Maybe Trump does have something here.....uhmmmmmmmm

Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

At first I thought you run out of drugs and came to your senses.

But you know what, I think you had it in you all along. I am not agreeing with you completely, since I am for building a wall, and kicking all illegals out, but you made some progress here.

I would advise you thought, stay off the drugs, and get rid of the bold letters, you'll be fine.

Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

The US Congress passed major immigration legislation into law several times within the past 100 years.

The Federal Government REFUSES to adhere to & to uphold these laws.

This is the fault of both Democrats & Republicans.

IMO, previous laws need to be fully enforced; period.

This is not a Trump thing at all; it has noting to do with Trump.

And by the way; screw Trump.
Anybody and everybody knows, I hate Trump, but Trump is right guys, he's right. Forget about the wall and all this other bs he talks about, but he's on point, with minimizing immigration. We can't on the one hand whine about the high costs of healthcare in this country and wanting to dismantle anything that helps take care of our people and then whine about illegals not getting the proper health needs they get once in this country. If we're to go on this mantra about people being poor, overwhelmed with violence, threatened, etc...then we must open our borders to every 3rd world country in the world, because everybody got a little misery going on in their lives, latino's are not exclusive to this shit. They do exploit their kids, like this little girl of late, whom they're using as a the poster child for the country less than a few months and the kid speaks better english than our own?????

I'm not saying, lets build the effin wall, I'm not saying let cut immigration all together, what I am saying is the at some point, THE US CAN NOT HOUSE EVERY MISERABLE BASTARD IN THE WORLD WANTING TO COME HERE, WE CAN'T. All these bleeding heart liberals would shit a brick if any of these people moved in their communities and took em over, like they do in poor communities all across this nation. You can't even get a fuckin job in Ca. unless your bi-lingual. And to all these bleeding heart liberals, once in this country, once given citizenship...ITS THE GOP party, these coat tail riding folk cling to in the end, not the democratic party, we're just the one's that bring them to the dance, they leave with a conservative.

All I'm saying is let step back, take a look at the millions that here already, not to mention the thousands waiting to be heard and the millions that will certainly enter this year, lets see what impact once again immigration is having on TAX PAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEASE!!

The US Congress passed major immigration legislation into law several times within the past 100 years.

The Federal Government REFUSES to adhere to & to uphold these laws.

This is the fault of both Democrats & Republicans.

IMO, previous laws need to be fully enforced; period.

This is not a Trump thing at all; it has noting to do with Trump.

And by the way; screw Trump.
Somewhere between 65 billion and 100 billion dollars a year depend on an open border.... And that's just the drug money.
Add to that all the money the corporations see themselves saving in low wages, the corrupt money that makes its way into the local municipalities where elected officials often end up on the receiving end, and the fact that the DEA and the prison system both depend heavily on population count .... you find yourself fighting a quarter of a billion dollar monster that has more power than DC.


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