upward trend in anti-Semitism, there's still fear in some parts of the Jewish community.

A poll published last week by the Jewish Chronicle website suggested that "almost two-thirds of British Jews have questioned their future in the UK amid rising anti-Semitism".


Entire article here: BBC News - Is there a rising tide of anti-Semitism in the West

I have to wonder why threads like this attract so many stupid people. I guess there aren't any smart people who think Jews are the cause of all the world's problems.

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