Maybe They're Waiting For The WhiteHouse To approve Their Stories?


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[So far, the three majors, ABC, CBS, and NBC have maintained a complete news blackout on the Univision Networks Fast and Furious story reporting last night. Perhaps they're just waiting for the WhiteHouse to finish vetting, factchecking and correcting what they may have to report to their viewers, New York Times style. Or, maybe, they're just sitting on a potential October Surprise for their Fav and waiting until the wind dies down a little, fallout risk, yano They used to hold the Yucca Flat testing when the wind was unfavorable, too. Just a little caveat here, fellas, sitting on something with an explosive potential holds the risk of your ending up with a few more hemmorrhoids than you had when you first sat down.
The Three Monkeys Game, "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil" must be a fun game, they play it so often at the majors when Barry's negatively involved. "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear, does it make a sound?"]

"Over the weekend the Univision network broke major news in the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal. They found 57 previously unreported guns used in crimes by Mexican cartels, but ABC, CBS and NBC have yet to report the Spanish-language network’s findings. There were zero mentions on Sunday night’s ABC's World News and CBS's Evening News (NBC's Nightly News was pre-empted by Ryder Cup coverage) or on any of Monday’s morning shows. The blackout on ABC’s broadcasts is particularly confounding since they have an excerpt from Univision's report on ABC's official Web site.

The refusal by ABC, CBS or NBC to report the findings is remarkable since the Univision report not only contains politically explosive information to a sitting administration at the height of the election season but also compelling human tragedy. Univision’s Gerardo Reyes and Santiago Wills reported “Indirectly, the United States government played a role in the massacre” of 14 Mexican teens in a one-story house by “supplying some of the firearms uses by the cartel murders.”

The lack of coverage by the Big Three (ABC, NBC, CBS) networks continues their trend of mostly ignoring major events in the scandal that has led to calls for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation."

ABC, CBS & NBC Blackout Major New Findings in Fast & Furious Scandal |
"Multikulti ist kaput" when it throws a shadow on their boy. All of a sudden, its English only. Quick about face if there ever was one.

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